BBB:What is the Baptist Bible Bulletin The mass of mail that we get, "pro and con," shows that the Body of Christ in America today (and we often get it from New Zealand, Germany, the Philippines, Ireland, England, etc.) is split and has been split right down the middle by the Alexandrian Cult--that elite group of self-appointed Bible correctors whose Nicolaitan motives led them to establish themselves as a sort of New Testament Levitical priesthood in charge of the scriptures. These gentlemen after a good hundred year stint of hard work (1880-1980) have succeeded in dividing the Body of Christ into two discordant groups: those who believe the Book, and those who don't. In this paper our work has been to emphasize this vital twentieth century truth over, and over, and over again, to the point of boring redundancy. We realize how grueling and grinding it has been for some of you to put up with the mass of negative material that you find in the BBB. We apologize for it, but only for a necessary "evil" that must be endured if you are going to retain your hold on belief in the Holy Bible. I realize we have been very rude and crude at times, if not downright "vulgar" and "hateful," at least in the minds of "modern men" who are tuned to coping, sharing, dialogues, impacts, ecumenicism, love, unity, and so forth. TRUTH is "somethin' else," as they say down South. Having sowed enough discord among the brethren to destroy an entire nation (and continent), the Christian scholars and educators (with their pseudo-intellectual friends) continue to correct the word of God night and day in every classroom in America with a redundancy that would make this paper come into your home like a refreshing breeze of spring air. The child "pastor" on the "Campus Church" at PCS, here in Pensacola, corrects it on the radio better than five times a program and refers to "the Hebrew and Greek" like he thought he had published a lexicon. To add insult to egotism, his delivery would take any real male from twelve to eighteen years old and turn him off the Book forever. The delivery is that of a rich, spoiled, delicate sissy. Anyone in Pensacola stupid enough to take the "Fundamentalism" of PCS seriously would assume from WPCS that real Biblical Christianity is a girlish performance on a stage, backed up by professional actors. No one would ever think that Bible believing Christians preach on the street, argue with unsaved doctors and lawyers, attack the Catholic hierarchy, win prostitutes and drunkards to Christ, or put twenty percent of their incomes into foreign missions. This is not the Christianity being presented by the Alexandrian Cult: neither here nor anywhere else. This childish, destructive criticism of a Book that will judge the believer's MOTIVES and INTENTS (Heb. 4:12-13) divides the Body again. First of all, the discord sown by Wuest, Zodhiates, Schaff, Thayer, Trench, Nestle, Metzger, Kenyon, Streeter, Machen, and Robertson divides it into those who believe the Book and those who sit in judgment on it, then it again divides those that sit in judgment on it into one group of highly trained linguists who devote their lives to getting rid of it (ASV, NASV, NIV, NKJV, etc.) and pseudo- intellectuals who are so sissified that they would make a red-blooded young man SICK to even listen to them. In modern Christian colleges and universities, they have to listen to them. Our job in the BBB has been to alert the Bible believers about these matters and keep them constantly posted and "up-to-date" on every movement by Conservatives and Fundamentalists that has about it the "smell" of apostasy: every first step, however small, that we can be sure leads downward to the present condition of the University of Chicago, Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Dartmouth, Oxford, Cambridge, Tubingen, Union Theological Seminary, Louisville Theological Seminary, etc. It has not been a pleasant job. We apologize to our readers. Many of them have no background at all in these matters, and the sudden appearance of the names of some of their friends shocks them, I am sure, when these names appear in the context of the Alexandrian Cult. Again, many of the names are completely unknown; the reader has never seen them before, so they are of no interest to him. We understand all of this perfectly. However, duty is duty: "Befehl ist Befehl." We cannot sit by for the last half of the last century and allow God's people to be deceived AGAIN (after ten thousand times before) by the same crowd that pulled off the same act back in 1650, 1700, 1750, 1800, 1850, and again in 1900. The Alexandrian Cult is an EDUCATIONAL CULT and worships scholarship: it is secular humanism in the religious realm. Alexandrians are absolute, pure PRAGMATISTS: they "use" what works for them ($$$). In this case, they USE a Book they do NOT believe. They use it because YOU believe it. That is how they get your enrollment, subscription, attendance, and support. They use it for the same reason that the Pope uses the Christian profession of faith from 325 (Nicaea) to get control over GOVERNMENTS: it works. I have always been aware of the fact that many of our readers simply plug up their ears and shut their eyes when they get this paper for they simply are not battle hardened enough to stand the blast. It is like their first artillery bonbardment after spending ten years in an ROTC unit. I genuinely sympathize with these readers even though I often poke fun at them for their lack of discipline and "hardness" as "good soldiers" of Jesus Christ. They are genuinely deceived. They think that a "militant stand" means little printed and spoken statements that back up the "Apostles' Creed"--which contains ALL OF THE FUNDAMENTALS found in a "Congress of Fundamentalism," or a Bastion for Babies, or a Fortress of Foolishness. Much contributes to this deception. When BJU has lan Paisley in to preach, you would think that the faculty and staff were "fire eaters" LIKE Paisley. They are not. They don't even BELIEVE what Paisley believes about the Book. By his own profession of faith (to be published in "The Last Grenade") he would be to them an "illogical, unreasonable, King James Only" FANATIC. But the association deceived the unwary. PCS does the same thing by having men like Curtis Hutson and Hugh Pyle. This gives the naive Christian the impression that PCS will train his children to be SOUL-WINNING, PREMILLENNIAL BAPTISTS, while they are getting the "culture" and "high academic standards." They will come out nothing of the kind. The association is designed on purpose to deceive, and it accomplishes its objective. The NCCC uses Billy Graham for the same purpose, and the old FCCC used Gypsy Smith for the same purpose. The Baptist Union of England did the same thing with Charles Haddon Spurgeon after he was dead; they erected a statue of him. He fought them all of his life. Modern Bible perverters will use the names of Tyndale and Wycliffe every time you turn around. They no more resemble these two men than Bob Jones III or James Combs resembles Lester Roloff or J. Frank Norris. The associations are there to deceive; they do just that. Our job is to point out the DIFFERENCES; not similarities. Our job is DISCRIMINATION; not amalgamation. Our job is DESTRUCTIVE CRITICISM of destructive Bible critics of any hue, and our job is going to get "touchy" every time where it deals with a Fundamentalist who professes what he does not believe. These hypocrites today are all Fundamentalists and Conservatives, either in the Catholic camp or the Baptist camp. They use a Book they do not believe; they "prefer" a Book on the grounds of income ($$$); they sit in judgment on it day and night and use tradition to correct it. It has been our job to point this out over, and over, and over, and over again. It is a work God wanted done, so it has been done for nearly forty years. No one here is jealous of anyone or anyone's work. No one here "hates" anyone or anyone's work. That is the impression that you would get if you were a milk-fed, diaper-clad NOVICE. And many of you are just that. Your shame is not that you don't know what is going on; your shame is that you do not want to know what is going on, and you intend to remain a milk sop the rest of your life. You are not going to "grow in grace," and you are not going to be "built up in the word," and the fact that you profess to believe it and "use" it (or "memorize" it) means absolutely nothing if you are not man enough to stand up and OPPOSE those who criticize, correct, nullify, counterfeit, or damage it. I will illustrate why we have to apologize to that type of a Christian. I am going to set these gentlemen side by side against each other, and the fact that they are all saved and agree on many things will have no bearing on my comparisons at all, for I am going to show you the QUALITY and CHARACTER of those who believe the Book and those who do not, with no regard for your personal feelings about any of them. This is strictly objective: Balance BOB GRAY, as a man and a minister, against "Hot Dog" Hymers. Balance LESTER ROLOFF, as a man and a minister, against Donald Waite. Balance JOHN BUNYAN, as man and a minister, agains Curtis Hutson. Balance IAN PAISLEY against Stewart Custer. Balance BRUCE CUMMONS against Robert Sumner. Balance JACK HYLES against Bob Jones Jr. Balance THOMAS DEWITT TALMAGE against Doug Kutilek (or Homer Duncan). Balance C.H. SPURGEON against Moser, Hudson, and all their friends. Balance VICTOR SEARS or EDMOND DINANT against Combs, Dell, and Sherman. Balance JOHN RAWLINGS or BEAUCHAMP VICK against Neal, Panosian, Custer, Wisdom, Smith, and the entire faculty at PCC. Balance BILLY SUNDAY against the faculties and staffs of Maranatha, Cedartown, Clearwater, Denver, Dallas, and Louisville. Balance J.C. PHILPOT (The Gospel Standard) against Wemp, Freerkson, and Willmington. Balance HUGH PYLE or TOM MALONE against Afman, Price, and Martin (TTS). And don't pretend that I have divided what was equal. Don't kid yourself into thinking that since all of these men are "born again," militant "Fundamentalists" or love each other that they have ANYTHING IN COMMON when it comes to believing THE BOOK. The men on the left are not Bible correctors; they are Bible preachers. They submitted to the authority of the Book. "Ruckman" doesn't enter anywhere. "Ruckman" is not even involved. "Ruckman" is a man who writes books and tracts, trains ministers, pastors a church, and teaches in a school. "Ruckman" is a blank. He doesn't even PROFESS to have anything to do with the issue. The issue is God's Holy Bible--THE BOOK. I simply would (and do) side with the men in the left hand column. They don't "use" the Book because they "prefer" it. They preach it because they BELIEVE it. I could list fifty more (Harley Keck, George Grace, Jim White, Rick DeMichele, Ken Blue, Carl Lackey, Maze Jackson, LeRoy Wright, Roger Rendall, Mike Roberts, Buddy Cargill, Perry Rockwood, et al.) without even checking my mailing list or my library. For every Bible correcting, passive sissy on a college campus, I can produce a soul winning evangelist, pastor, or missionary who is on the field, actively engaged in CONTACT with the enemies of God and the Bible. The BBB was originated for that purpose: to point out the DIFFERENCES. Our job is not divisive; it is simply to point out the DISCORD in the Body of Christ that was the RESULT of higher Christian education (1901-1940) trying to take over that Body and dictate orders to it. All of this will be clear in our publication, "The Last Grenade," when it comes out. Educated idiots and intellectual sissies are the real church-splitters in modern American Fundamentalism. They operate out of Christian colleges, seminaries, and universities. Our job is to alert you in regards to this bedrock truth which is TRUER than the laws of gravity and physics. We apologize for our crudeness and vulgarity. We had to get your attention. We've got it, and we have the attention of the Alexandrian Cult, "You better believe it!" In the last few months before our Lord returns, we intend to double the pressure, Lord willing. Our apologies. If you want something sweet and helpful, get Zodhiates's "Pulpit Helps;" if you want something "evangelistic," get you a Sword of the Lord; if you want something organizational, get you The Baptist Bible Tribune; if you want a real stirring up, get The Flaming Torch. There is no end to periodicals that are written soberly, decently, and inoffensively (The Flaming Torch might scorch you, though!). You do not have to read the BBB. We have no intention of doing anything but unmasking a Nicolaitan conspiracy until the day we are called home or go up in the Rapture. Sorry; it can't be helped.