40001 dfsdf 40003 er 40004 40005 A 40006 A/B 40007 B 40008 View Preview 40009 Select Tool 40010 Reshape Tool 40011 Correspondence Tool 40012 Edge Tool 40013 Move Tool 40014 Zoom Tool 40015 Pen Tool 40016 Square Tool 40017 Circle Tool 40018 Freehand Tool 40019 A-Roll View 40020 A/B Roll View 40021 B-Roll View 40022 A-Roll Contrast 40023 A-Roll Brightness 40024 B-Roll Contrast 40025 B-Roll Brightness 40026 Preview Mode Select 40027 A/B Roll Percent Mix 40028 Frame Number 40029 Copyright (c) 1993-1994 Elastic Reality, Inc. 40030 This project has been modified\nSave before closing? 40031 Elastic Reality 40032 Motion/Transparency Editor 40033 New Group (%d) 40034 Fixed 40035 Sliding 40036 Convex-hull 40037 Cookie-cut 40038 Hard 40039 Soft 40040 Linear 40041 Draft 40042 Medium 40043 High quality 40044 Sharp 40045 Smooth 40046 All groups 40047 Def. group 40048 Linear 40049 Matte-roll 40050 None 40051 Low 40052 Medium 40053 High 40054 None 40055 Matte-roll 40056 A/B 40057 HQ Matte 40058 Groups 40060 Envision 41002 &Advanced >> 41003 << &Advanced 41004 Too few data points to create a shape 41005 Too small to create a shape. 41007 Missing frame number %d from %s 41008 A-Roll Matte 41009 Missing A Roll 41010 B-Roll Matte 41011 Missing B Roll\nA B Roll is required to perform a Morph 41012 AB-Roll Matte 41013 Matte Roll missing\nThe Matte roll is required for Extenal matting. 41014 Default Group Transparency 41015 External 41016 All Groups 41017 Cookie Cut (HQ) 41018 Linear 41019 50 Percent 41022 No matte 41039 The Keyboard Accelerator Table did not load 41040 Jigsaw 41041 Better 41042 Best 41043 A-Roll 41044 B-Roll 41045 High 41046 Low 41047 Medium 41048 Both 45000 DefaultString 45001 Invalid serial number.