The examples in this directory serve as simple examples on setting up and using the MemSL data structures. Each of the MemSL data structure types has one or more examples that demonstrates opening, adding, deleting and closing the data structure. While the examples in this directory do little more then add items to a data structure, the example programs in the sub-directories of this directory are more complicated. The sub-directories in this directory include: MAKEUTIL - Contains the make files that are included in the sub-directories. These makefile includes are similar to the ones in the main MemSL directory. ARRAY - Provides proof that the MemSL can be used to allocate multi-dimensional arrays as large as (or larger than) ten dimensions. QUEUE - Demonstrates using a queue as a ring buffer for buffering the keyboard. The keyboard buffer is also used in the editor demo for keyboard buffering and macros. DHASH - Demonstrates using a hash table for spell checking. The dictonary only contains 5000 words and does not check for anything other then exact matches. AVLTREE - A better MS-DOS directory listing program modeled after the UNIX ls command. Provides sorted, reverse sorted, date sorted, time sorted, and recursive directory listings. EDITOR - Demonstrates, to the limits, using the MemSL linked lists to provide a full screen editor. The editor is a full featured text editor which provides highlighted text selection, cut, copy, paste, keyboard macros, search and replace. The editor also creates multiple backup files in the format of "filename.b##" where '#' is the current number of the backup. NOTE: The above example programs are not automaticly built and may not compile on all compilers and systems. In fact, the only compilers currently supported are Microsoft C and Borland C on MS-DOS systems. A UNIX port is planned in the future.