amy6p3l.gif Mangelbrot set image anemone.gif Sea anemone beanstk.gif Beanstalk Mandelbrot blueweb.gif Blue web Mandelbrot cross.gif Ojo de Deos csmcstr.gif Cosmic String danlion.gif Dandylion duke1.gif Mangelbrot set image dumbell.gif Dumb-bell embryo.gif Embryo folage1.gif Jungle folage folage2.gif Mangelbrot set image frostng.gif Birthday cake with colorful frosting galxies.gif Mangelbrot set image inward.gif Looking inward jelfish.gif Luminescent jellyfish komodo.gif Mangelbrot set image lichen.gif Mangelbrot set image lily1.gif Mabelbrot lily lily2.gif Mangelbrot set image lm22ant.gif Low maxiter 22-Legged-Ant lminlet.gif Bayou with water plants lsmlw12.gif Mangelbrot set image mbspidr.gif Mangelbrot set image microbs.gif Microscopic life nbz2850.gif Mangelbrot set image nsplzzz.gif Mandelbrot spiral octagon.gif Mangelbrot set image opposit.gif Mandelbrot spirals petals.gif Mangelbrot set image plgvew1.gif Mangelbrot set image plgvew2.gif Mangelbrot set image pods.gif Mandelbrot seed pods schmoos.gif Mangelbrot set image snakes1.gif Mangelbrot set image snakes2.gif Mandelbrot snakes spirls1.gif Mandelbrot spirals spirls2.gif More Mandelbrot spirals stickrs.gif Sticky pods sunflwr.gif Mandelbrot sunflower sunken.gif Mangelbrot set image ufos.gif Mandelbrot UFO's waydown.gif Deep tight Mandelbrot spiral