System Roman gD|D| Tms Rmn gD|D| Tms Rmn gD|D| gD|D| Roman gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| System gD|D| enterbook enterbook Voyetra PC Sound Products s Rmn gD|D| Tms Rmn gD|D| gD|D| Tms Rmn gD|D| wAUfFNb X"Tbkwin.dll" WORD yieldapp() tbkMCI("close waveFile","") enterbook leavebook enterbook Tbkwin.dll yieldapp leavebook close waveFile tbkMCI Button Button AudioView AudioViewlllll Professional Digital Audio Recorder/Editor Professional Digital Audio Recorder/Editor tbkMCI("close waveFile","") buttonup buttonup close waveFile tbkMCI Return to Menu tbkMCI("close waveFile","") buttonup buttonup close waveFile tbkMCI One package includes an everything you need to harness the digital audio hardware on your MPC or PC sound card. Also, includes a Mixer and a CD ROM interface. One package includes an everything you need to harness the digital audio hardware on your MPC or PC sound card. Also, includes a Mixer and a CD ROM interface. :PHYSSIZE Audio Control Software for MPC's and PC Sound Cards. One package includes an ensemble of multimedia sound editing tools which allow control over every function of your multimedia sound card including... IDI, Digt! One package includes an ensemble of multimedia sound editing tools which allow control over every function of your multimedia sound card including... DI, Digt * Digital Audio Editor * MIDI Editor * MIDI Mapper * FM Synthesis Editor * CD Audio Controller * Audio Mixer Console * Digital Audio Editor * MIDI Editor * MIDI Mapper * FM Synthesis Editor * CD Audio Controller * Audio Mixer Console tbkMCI("close waveFile","") buttonup buttonup close waveFile tbkMCI Return to Menu tbkMCI("close waveFile","") buttonup buttonup close waveFile tbkMCI 2 d Button Button Sequencer Plus Sequencer Plus Button Button MIDI Recorder, Editor, Arranger Sequencer Plus has earned a legendary reputation as the music industry's most powerful and reliable MIDI software....oftware. MIDI Recorder, Editor, Arranger Sequencer Plus has earned a legendary reputation as the music industry's most powerful and reliable MIDI :PHYSSIZE Button :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE tbkMCI("close waveFile","") buttonup buttonup close waveFile tbkMCI Return to Menu tbkMCI("close waveFile","") buttonup buttonup close waveFile tbkMCI Button Button MusiClips MusiClips MIDI Song Files for PC Multimedia Productions. MIDI Song Files for PC Multimedia Productions. :PHYSSIZE Seven volumes of royalty free music for use in your multimedia presentations. Each volume includes over fifty standard MIDI file songs. MusiClips also adhere to the Microsoft Level 1 Authoring Standards....g Standards. Seven volumes of royalty free music for use in your multimedia presentations. Each volume includes over fifty standard MIDI file songs. MusiClips also adhere to the Microsoft Level 1 Authoring Standards....g Standards. Button tbkMCI("close waveFile","") buttonup buttonup close waveFile tbkMCI Return to Menu tbkMCI("close waveFile","") buttonup buttonup close waveFile tbkMCI System Roman gD|D| Tms Rmn gD|D| Tms Rmn gD|D| gD|D| Roman gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| System gD|D| enterbook enterbook Voyetra PC Sound Products s Rmn gD|D| Tms Rmn gD|D| gD|D| Tms Rmn gD|D| wAUfFNb X"Tbkwin.dll" WORD yieldapp() tbkMCI("close waveFile","") enterbook leavebook enterbook Tbkwin.dll yieldapp leavebook close waveFile tbkMCI bkMCI Multimedia Sound Programming Tools for DOS applications Sound Factory is a developer's toolkit for Voyetra's powerful set of DOS Applications Program Interfaces.(APIs). It offers programmers an easy way to enhance their applications with music, sound effects, narrations, CD Audio, etc. udio, etc. Button Button Button :PHYSSIZE Multimedia Sound Programming Tools for DOS applications Sound Factory is a developer's toolkit for Voyetra's powerful set of DOS Applications Program Interfaces.(APIs). It offers programmers an easy way to enhance their applications with music, sound effects, narrations, CD Audio, etc. dio, etc. Sound Factory Sound Factory tbkMCI("close waveFile","") buttonup buttonup close waveFile tbkMCI Return to Menu tbkMCI("close waveFile","") buttonup buttonup close waveFile tbkMCI Button Button Button :PHYSSIZE Multimedia Sound Programming Tools for DOS and Windows Sound Factory is a developer's toolkit for Voyetra's powerful set of DOS and Windows Applications Porgram Interfaces.(APIs). It offers programmers an easy way to enhance their applications with music, sound effects, narrations, CD Audio, etc. Sound Factory Sound Factory tbkMCI("close waveFile","") buttonup buttonup close waveFile tbkMCI Return to Menu tbkMCI("close waveFile","") buttonup buttonup close waveFile tbkMCI Button Button Button V-22/24Ssssssssssssssssss V-22/24S MIDI Interfaces Professional MIDI Interfaces The V-22 offers two MIDI inputs and two outputs for 32 MIDI channel capablity. An upgrade to the V-24S will provide four MIDI outputs and a SMPTE time code reader/generator. Professional MIDI Interfaces The V-22 offers two MIDI inputs and two outputs for 32 MIDI channel capablity. An upgrade to the V-24S will provide four MIDI outputs and a SMPTE time code reader/generator. :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE tbkMCI("close waveFile","") buttonup buttonup close waveFile tbkMCI Return to Menu tbkMCI("close waveFile","") buttonup buttonup close waveFile tbkMCI tbkMCI("close waveFile","") tbkMCIchk(" " && "m_intro. +" && "alias 9,1,1) 3cue L output") yieldapp() enterpage enterpage close waveFile tbkMCI m_intro.wav alias waveFile tbkMCIchk cue waveFile output tbkMCIchk yieldapp Button Button tbkMCI("close waveFile","") tbkMCIchk(" " && "audioviw. +" && "alias 9,1,1) 3play yieldapp tbkmmNotify status mode","") c"stop" GO TO PAGE 2 buttonUp tbkmmNotify buttonUp close waveFile tbkMCI audioviw.wav alias waveFile tbkMCIchk play waveFile tbkMCIchk yieldapp tbkmmNotify status waveFile mode tbkMCI pause close waveFile tbkMCI AudioView tbkMCI("close waveFile","") tbkMCIchk(" " && "m_intrfc. +" && "alias 9,1,1) 3play tbkmmNotify status | mode","") c"stop" GO TO PAGE 2 buttonUp tbkmmNotify buttonUp close waveFile tbkMCI m_intrfc.wav alias waveFile tbkMCIchk play waveFile tbkMCIchk tbkmmNotify status waveFile mode tbkMCI pause close waveFile tbkMCI V Series Interfaces tbkMCI("close waveFile","") tbkMCIchk(" " && "m_sndfct. +" && "alias 9,1,1) 3play tbkmmNotify status { mode","") c"stop" GO TO PAGE 2 buttonUp tbkmmNotify buttonUp close waveFile tbkMCI m_sndfct.wav alias waveFile tbkMCIchk play waveFile tbkMCIchk tbkmmNotify status waveFile mode tbkMCI pause close waveFile tbkMCI Sound Factory tbkMCI("close waveFile","") tbkMCIchk(" " && "m_clips. *" && "alias 8,1,1) 2play tbkmmNotify status z mode","") c"stop" GO TO PAGE 2 buttonUp tbkmmNotify buttonUp close waveFile tbkMCI m_clips.wav alias waveFile tbkMCIchk play waveFile tbkMCIchk tbkmmNotify status waveFile mode tbkMCI pause close waveFile tbkMCI MusiClips tbkMCI("close waveFile","") tbkMCIchk(" " && "m_sp. '" && "alias 5,1,1) /play tbkmmNotify |status w mode","") c"stop" GO TO PAGE 2 buttonUp tbkmmNotify buttonUp close waveFile tbkMCI m_sp.wav alias waveFile tbkMCIchk play waveFile tbkMCIchk tbkmmNotify status waveFile mode tbkMCI pause close waveFile tbkMCI Sequencer Plus Click on any of these Voyetra products to learn more! Click on any of these Voyetra products to learn more! Voyetra offers a complete line of multimedia sound products to help you create, edit, and enhance your multimedia sound track. For a free catalog call 800-233-9377..... tbkMCI("close waveFile","") buttonup buttonup close waveFile tbkMCI Voyetra offers a complete line of multimedia sound products to help you create, edit, and enhance your multimedia sound track. For a free catalog call 800-233-9377..... testbox tbkMCI("close waveFile","") tbkMCIchk(" " && "m_intro. +" && "alias 9,1,1) 3cue L output") yieldapp() enterpage enterpage close waveFile tbkMCI m_intro.wav alias waveFile tbkMCIchk cue waveFile output tbkMCIchk yieldapp buttonUp close waveFile tbkMCI m_sp.wav alias waveFile tbkMCIchk play waveFile tbkMCIchk tbkmmNotify status waveFile mode tbkMCI pause close waveFile tbkMCI Sequencer Plus Click on any of these Voyetra products to learn more! Click on any of these Voyetra products to learn more! Voyetra offers a complete line of multimedia sound products to help you create, edit, and enhance your multimedia sound track....................................... tbkMCI("close waveFile","") buttonup buttonup close waveFile tbkMCI tbkMCI("close waveFile","") tbkMCIchk(" " && "m_intro. *" && "alias 8,1,1) 2cue J output") yieldapp() enterpage enterpage close waveFile tbkMCI m_intro.wav alias waveFile tbkMCIchk cue waveFile output tbkMCIchk yieldapp yieldapp :PHYSSIZE enterpage enterpage 0 9 9 979w979 w979w979w9 0 w 99 9y9y9y 9y9y9y9y9y w979w9 9w979w979 r"wwp "&ffl wwg~w Gww~~ wptpp ~gGo~ ~w~pw wp~wwp~ pw~wp p~~pw~ww ~p~~ww ~ww~w ~~pw~~ ~~wp~w pw~~w @~~ww~~ ~p~w~~w~~ ww~~} ~~p~~ ~~w3~ ~w~~y ~{~~{ ~w{~w ~w{~~ w{~w~~ fjfjfjfjfj fjfjfjfjfj fjfjhjhjfj fjfjfjfjfj jfjfj fjfjfj jfjfj ffbff bffhb fjfjfjfjfj fjfjfhfjfj hfjfjfj fjfjfj hhffg jfjfjfh fjfjfj fjfjfj` hhfjo bfhfb fjfjf fjfjfjfjfj fjfjfj jfjfj ffbffh bhffb ffbfh hhffg fjfjfjfj fjfjfjfjfj fjfjfjfjfj fjfjfjf jfjfj hhjjo fjfjhj fjfjf ffbfhf ffbffh ffhhffg fjfjhjfj hfjfjfjfj fhfjfjfjfj fjfjfjfjf jfjfh jfjhhfj fjfjh fbfhhb bfhfb fhbhffb jhjj` fjfhf fjfhfhfh fjfjfj` fhfhfjfjfj bffhbhf fhfhf fjhjhjhj fjfjf fjfjfjfjfj jfjfo hfhhfhff fjfhfh jfjfjfj` bfhfbfg jfjfjfj` jfjfj jfjfj jfjfj fhfjf fjfjfhf jfjfjfj jfjfo bhffb ffbfhfbf jjhhjjh fhhffhffh jfjfjfjf jfhfjf jfjfo jfjfj jfjfjfj` fjfhfjo jfjfj jfjfj` fjfhfhfjfj fjfjfj` hfjfjfjfjf jfjfjfjfjf jfjfjfj fjfjhj bfhfb jfjfjfjfjf fjfjfjf jfjfjfjfh jhjhjo jfjfjfjfjf jfjfjfjfjf jfjfjfjfjf fjfjfj fjfjfj hjfj` hfjfjfj bfhfbf` fjfjfjfj jfjfjfjh fjfjfjfjfj fjfjfjfjh jfjfjfjfjf jfjfo fjfjfjfjfj fjfjfjfjfj fjfjf fjfjfjfj fjfjfjfo fjfjfhfjfj fjhjfjfj ffbhh ffbff fjfjh hjhhj hfhhf fjfjf ffbhhfbff ffbff jhhfh fjfjf fjfjfjfhf bffhbi jfjfh fjfhfo ffbhfi ffhfi fhfbi jhjjo fjfjfjfjf`# jfjfo &ffh(hff& &hff& ff&ff` &hff& ff&ff` hf&ff f(hff (hff& (hff&f hfhffhf (ffh&fhf' hffhf &hff(f fhff` fh&f` fhff` &hff fhh&f ff&ffh fhff` fhf(fh &hff&f &ffh( fhf&f &fhf&f &ffh& f&fhf&f ff&ff ff&fh y{y{y{ y{y{y{y{y{ y{y{y{p y{y{y{y{y 9{y{y{y {y{y{y{y {y{y{y {y{yp :PHYSSIZE Button Voyetra offers a complete line of multimedia sound products to help you create, edit, and enhance your multimedia sound track....................................... Button tbkMCI("close waveFile","") tbkMCIchk(" " && "m_sndctr. +" && "alias 9,1,1) 3play tbkmmNotify status { mode","") c"stop" GO TO PAGE 2 buttonUp tbkmmNotify buttonUp close waveFile tbkMCI m_sndctr.wav alias waveFile tbkMCIchk play waveFile tbkMCIchk tbkmmNotify status waveFile mode tbkMCI pause close waveFile tbkMCI Sound Central tbkMCI("close waveFile","") tbkMCIchk(" " && "m_intrfc. +" && "alias 9,1,1) 3play tbkmmNotify status | mode","") c"stop" GO TO PAGE 2 buttonUp tbkmmNotify buttonUp close waveFile tbkMCI m_intrfc.wav alias waveFile tbkMCIchk play waveFile tbkMCIchk tbkmmNotify status waveFile mode tbkMCI pause close waveFile tbkMCI V Series Interfaces tbkMCI("close waveFile","") tbkMCIchk(" " && "m_sndfct. +" && "alias 9,1,1) 3play tbkmmNotify status { mode","") c"stop" GO TO PAGE 2 buttonUp tbkmmNotify buttonUp close waveFile tbkMCI m_sndfct.wav alias waveFile tbkMCIchk play waveFile tbkMCIchk tbkmmNotify status waveFile mode tbkMCI pause close waveFile tbkMCI Sound Factory tbkMCI("close waveFile","") tbkMCIchk(" " && "m_clips. *" && "alias 8,1,1) 2play tbkmmNotify status z mode","") c"stop" GO TO PAGE 2 buttonUp tbkmmNotify buttonUp close waveFile tbkMCI m_clips.wav alias waveFile tbkMCIchk play waveFile tbkMCIchk tbkmmNotify status waveFile mode tbkMCI pause close waveFile tbkMCI MusiClips tbkMCI("close waveFile","") tbkMCIchk(" " && "m_sp. '" && "alias 5,1,1) /play tbkmmNotify |status w mode","") c"stop" GO TO PAGE 2 buttonUp tbkmmNotify buttonUp close waveFile tbkMCI m_sp.wav alias waveFile tbkMCIchk play waveFile tbkMCIchk tbkmmNotify status waveFile mode tbkMCI pause close waveFile tbkMCI Sequencer Plus Click on any of these Voyetra products to learn more! Click on any of these Voyetra products to learn more! Voyetra offers a complete line of multimedia sound products to help you create, edit, and enhance your multimedia sound track....................................... tbkMCI("close waveFile","") buttonup buttonup close waveFile tbkMCI gv = 1 tbkMCI("close waveFile","") tbkMCIchk(" " && "m_intro. +" && "alias 9,1,1) 3cue L output") yieldapp() enterpage enterpage close waveFile tbkMCI m_intro.wav alias waveFile tbkMCIchk cue waveFile output tbkMCIchk yieldapp . .. WIDGETS MMTOUR SPACE / The SelectWare System. echo. rtwin /I %1 %2 win tbook voydmo13.tbk rtwin /R %1 %2 |wrmgc^XSNKGGGHKOT]fq| ysnkhgggikmpsw{ }xspjfc_YTRSUVWX[bks| zxusrrrrsvx{~ |xsokd^XSNKIGHJMQXcoz |wspppqrsvx| |zvrolgc_\YVTRPPSW\bgnu ~}{zyxwvuutuuuwxy{}