*************** ****************** ****INTRODUCTION**** ****************** *************** Test Drive is a demo version of the UniKey AEGIS system. It has similar features to the regular version. The only difference is that demo AEGIS uses a powered printer to emulate the UniKey protection device. AEGIS is a ready-made encryption and protection package that works in combination with special versions of Software Security hardware keys to provide complete protection for your software application and data files. There are separate versions of AEGIS to protect DOS and Windows or Windows NT applications. The DOS version of AEGIS is called DOS AEGIS, the Windows version is called WIN AEGIS, and the NT version is called NT AEGIS. Test Drive contains only the WIN AEGIS. The Windows 3.x, 95, and NT versions are available with our full Developer's kit. AEGIS takes the application program that you input and encrypts its executable code. Next, it builds a set of secure, application specific interrogation routines for your application. Finally, AEGIS bundles the interrogation routines together with your encrypted executable and creates a new executable file. The new executable is enclosed in a highly-secure protective wrapper called a "shell". The interrogation routines check for the presence of a designated hardware key for your application. If the correct key is found, AEGIS decrypts your application in memory only and executes the application. If no hardware key is found or if the wrong one is attached to the user's computer, AEGIS will neither decrypt nor execute your application. In the demo version of AEGIS, a printer connected to the the parallel port (on/off) emulates the hardware key (connected/ disconnected, respectively). The following instructions are an overview for using the demo version of AEGIS Test Drive. Our full AEGIS documentation is available with the full Developer's kit. The file called BOUNCE.EXE has been included in the directory \testd\ for you to test with. ******************* ********************* ****RUNNING WIN AEGIS**** ********************* ******************* This section contains information and instructions for setting up AEGIS protection for your Windows application. At the RUN command line, type C:\testd\winaegis.exe and click OK or ENTER assuming C: is where Test Drive has been installed. AEGIS will now begin a series of screen prompts. NOTE: To exit AEGIS at any time, press ESC. The system will prompt you for confirmation. ************ *INPUT FILE* ************ At the INPUT FILE prompt, enter the name of the application you want to protect. This must be a .EXE or .COM file, although you do not need to enter the extension. NOTE: be sure to include the path with the filename. ********* *OVERLAY* ********* If you are protecting an application that contains an embedded overlay, the system displays the OVERLAY prompt for you to choose whether or not to encrypt the overlay part of your code. Software Security recommends encrypting the overlay, especially if your application uses a 386-extender bounded program. AEGIS decodes the overlay code on the fly at run time. ************* *OUTPUT FILE* ************* At the OUTPUT FILE prompt, enter the new path and file name for the protected application. By default the system uses the same extension as the original program. NOTE: Use a name that is not already in the specified directory. The system will not overwrite an existing file with the same name. ********************** *ENCRYPTED DATA FILES* ********************** Use this prompt to select the data files you want to encrypt. When you encrypt data files, the system decrypts them on the fly at runtime. However, you need the Developer's kit to use the encrypted file feature. File encryption is not available in the demo version. FILE TYPES: You can encrypt the following types of data files: Database files Parameter files Language-specific message files External overlay code NOTE: Completing this prompt does not initiate the data file encryption process. You must use a separate program, DATENCR.EXE that is described in the full documentation. (MANUAL.DOC) ********** *MESSAGES* ********** Use the MESSAGES selection box to select the appropriate language for the AEGIS error messages. If your application fails to start, the system displays an error message in the language you choose. You may also create your own user-defined error message. Options are: ENGLISH, GERMAN, SPANISH or USER-DEFINED. *********** *SELF-TEST* *********** Use the SELF-TEST selection box to indicate whether to include a self-test in your application. This test is useful for virus detection. It is run each time an end user starts your program. The self-test uses a checksum to determine whether the application code has been modified. If a modification exists, the program terminates with an error message. ********** *RESIDENT* ********** Use the RESIDENT selection box to keep a 6K routine resident in memory while your application runs to check for the presence of the AEGIS UniKey at a regular interval. Selecting "Yes" ensures that the application will not continue to run if the AEGIS UniKey is removed from its port. The execution is halted and resumes operation when the device is reattached. This prevents users from running your application on more than one computer at a time. The 6K routine is removed from memory when the user terminates your application. ************* *EXPERT MODE* ************* You may select EXPERT MODE to increase security by removing instructions from the beginning of your application code and inserting them in the shell encryption or by modifying your application code. EXPERT MODE is not an option in the demo version. ***************************************** ******************************************* ****TESTING YOUR APPLICATION'S PROTECTION**** ******************************************* ***************************************** To test your application, disconnect printer from the parallel port on your computer. Next, enter the executable file name that starts your application. The computer should issue the message: This program requires AEGIS to run ** Reattach the printer and run your application. If you selected Resident Mode and the hardware key is removed when the application is running, the program halts after the selected time-out period. Reattaching the key resumes execution. In Resident Mode, the key must be attached at all times for your application to run. If you did not select Resident Mode, the system will check for the hardware key at start up only. In this case, your application will continue to run if the hardware key is removed during program execution. REMINDER: The output filename is the protected executable. **NOTE AEGIS IS THE DEFAULT MESSAGE