BBB:Bible preservation by Herb Evans The following article is by Herb Evans and contains a very interesting quotation by Dr. J. Frank Norris, given in June 1924. Frank Norris is repudiated by "Hot Dog" Hymers and Gary Hudson. He is also repudiated by the faculty and staff at Baptist Bible College, as well as Arlington. Read the article; it's very interesting. Notice that Gary Hudson professed here to have an advanced revelation from what he wrote several months ago in his book, "Why I Left Ruckmanism." He said the King James was an exact copy of the originals. I have the quotation, and it will appear in print pretty soon in our publication called "The Last Grenade." by Herb Evans ". . . my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever" (Isa. 59:21). "The one issue between the fundamentalists and the modernists is the integrity of the Scriptures....Have we an infailible, supernaturally inspired and inerrant Bible? On the answer to the question hangs the whole body of truth. If we have no infallible Bible, then we have no infallible Christ" (Dr. J. Frank Norris, Sixth World's Fundamental Convention, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 1924). "I do not `now' believe that the TR nor the MT are infallible or inerrant, and I NEVER HAVE....I do not believe an exact, inerrant version or text exists" (Gary R. Hudson, October 30, 1989). Friend and foe alike, who have been observing the "supposed Ruckmanite Defector" (what did he defect from?), will no doubt wonder at the latest advanced revelaion. We wonder what the periodicals and Bible society, which sponsored his books and tapes, are going to do with the obvious contradiction to their own charter and position. We had tried, unsuccessfully, to get Gary to admit to such a clear, concise statement, to no avail. Dallas Bunch, a pastor in Maryland, was able to get this statement from Gary in writing. Gary has come a long way from his early days of speaking "double- speak," and we commend him for it. We can remember when Gary believed that copies, which Timothy had, were "inspired" and "preserved." We can remember when Gary accused Dr. Ruckman and "Ruckmanites" of changing, adding to, and dishonoring the "God-given Hebrew and Greek texts." We can remember when he called something the "providentially preserved texts." We can even remember when Gary believed that "the correct line of Hebrew and Greek manuscripts" were the scriptures, which "cannot be broken," and spoke of the "preserved wording of the original texts." We are most perplexed as to the reason why Gary even bothers to chastise corrections of the Greek with the English or advanced revelations from the English. What about advanced revelations from the errant, fallible Greek and Hebrew? What a strange view of "preservation"! We wonder if it was taught prior to 1950.