This file explains how you can edit the text in two files, ORCHPLUS.INI and OPPATCH.INI to customize the way MIDI Orchestrator Plus works. The procedures described below are optional. For normal operation in most situations it isn't necessary to edit either file. ORCHPLUS.INI, stores a number of user settings and preferences, in a manner similar to most Windows programs. OPPATCH.INI stores the names of patches and controllers that are displayed in various windows and dialog boxes. ================================================== General Notes and Precautions: The techniques described below are recommended for advanced users only. Changing settings in an improper manner may cause MIDI Orchestrator Plus to run incorrectly. Make backup copies before editing these files. Use only an ASCII text editor, such as Windows Notepad or DOS Edit, to change ORCHPLUS.INI or OPPATCH.INI. After you edit files, you must restart MIDI Orchestrator Plus for your changes to take effect. ================================================== ORCHPLUS.INI The settings discussed below can be added or changed only by editing ORCHPLUS.INI with a text editor. Other settings in ORCHPLUS.INI should only be changed from within the program. Recovering from errors: If you make a mistake editing the ORCHPLUS.INI file, delete the entire line containing the error. The deleted setting will be restored to its default value. You can also delete the ORCHPLUS.INI file entirely. MIDI Orchestrator Plus will automatically create a new ORCHPLUS.INI file the next time it is run. All preferences and settings will be restored to default values. The [Options] section affects the way MIDI Orchestrator handles MIDI data: [Options] MidiIsWave=x MaxTracks=nnn WriteMutedTracks=x ppq=nnn undosize=nnn MidiIsWave=x x may be 1 or 0 Default is 0 This setting affects only AudioStation users. If you have a Sound Card that uses the same hardware for both MIDI in and Wave playback, you may want to set this to 1 so that MIDI Orchestrator Plus opens the MIDI in driver only while it is active or when you are recording. Normally, MIDI Orchestrator Plus opens the input driver any time AudioStation is active to allow you to play MIDI thru to another device. MaxTracks=nnn nnn can be an integer from 1 to 16000 Default is 1000 Sets the maximum number of tracks you can edit. To save memory, choose the smallest number that meets your needs. Be sure to allow a few extra tracks for copying and pasting. WriteMutedTracks=x x may be 1 or 0 Default is 0 If x = 1, files saved in MIDI (.MID) format will include tracks that are temporarily silenced by the Mute and/or Solo buttons. This guards against accidental loss of data when saving files in MIDI format. However, the file may not play back exactly as it was when you last listened to it. Files saved in MIDI Orchestrator's .ORC file format always include all tracks, including those that are temporarily silenced by the Mute and/or Solo buttons. ppq=nnn Default is 480. Sets value for PPQ (parts per quarter note). MIDI Orchestrator Plus subdivides each quarter note into nnn parts. If you open a file that has a different PPQ value, MIDI Orchestrator Plus will change the file's PPQ setting to the one shown here. There is rarely any reason to change this value. undosize=nnn nnn may range from 1 - 4000 Default is 12. Sets the maximum number of operations you can reverse with the undo command. For example, if nnn is set to 10, your ten most recent operations will be temporarily saved and each Undo command cancels one of them in turn. When you save a file, load a new file, or exit MIDI Orchestrator Plus, the undo buffer is cleared. To save memory, choose the smallest number you can work comfortably with. The [View] section can change how the Bar View looks. [View] BarWidth=nnn xinset=nnn yinset=nnn BarSkip=nnn hashskip=nnn Color0=rrr ggg bbb Color1=rrr ggg bbb Color2=rrr ggg bbb Color3=rrr ggg bbb Color4=rrr ggg bbb Color5=rrr ggg bbb Color6=rrr ggg bbb Color7=rrr ggg bbb Color8=rrr ggg bbb Color9=rrr ggg bbb NumColors=nnn DenSen=nnn Mono=x BarWidth=nnn Default is 10. Sets the width in pixels of one bar in the Track/View window. nnn must equal at least twice xinset + 1. xinset=nnn Default is 2. Sets the horizontal margin for each MIDI data block (the rectangle that represents a measure of MIDI data) within its bar. If you set nnn to 0, each block fills the entire width of the bar, and all the blocks meet along their left and right edges. yinset=nnn Default is 2. Sets the vertical margin for each data block within its bar. If you set nnn to 0, each block fills the entire height of the bar, and all the blocks meet along their top and bottom edges. BarSkip=nnn Default is 8. Sets the interval between numbered bars in the bar ruler. A value of 8 means every eighth bar is labeled with a number. Must be greater than or equal to hashskip. hashskip=nnn Default is 2. Sets the interval in bars between vertical hash lines in the bar ruler. Color0=rrr ggg bbb to Color9=rrr ggg bbb Sets the colors of the data blocks used to represent each degree MIDI density. The letters "rrr," "ggg" and "bbb" represent values from 0 to 255 for red, green and blue. Normally, colors range from Color0 =255 255 255 (white) to Color9=0 0 0 (black). NumColors=nnn Value may range from 2 - 10. Default is 10. Sets the number of different shades or colors available to draw data blocks. Color0 is always the first color used. DenSen=nnn Default is 1. Sets the number of MIDI events which trigger a jump to the next color. Mono=x x may be 1 or 0 Default is 0 If x=1, MIDI Orchestrator Plus uses monochrome bitmaps to simulate colors of data blocks. This option is useful for monochrome systems, such as portables and laptops. The [Thru] section controls the operation of MIDI thru: [Thru] DefPort=nnn DefChan=nnn DefFollowTrack=nnn ThruPoolSize=nnn DefPort=nnn Possible values depend on MIDI interface hardware. Default is 0. Sets the port to which MIDI Thru sends data on startup. DefChan=nnn May range from 0 - 15. Default is 1 Sets Channel to which MIDI Thru assigns data on startup. MIDI data is thru'ed on the same channel it was received on. DefFollowTrack=nnn Default is 0 (Track # 1). Selects which track's settings will be used for MIDI for thru, until a track is chosen for recording. NOTE: Once a track is selected for recording, Thru will use that track until you select another track or exit the program. ThruPoolSize=nnn Default is 127 Sets the maximum number of notes that MIDI Orchestrator Plus can receive simultaneously as MIDI Thru data. The [Transcription] section controls how musical notation is transcribed and printed: [Transcription] MaxChordRange=nnn SuppressRestsRatio=nnn MaxChordRange=nnn nnn may range from 3 - 127 Default is 14 (Major 9th). Sets the maximum pitch range which will produce a single voice within a track. This option is useful when you want to render certain notes as part of a different chord, for example, to render left and right hand parts separately in a piano transcription. SuppressRestsRatio=nnn nnn may range from 0 - 100 Default value is 70. Sets the "Normal" ratio used in the Suppress Rests option. The Notation and Piano Roll windows maintain rest suppression settings independently. The [PianoRoll] section controls how MIDI data is transcribed in the Piano Roll window: [PianoRoll] SuppressRestsRatio=nnn nnn may range from 0 - 100 Default value is 70. Sets the "Normal" ratio used in the Suppress Rests option. The Notation and Piano Roll windows maintain rest suppression settings independently. ********************************************************* OPPATCH.INI The OPPATCH.INI file stores the text that appears in various windows and dialog boxes to identify patches and controllers. This file already contains listings for a number of popular synthesizers. If patch names for your synthesizer are not listed, you can create your own list of patch names for your synthesizer. You can also customize the controller names. Though the text in OPPATCH.INI affects what you see on the screen, it does not affect the operation of the program. The actual patches and controllers are determined by your hardware. The settings discussed below can be changed only by editing OPPATCH.INI with a text editor. OPPATCH.INI must be in your Windows directory Recovering from errors: To restore the original patch names, obtain a fresh copy of OPPATCH.INI from the installation disk. OPPATCH.INI is stored as a compressed file called OPPATCH.IN_. You must use the the DOS utility EXPAND.EXE to de-compress it. Place the disk containing OPPATCH.IN_ is a floppy drive, then use EXPAND to copy OPPATCH.INI to your hard disk drive. For example, if the disk containing OPPATCH.IN_ is in drive A: and MIDI Orchestrator Plus is installed in C:\ORCHPLUS, type: EXPAND A:\OPPATCH.INI C:\ORCHPLUS and press the Enter key. See DOS help for further information on Expand. To add (or edit) a patch map: First, create a name for your patch map and add it to the list of Patch Maps. In the example below, we've created an entry for "My Patch Map" at position #2. [Patch Maps] 0=General MIDI 1=0..127 2=My Patch Map 3=Korg M1 The numbers to the left of the equal sign in the [Patch Maps] section must be consecutive, and must begin with zero. You may use a number to name an empty space. For example: [Patch Maps] 0= 1=My Patch Map is OK, but [Patch Maps] 1=My Patch Map is not. Create a new section header for your patch map anywhere below the [Patch Maps] section. Copy exactly the name you chose for your patch map in the previous step, and enclose it in square brackets. Follow this with your numbered list of patches, as shown below: [My Patch Map] 0=My Piano 1=My Flute 2=My Violin and so on, for up to 128 patches. Numbers to the left of the equal sign may range from 0 - 127. You don't need to name all 128 patches. If you choose not to name a patch you may omit its number. The program will display an integer instead. The patch map always uses 0 for the lowest patch number. If your synth uses patch numbers beginning with 1, you can instruct MIDI Orchestrator Plus to add 1 to each patch number for display. Add a "base=1" line to your patch map just below the bracketed patch map name, as shown below: [My Patch Map] base=1 0=My Piano 1=My Flute 2=My Violin and so on. Editing Controller Names: Each controller name has a full version and an abbreviated version. The full controller names appear in the Event Window and in some dialog boxes. These names appear in the [Controllers] section. The abbreviated controller names are used in screen displays where space is at a premium, such as in the Mixer screen and in the header in the Track/View Window. These names appear in the [Ctrls] section. Simply add or edit the text in these two sections to match the controller names in your device. The format is: n=text n may be any number from 0 - 127 The text may be anything you would like. Controllers names may appear in any order, or be omitted altogether. Try to limit the abbreviated versions to 6 or 7 characters.