Fast Movie Processor - trial version Readme file for distribution purposes. Why do I need it? ----------------- Fast Movie Processor is useable when you have a movie or image sequence that needs converting into some other format, or to do some make-up on it. For example, if your movie requries more contrast, if it's to blurry, or needs new appearance (try emboss, mirror or chaos) you can quickly fix it with this program. Another use of this program is to create an AVI or FLC file from image sequence output of your favorite 3D renderer. IMAGE SEQUENCE is considered a list of images in a directory where all the images are of same type, have same resolution and color depth, and their names contain sequential numbers in same format (zero padded to equal number of digits) Example: image08.pcx image09.pcx image10.pcx INSTALLATION ------------ You need Microsoft Windows 95 to run this program. Just unzip it (WinZip is ok) in some directory and you can run it immediately with Win95 Start/Run command or from MyComputer. Create a shortcut on your desktop if you run it often. Of course you can delete the "" container after unzipping all the files from it. STATUS ------ This is trial version, that always puts it's logo in the top left corner of the output movie, which is the main difference between trial and retail version. Since this program serves as a demo it is FREEWARE and freely distributable - provided that all the files from the original archive are distributed together without modifications. CONTACT ------- Any suggestions, comments or questions send to: For more info about authors see ORDER.TXT text file.