Ultimate TCP/IP FAQs

Are runtimes royalty-free?

YES. Like all our products Ultimate TCP/IP is licensed on a per developer basis. There is no additional charge based upon the number of users you eventually deliver applications to. As an example, suppose you work in a small programming group with 3 developers. You are working on a commercial POP3/SMTP email server application to be based in Windows NT. You would only need to purchase 3 copies of the Ultimate TCP/IP development library, one for each developer.

Can I use this library on MIPS, Alpha or PowerPC based systems?

YES. By purchasing the source code for Ultimate TCP/IP you can develop for any Windows NT supported architecture. The source includes all the components necessary to compile on your preferred platform.

Are site licenses available?

YES. If your development group includes 5 or more developers you should contact us regarding site licensing. Site licenses include not only documentation and software for each developer but the source code as well.

Can the existing WWW and FTP servers be modified easily?

YES. All of our included server and client examples can be easily modified to suit any purpose. We fully expect you to use our examples as a basis for your development projects. The examples provided are fully functional.

Can I create new or custom protocols using this library?

YES. You can use our low level library to create any protocol you wish. Digital Video, Internet Radio, or telephone functions would be good examples of protocols you might develop with out library. To make your custom projects progress quickly we recommend you use one of our example protocols, like WWW, as a basis for your development.

If you have a question that you would like added please EMAIL it to us.

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