XingIt! MPEG Player Software Demo (August 27,1993) The file MPEGVIEW.EXE installs Xing Technology, Inc.'s XingIt! MPEG Player Software Demo for IBM PC compatibles. Xing's "XingIt!" real-time video MPEG capture board, including encoding software, video and sound editor, and the full-featured player is available direct from Xing Technology, Inc. in Arroyo Grande, CA (See below for order info). The file MPEGVIEW.EXE is a self extracting archive. To install the player, create a new directory on your hard drive and copy MPEGVIEW.EXE into it. Change to that directory and type MPEGVIEW to extract the player files. The directory should then contain the following files: DMFW.EXE MPEG.EXE LOOKCHIP.DLL MPEG160.DLL MPEG320.DLL MSND_MP2.DLL MSND_WAV.DLL XINGIT.HLP AVEXTRA.TXT COMPAQ.TXT COPYRITE.TXT MPEGDLL.TXT README2.TXT XTITLE.MPG OEMSETUP.INF MCIMPEG.DRV XMPG_AVI.DRV Read the following files for other important information: - MPEGDLL.TXT for Boosting Video Playback Performance; - COMPAQ.TXT for compatibility with QVision boards; - AVEXTRA.TXT for conditions for free distribution. Next, start Windows and choose RUN from the program manager's FILE menu. In the RUN dialog box type the full path to the file DMFW.EXE. For example if you copied the MPEGVIEW.EXE file to a directory named C:\XING on your hard drive, you would type C:\XING\DMFW.EXE. You can also use the browse utility to locate the file. Once you enter the path to DMFW.EXE and choose run you should see the XingIt! player and logo appear. From the XingIt! player's FILE menu OPEN an MPEG file and click on the forward arrow icon to begin playing. MPEGVIEW.EXE also contains a DOS version of the player, MPEG.EXE. To run the DOS version, change to the directory where you extracted MPEGVIEW.EXE and type "MPEG MPEGFILENAME.MPG". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XingIt! MPEG Player Software Demo: Copyright (c) 1990-1993 Xing Technology Corporation XingIt! (tm) Version 1.0 Released 18 August 1993 This entire self-extracting archive may be freely distributed under the following conditions: 1. You may distribute copies of the entire original archive file as archived by Xing Technology with its authorized authentication code. 2. No charge may be made for copies re-distributed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCT INFORMATION Xing Technology's "XingIt!" real-time video capture board is currently available for $795 (beginning August 20, 1993, price subject to change) including encoding software, video and sound editors and the full-featured player. To order call 1-800-2-XINGIT (inside the U.S.) or contact Xing at: Xing Technology, Inc. 1540 West Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 USA Phone: (805) 473-0145 Fax: (805) 473-0147 BBS: (805) 473-2680 Other products: Picture Prowler - a fast JPEG image data base manager for Windows VTCompress - DOS JPEG viewer and C developer's libraries XingSound - MPEG encoder and player for Windows XING TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Xing Technology Corporation, is an active participant in the international committee that established and defined the JPEG and MPEG standards. Xing develops, licenses, and applies data compression technology to multimedia communications solutions. The company's products enable OEM's, developers and end-users to integrate words, sound, still and moving pictures into cost-effective PC-based business, education and training tools.