00_CAT00.GIF Thumbnail catalog of directory, #00 BAKREEF.GIF Part of the Great Barrier Reef CANALS.GIF Type manfn+exp image CANALS1.GIF Type manfn+exp image CANALS2.GIF Type manfn+exp image GROTTO.GIF Type manfn+exp image HEXAGON.GIF Type manfn+exp image MCHPE8.GIF Type manfn+exp image MCPE.GIF Type manfn+exp image MCPE8.GIF Type manfn+exp image MOLD.GIF Type manfn+exp image MSHPE.GIF Type manfn+exp image PINCERS.GIF Type manfn+exp image RINCON.GIF Type manfn+exp image RNGWRLD.GIF Larry Niven's "Ringworld" TRIANGL.GIF Busted lava lamp WIZARDS.GIF Dueling wizards encased in ice