Name: Andrew Davies Address:NIBSC Blanche Lane, South Mimms, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, EN6 3QG. England. Telephone: (0707) 654753 Fax: (0707) 646730 Description The drawing was created in close liason with scientists who are using electron microscopy techniques to find the structure of the HIV virus. Working from accurate measurements , I worked from rough sketches to achieve the perspective required. Using linear and radial fills I achieved a three appearance. I put each part of the virus on it own layer within Corel Draw, so I could work on the various layers in isolation. The two viruses were drawn separately then merged into one drawing where text was added, I have enclosed a version with and without text. The illustration is an accurate visual representation of the AIDS virus. AIDS.CDR (WITH TEXT) AIDS1.CDR (WITHOUT TEXT)