:Base pspace.hlp>main :Title Corel Print Space Help 1 Welcome to Corel Print Space 3 Introducing Corel Print Space=flow_intro 1 Getting started 2 Choosing a starting point=getting_started 2 Getting help=getting_help 1 Corel Print Space features 2 Managing work files 3 Managing files=manage_overview 2 Building layouts 3 Organizing the page 4 Setting up the drawing page=page_setup_overview 3 Making Corel Print Space's drawing aids work for you 4 Working with grids and rulers=grid_and_ruler_overview 4 Working with guidelines=guidelines_overview 2 Working with frames 3 Overview=frame_over 3 Formatting frame outlines=frame_outline_overview 3 Applying shadow effects to a frame=symbolframe_shadow_overview 3 Changing the view in a frame=3dview_overview 3 Using CorelCAD layers in Corel Print Space=frame_cadlayers_overview 3 Drawing shapes and lines 4 Drawing shapes and lines=draw_overview 3 Selecting objects 4 Selecting objects=select_overview 3 Organizing objects on the drawing page 4 Ordering objects =order_overview 4 Copying objects=copy_overview 4 Removing objects=remove_overview 4 Pasting objects=paste_overview 4 Moving and positioning objects=position_overview 4 Aligning objects=align_overview 4 Distributing objects=distribute_overview 4 Grouping objects=group_overview 3 Changing object attributes 4 Filling objects=fill_overview 4 Formatting object outlines=symbol_overview 4 Applying shadows to objects=symbol_shadow_overview 3 Transforming objects 4 Scaling and stretching objects=scalestretch_overview 4 Mirroring objects=mirror_overview 4 Rotating objects=rotate_overview 3 Changing line attributes 4 Formatting lines=line_format_overview 3 Working with text 4 Adding text 5 Adding text=add_text_overview 4 Selecting text 5 Selecting text=select_text_overview 4 Formatting characters 5 Changing character attributes=change_text_attributes_overview 4 Formatting paragraphs 5 Changing paragraph attributes=paragraph_change_attributes_overview 5 Using Automatic Hyphenation=hyphenation_overview 5 Setting tab stops=tab_overview 5 Setting indents=indent_overview 5 Adding bullets=bullet_overview 4 Finding and replacing text 5 Finding and replacing text=text_find_and_replace_overview 4 Proofreading text 5 Checking your spelling=spellcheck_overview 5 Using the thesaurus=thesaurus_overview 5 Using Type Assist=typeassist_overview 4 Using field text 5 Using field text=using_field_text 2 Exchanging information with other programs 4 Linking and embedding objects=ole_overview 2 Undoing and redoing operations 3 Undoing and redoing operations=operation_undo_overview 2 Viewing your layouts 3 Adjusting your vantage point=view_overview 2 Printing your work 3 Printing your work=a_pt_layout 3 Printing text and graphics=a_pt_textgraphics 3 PostScript=a_pt_postscript 2 Customizing your work environment 3 Customizing keyboard assignments=customize_shortcut_overview 3 Customizing menus=customize_menus_overview 3 Customizing toolbars=customize_toolbars_overview 3 Customizing color palettes=customize_palette_overview 3 Creating and selecting custom colors=color_overview 3 Customizing the status bar=customize_status_bar_overview 3 Organizing windows=window_overview 2 Viewing information about your computer and Corel Print Space 3 Viewing system and program information=proginfo_overview 1 How to... 2 Create and open work files 3 To create a new layout=diagram_new>proc4 3 To create a new layout using a template=diagram_new_from_template>proc4 3 To create a new layout template=diagram_create_template>proc4 3 To create a new project=project_new>proc4 3 To open a file=diagram_open>proc4 2 Set up the drawing page 3 To set the page orientation=page_orientation>proc4 3 To choose a preset page size=page_choose_preset_size>proc4 3 To define a custom page size=page_define_custom_size>proc4 3 To set the page margins=page_set_margins>proc4 3 To choose a simulated paper color=page_choose_color>proc4 2 Use grids, rulers, and guidelines 3 Working with rulers 4 To set a precise ruler origin=ruler_set_precise_origin>proc4 4 To change the units of measurement on the rulers=ruler_change_units>proc4 4 To set the default unit=preferences_set_default_unit>proc4 4 To set the number of tick division marks=ruler_tick_divisions>proc4 4 To reposition a ruler=ruler_reposition>proc4 3 Setting the drawing scale 4 To choose a preset drawing scale=ruler_choose_preset_scale>proc4 4 To set a custom drawing scale=ruler_set_custom_scale>proc4 3 Setting up the grid 4 To display the grid=grid_display>proc4 4 To hide the grid=grid_hide>proc4 4 To set the grid frequency=grid_set_frequency>proc4 4 To have objects snap to the grid=grid_enable_snap_to_grid>proc4 4 To display the grid on the drawing page only=grid_display_on_page_only>proc4 3 Working with guidelines 4 To add a horizontal guideline=guideline_add_horizontal>proc4 4 To move a horizontal guideline=guideline_move_horizontal>proc4 4 To delete a horizontal guideline=guideline_delete_horizontal>proc4 4 To delete all horizontal guidelines=guideline_delete_all_horizontal>proc4 4 To add a vertical guideline=guideline_add_horizontal>proc4 4 To move a vertical guideline=guideline_move_vertical>proc4 4 To delete a vertical guideline=guideline_delete_vertical>proc4 4 To delete all vertical guidelines=guideline_delete_all_vertical>proc4 4 To delete all guidelines=guideline_delete_all>proc4 4 To display guidelines=guidelines_display>proc4 4 To hide guidelines=guideline_hide>proc4 2 Work with frames 3 Creating and deleting frames 4 To create a new frame=frame_create>proc4 4 To delete a frame=frame_delete>proc4 3 Formatting frame outlines 4 To change a frame's outline width=frame_change_outline_width>proc4 4 To redraw an frame using a solid, dashed, or dotted outline=frame_apply_line_style>proc4 4 To change an frame's outline color=frame_change_outline_color>proc4 4 To change an frame's corner radius=frame_change_corner_radius>proc4 4 To copy outline attributes from one object to another=copy_frameoutline_attributes>proc4 3 Applying shadow effects to a frame 4 To set the direction of an frame's shadow=frame_set_shadow_direction>proc4 4 To apply multiple shadows to an frame=frame_apply_multiple_shadows>proc4 4 To set the shadow offset=frame_set_shadow_offset>proc4 4 To set a shadow's outline color=frame_shadow_outline_color>proc4 4 To apply a shadow with a uniform fill=frame_apply_uniform_shadow>proc4 4 To apply a shadow with a fountain fill=frame_apply_fountain_shadow>proc4 4 To apply a shadow with a pattern fill=frame_apply_patterned_shadow>proc4 3 Changing the view in a frame 4 To show/hide all CorelCAD views=view_showhide_frames>proc4 4 To change the projection in a frame=frame_change_projection>proc4 4 To change the render type in a frame=frame_change_rendertype>proc4 4 To display render shadow in a frame=frame_display_rendershadow>proc4 4 To display text in a frame=frame_displaytext>proc4 4 To display dimension lines in a frame=frame_displaydimension>proc4 4 To display silhouettes in a frame=frame_displaysilhouettes>proc4 4 To display colored hidden lines in a frame=frame_displaycolor>proc4 4 To change the scale in the frame=frame_changescale>proc4 4 To customize the scale in a frame=frame_customizescale>proc4 4 To change the position of the file in the frame=frame_changeposition>proc4 4 To change the CorelCAD file in the frame=frame_changecadfile>proc4 3 Using CorelCAD layers in Corel Space 4 To display a CorelCAD layer in a frame=frame_cadlayer_display 4 To hide a CorelCAD layer in a frame=frame_cadlayer_hide>proc4 4 To change the color of objects in a CorelCAD layer=frame_cadlayer_color>proc4 4 To change the line style of a CorelCAD layer=frame_cadlayer_linestyle 4 To change the color of a CorelCAD layer=frame_cadlayer_colorlayer 4 To reset CorelCAD layers=frame_cadlayer_reset 2 Draw shapes and lines 3 Drawing shapes 4 To draw a rectangle=draw_rectangle>proc4 4 To draw a square=draw_square>proc4 4 To draw an ellipse=draw_ellipse>proc4 4 To draw a circle=draw_circle>proc4 4 To draw a polygon=draw_polygon>proc4 4 To change the shape of a polygon=set_polygon_props>proc4 3 Drawing lines and curves 4 To draw a freehand curve=draw_freehand_curve>proc4 4 To draw a curve=draw_curve>proc4 4 To draw a straight line=draw_straight_line>proc4 4 To draw connected straight lines=draw_connected_line>proc4 4 To draw connected curves=draw_connected_curves>proc4 4 To draw a closed straight-line path=draw_closedpath_straightline>proc4 4 To draw a closed path with the Curve tool=draw_closedpath_curve_tool>proc4 4 To draw a closed freehand path=draw_closedpath_freehand>proc4 2 Select objects 3 To select an object=select_object>proc4 3 To select a group=select_group>proc4 3 To select multiple objects=select_multiple_objects>proc4 3 To select multiple groups=select_multiple_groups>proc4 3 To marquee select an object=select_object_marquee>proc4 3 To marquee select a group=select_group_marquee>proc4 3 To marquee select multiple objects=select_multiple_objects_marquee>proc4 3 To select objects based on shared properties=select_by_properties>proc4 2 Deselect objects 3 To deselect all objects=select_deselect_all>proc4 3 To deselect a specific object=select_deselect_object>proc4 2 Copy, cut, and paste objects 3 To copy an object=copy_object>proc4 3 To duplicate an object=duplicate_object>proc4 3 To change the duplicate offset increment=change_duplicate_offset_increment>proc4 3 To cut an object=cut_object>proc4 3 To delete an object=delete_object>proc4 3 To paste the contents of the Clipboard=paste_contents_clipboard>proc4 2 Arrange and organize objects 3 Moving and positioning objects 4 To move an object using the mouse=move_objects_using_mouse>proc4 4 To move an object using the keyboard=move_objects_using_keyboard>proc4 4 To set the nudge increment=preferences_set_nudge_increment>proc4 4 To position an object at a precise location=position_objects_precisely>proc4 4 To position an object relative to its current position=position_relative>proc4 3 Aligning objects 4 To align objects in a column=align_column>proc4 4 To align objects in a row=align_row>proc4 4 To align objects horizontally=align_objects_horizontally>proc4 4 To align objects vertically=align_objects_vertically>proc4 4 To align objects horizontally and vertically=align_objects_horizontally_and_vertically>proc4 3 Distributing objects 4 To distribute objects horizontally=distribute_horizontally>proc4 4 To distribute objects vertically=distribute_vertically>proc4 4 To distribute objects horizontally and vertically=distribute_objects_horizontally_and_vertically>proc4 3 Grouping and ungrouping objects 4 To group objects=objects_group>proc4 4 To separate grouped objects=objects_ungroup>proc4 3 Rotating objects 4 Rotating objects with the mouse 5 To rotate an object with the mouse=rotate_object_manually>proc4 5 To change an object's center of rotation with the mouse=rotate_change_center_manually>proc4 5 To set the object rotation increment=rotate_set_increment>proc4 4 Rotating objects precisely 5 To rotate an object by a precise amount=rotate_precisely>proc4 5 To specify a precise center of rotation=rotate_precise_center>proc4 5 To move the center of rotation by a specific amount=rotate_precise_relative_position>proc4 2 Organizing your layout 3 Ordering objects 4 To move an object to the front =order_to_front>proc4 4 To move an object to the back =order_to_back>proc4 4 To move an object behind a specific object=order_behind>proc4 4 To move an object in front of a specific object=order_in_front_of>proc4 2 Change object attributes 3 Filling objects 4 To apply a uniform fill=fill_uniform>proc4 4 To remove an object's fill=fill_remove>proc4 4 To apply a fountain fill=fill_apply_fountain>proc4 4 To change the orientation of a fountain fill=fountain_fill_change_orientation>proc4 4 To adjust the quality of a fountain fill=fountain_fill_adjust_quality>proc4 4 To change the edge pad for a fountain fill=fountain_fill_change_edge_pad>proc4 4 To adjust the intermediate colors in a fountain fill=fountain_fill_adjust_intermediate_colors>proc4 4 To change the midpoint of a fountain fill=to_change_the_midpoint_of_a_fountain_fill>proc4 4 To apply a pattern fill=fill_apply_pattern>proc4 4 To change the density of a pattern fill=fill_change_pattern_fill_tile_size>proc4 4 To create your own pattern fill=create_fill_pattern>proc4 3 Changing outline properties 4 To change an object's outline width=object_change_outline_width>proc4 4 To redraw an object using a solid, dashed, or dotted outline=object_apply_line_style>proc4 4 To change an object's outline color=object_change_outline_color>proc4 4 To round an object's corners=object_change_corner_radius>proc4 3 Applying shadows 4 To set the direction of an object's shadow=object_set_shadow_direction>proc4 4 To apply multiple shadows to an object=object_apply_multiple_shadows>proc4 4 To set the shadow offset=object_set_shadow_offset>proc4 4 To set a shadow's outline color=object_shadow_outline_color>proc4 4 To apply a shadow with a uniform fill=object_apply_uniform_shadow>proc4 4 To apply a shadow with a fountain fill=object_apply_fountain_shadow>proc4 4 To apply a shadow with a pattern fill=object_apply_patterned_shadow>proc4 3 Copying object attributes 4 To copy fill attributes from one object to another=copy_fill_attributes>proc4 4 To copy outline attributes from one object to another=copy_outline_attributes>proc4 4 To copy all attributes from one object to another=copy_all_attributes>proc4 2 Transform objects 3 Resizing objects 4 To scale an object by a precise amount=scale_precisely>proc4 4 To scale an object using the mouse=scale_object_manually>proc4 4 To stretch an object by a precise amount=stretch_precise>proc4 4 To stretch an object using the mouse=stretch_with_mouse>proc4 4 To resize an object by giving it precise dimensions=scale_precise_dimensions>proc4 4 To change an object's scale anchor point=scale_change_anchor_point>proc4 4 To change the way you resize objects=advanced_change_resize>proc4 3 Mirroring objects 4 To mirror an object horizontally=mirror_object_horizontally>proc4 4 To mirror an object vertically=mirror_object_vertically>proc4 4 To mirror an object horizontally and vertically=mirror_object_horizontally_and_vertically>proc4 4 To mirror an object using the mouse=mirror_object_using_mouse>proc4 2 Change line attributes 3 Formatting lines 4 To change the width of a line=line_change_width>proc4 4 To redraw a line using a different line style=line_new_type>proc4 4 To change the color of a line=line_change_color>proc4 4 To convert straight lines to curves=line_change_line_to_curve>proc4 4 To convert curves to straight lines=line_change_curve_to_line>proc4 4 To round the bends in a line=line_change_corner_radius>proc4 4 To change a line's arrowheads=line_change_arrowhead>proc4 4 To add arrowheads at every point in a multi-segmented line=line_repeating_arrowheads>proc4 4 To copy a line's attributes to another line=copy_line_attributes>proc4 3 Manipulating line nodes 4 To delete a line node=to_delete_a_line_node>proc4 4 To add a node to a line=to_add_a_node_to_a_line>proc4 4 To join line nodes to create a closed path=to_join_line_nodes_to_create_a_closed_path>proc4 2 Work with text 3 Adding text 4 To add unframed text to a layout=text_add_unframed_text>proc4 4 To add text inside a symbol=text_add_inside_shape>proc4 4 To add framed text=text_add_inside_frame>proc4 3 Selecting text 4 To select an entire text entry=text_select_entire_entry>proc4 4 To select specific text characters=text_select_specific_characters>proc4 3 Copying text 4 To copy an entire text entry=text_copy_entire_entry>proc4 4 To copy specific text characters=text_copy_specific_characters>proc4 3 Deleting text 4 To delete an entire text entry=text_delete_entire_entry>proc4 4 To delete specific text characters=text_delete_specific_characters>proc4 3 Cutting text 4 To cut an entire text entry=text_cut_entire_entry>proc4 4 To cut specific text characters=text_cut_specific_characters>proc4 3 Pasting text 4 To paste text from the Clipboard=text_paste>proc4 3 Protecting text 4 To protect a text entry=protect_text>proc4 3 Formatting text 4 Changing the appearance of characters 5 To change fonts=text_change_fonts>proc4 5 To change font styles=text_change_font_styles>proc4 5 To change the font size=text_change_font_sizes>proc4 5 To change text colors=text_change_color>proc4 4 Changing character placement and spacing 5 To change character placement=text_change_character_placement>proc4 5 To change character spacing=text_change_character_spacing>proc4 5 To change word spacing=text_change_word_spacing>proc4 5 To change the line height=text_change_line_height>proc4 5 To change character alignment=text_change_character_alignment>proc4 5 To change character effects=text_change_character_effects>proc4 4 Adding underlines, overlines, and strikeout lines 5 To add underlines to text=text_add_underlines>proc4 5 To change the thickness and placement of underlines=text_change_underline_thickness_and_placement>proc4 5 To add overlines to text=text_add_overlines>proc4 5 To change the thickness and placement of overlines=text_change_overline_thickness_and_placement>proc4 5 To add strikeout lines to text=text_add_strikeouts>proc4 5 To change the thickness and placement of strikeout lines=text_change_strikeout_thickness_and_placement>proc4 4 Changing paragraph attributes 5 To change paragraph character spacing=paratext_change_character_spacing>proc4 5 To change paragraph word spacing=paratext_change_word_spacing>proc4 5 To change paragraph line height=paratext_change_line_height>proc4 5 To change the space before and after a paragraph=paratext_change_paragraph_spacing>proc4 5 To change paragraph alignment=paratext_change_alignment>proc4 5 To set maximum word spacing in justified paragraphs=paratext_set_max_word_spacing>proc4 5 To set minimum word spacing in justified paragraphs=paratext_set_minimum_word_spacing>proc4 5 To set maximum character spacing in justified paragraphs=paratext_set_maximum_character_spacing>proc4 4 Using Automatic Hyphenation 5 To apply automatic hyphenation=text_apply_automatic_hyphenation>proc4 5 To disable Automatic Hyphenation=text_disable_automatic_hyphenation>proc4 5 To allow hyphenation of capitalized words=text_allow_hyphenation_of_capitalized>proc4 5 To prevent hyphenation of capitalized words=text_prevent_hyphenation_of_capitalized>proc4 5 To set the hyphenation hot zone=text_set_hot_zone>proc4 5 To specify rules regarding hyphen placement=text_hyphenation_placement_rules>proc4 4 Setting tab stops 5 To add a tab stop=text_add_tab>proc4 5 To set tab stops at consistent increments=text_set_incremented_tabs>proc4 5 To change the alignment of a tab stop=text_change_tab_alignment>proc4 5 To move a tab stop=text_move_tab>proc4 5 To apply leading characters before a tab stop=text_apply_leader_before_tab>proc4 5 To delete a tab stop=text_delete_tab>proc4 5 To delete all tab stops in a paragraph=text_delete_all_tabs>proc4 4 Setting indents 5 To set paragraph indents=text_set_paragraph_indents>proc4 4 Adding bullets 5 To add a bullet to a paragraph=paratext_add_bullet>proc4 5 To change bullets=paratext_change_bullets>proc4 5 To change the size of a bullet=paratext_change_size_of_bullet>proc4 5 To set the indent of a bulleted paragraph=paratext_set_bullet_indent>proc4 5 To set the vertical placement of a bullet=paratext_set_vertical_placement_of_bullet>proc4 5 To remove a bullet=paratext_remove_bullet>proc4 3 Finding and replacing text 4 To find text=text_find>proc4 4 To find and replace text=text_replace>proc4 3 Checking your spelling 4 To run a spelling check=text_run_spell_check>proc4 4 To set the formality level of a spelling check=text_set_spell_check_formality>proc4 4 To undo a change in the Spelling Checker=text_spell_check_undo_change>proc4 4 To create a new personal dictionary=text_spell_check_create_dictionary>proc4 4 To choose a personal dictionary=text_spell_check_choose_dictionary>proc4 4 To add a word to a personal dictionary=text_spell_check_add_word>proc4 4 To see an explanation of a spelling error=text_spell_check_explanation>proc4 4 To set advanced spell checking options=text_spell_check_set_advanced_options>proc4 4 To change the Spelling Checker's proofreading criteria=text_spell_check_change_criteria>proc4 3 Using the thesaurus 4 To use the thesaurus=text_use_thesaurus>proc4 3 Using Type Assist 4 To have Corel Print Space capitalize the first letter of sentences automatically=text_capitalize_first_letter>proc4 4 To have Corel Print Space change straight quotes to typographical quotes=text_replace_straight_quotes>proc4 4 To have Corel Print Space correct consecutive initial capital letters=text_correct_consecutive_initial_caps>proc4 4 To have Corel Print Space capitalize the names of days=text_capitalize_names_of_days>proc4 4 To have Corel Print Space automatically replace text as you type=text_automatic_replacement>proc4 3 Using field text 4 To add field text to a text frame=add_field_text_to_frame>proc4 4 To add field text to a shape=add_field_text_to_shape>proc4 4 To enable field text=enable_field_text>proc4 2 Exchange information with other programs 3 Importing and exporting information 4 To export files for use in other programs=export_graphics>proc4 4 To export specific objects=export_selected_only>proc4 4 To import a file=import_graphics_in_other_formats>proc4 4 To import files using drag and drop=import_using_drag_and_drop>proc4 3 Linking objects and files 4 To link a new object starting from Corel Print Space=link_new_starting_from_flow>proc4 4 To link an existing object starting from Corel Print Space=link_existing_starting_from_flow>proc4 4 To link an object from the source application=link_from_source>proc4 4 To specify automatic or manual link updating=specify_auto_or_manual_link_updating>proc4 4 To update a link manually=update_link_manually>proc4 4 To update all links in a file=update_all_links>proc4 4 To jump to a linked object's source file=jump_to_linked_object_source>proc4 4 To change a link=link_change>proc4 4 To break a link=link_break>proc4 3 Embedding objects and files 4 To embed a new object starting from Corel Print Space=embed_new_starting_from_flow>proc4 4 To embed an existing object starting from Corel Print Space=embed_existing_starting_from_flow>proc4 4 To embed an object starting from the source program=embed_starting_from_source_program>proc4 4 To embed a file in your drawing=embed_file>proc4 4 To edit an embedded object=edit_embedded_object>proc4 2 Undo and redo operations 3 To undo an operation=operation_undo>proc4 3 To redo an operation=redo_operation>proc4 3 To set the undo limit=operation_set_undo_limit>proc4 2 View your layouts 3 Adjusting your vantage point 4 To magnify an area of your drawing=view_zoom_in>proc4 4 To see more of your layout=view_zoom_out>proc4 4 To see your drawing at actual size=view_zoom_actual>proc4 4 To zoom in on selected objects=view_zoom_selected>proc4 4 To see all objects in your layout=view_zoom_all>proc4 4 To see the entire printable page=view_zoom_page>proc4 3 Moving your work within the drawing window 4 To scroll the drawing window=view_scroll_window>proc4 4 To refresh the screen=view_refresh_screen>proc4 4 To drag your layout within the drawing window=view_pan_window>proc4 4 To enable automatic panning=preference_enable_autopan>proc4 4 To disable automatic panning=preference_disable_automatic_panning>proc4 2 Protect your work 3 Saving and closing files 4 To save a file=file_save>proc4 4 To save a file using a new name or directory=file_save_as>proc4 4 To save all open files=manage_save_all>proc4 4 To close a file=file_close>proc4 3 Backing up your work 4 To have Corel Print Space perform automatic timed backups=preference_enable_auto_backup>proc4 4 To set the automatic backup time increment=preferences_set_autobackup_time>proc4 4 To choose a backup directory=preference_choose_backup_directory>proc4 2 Print your work 3 Specifying what to print 4 To print a document=h_pt_allpages>proc4 4 To print only selected objects=h_pt_selectedobjects>proc4 4 To print only vectors, bitmaps or text=h_pt_vectorbitmaptext>proc4 4 To print the sheet being previewed=h_pt_printsheetnow>proc4 4 To print a CorelMEMO=print_memo_proc>proc4 3 Setting up the print job 4 To select a device=h_pt_device>proc4 4 To set the device properties=h_pt_properties>proc4 4 To print to file=h_pt_tofile>proc4 4 To print color artwork in black or grayscale=h_pt_colortoblack>proc4 4 To print multiple copies=h_pt_copies>proc4 3 Previewing your print job 4 To preview your print job=h_pt_preview>proc4 4 To specify a color or grayscale print preview=h_pt_grayscalepreview>proc4 4 To specify full image or marquee drag in print preview=h_pt_drag>proc4 3 Setting up your artwork 4 Sizing and Positioning your artwork 5 To size your artwork when printing=h_pt_size>proc4 5 To fit your artwork to the page when printing=h_pt_fittopage>proc4 5 To maintain the aspect ratio of your artwork when sizing=h_pt_aspect>proc4 5 To position your artwork manually for printing=h_pt_position>proc4 5 To center your artwork for printing=h_pt_center>proc4 4 Setting up the page 5 To set a bleed limit=h_pt_bleed>proc4 5 To print large artwork as tiles=h_pt_tile>proc4 3 Working with PostScript devices 4 To set Level 2 usage=h_pt_level2>proc4 4 Controlling complex objects 5 To test for complex objects=h_pt_complexobjects>proc4 5 To reduce curve complexity by increasing flatness=h_pt_flatness>proc4 5 To reduce curve complexity by limiting control points=h_pt_controlpoints>proc4 4 Controlling fountain fills 5 To verify fountain fills for banding=h_pt_verifybanding>proc4 5 To increase fountain steps automatically=h_pt_autofountainsteps>proc4 5 To optimize fountain fills to reduce complexity=h_pt_optimizefountain>proc4 4 Controlling fonts 5 To download type 1 fonts=h_pt_fonts>proc4 5 To limit the number of bitmap fonts created=h_pt_bitmapfontnumber>proc4 5 To set a bitmap font size threshold=h_pt_bitmapfontsize>proc4 4 Controlling bitmaps 5 To control bitmap conversion to grayscale=h_pt_bitmaptograyscale>proc4 5 To output color bitmaps in RGB=h_pt_bitmapsrgb>proc4 5 To set the screen frequency=h_pt_screenfrequency>proc4 3 Setting advanced options 4 To specify fountain steps=h_pt_fountainsteps>proc4 4 To print a job information sheet=h_pt_jobinfosheet>proc4 4 To define special settings=h_pt_specialsettings>proc4 4 To print bitmaps in small chunks=h_pt_bitmapchunks>proc4 4 To assign control over printer bands=h_pt_printerbands>proc4 4 To assign control over fill clipping=h_pt_fillclipping>proc4 2 Customize your work environment 3 Customizing keyboard assignments 4 To asssign a shortcut to a command=shortcut_assign>proc4 4 To delete a shortcut=shortcut_delete>proc4 4 To save a shortcut configuration=shortcut_save_configuration>proc4 4 To load a shortcut configuration=shortcut_load_configuration>proc4 4 To restore the default shortcut configuration=shortcut_restore>proc4 3 Customizing menus and menu commands 4 Customizing menu commands 5 To add a menu command =menu_add_command>proc4 5 To remove a menu command=menu_remove_command>proc4 5 To rename a menu command=menu_rename_command>proc4 5 To add a menu command separator=menu_add_separator>proc4 5 To remove a menu command separator=menu_remove_separator>proc4 5 To move a command towards the top of a menu=menu_move_command_up>proc4 5 To move a command towards the bottom of a menu=menu_command_move_down>proc4 4 Customizing menus 5 To add a menu=menu_add>proc4 5 To remove a menu=menu_remove>proc4 5 To rename a menu=menu_rename>proc4 5 To move a menu left in the toolbar=menu_move_left>proc4 5 To move a menu right in the toolbar=menu_move_right>proc4 3 Customizing toolbars 4 To add a button to a toolbar=toolbar_button_add>proc4 4 To remove a button from a toolbar=toolbar_button_remove>proc4 4 To add a new toolbar=toolbar_add_new>proc4 4 To delete a toolbar=toolbar_delete>proc4 4 To move a toolbar=toolbar_move>proc4 4 To resize a floating toolbar=toolbar_resize>proc4 4 To display an existing toolbar=toolbar_display>proc4 4 To rename a toolbar=toolbar_rename>proc4 4 To move a toolbar button=toolbar_move_button>proc4 4 To restore the original configuration of a built-in toolbar=toolbar_reset>proc4 3 Customizing the on-screen palette 4 Changing the palette's appearance and position 5 To display the color palette=preferences_display_palette>proc4 5 To hide the color palette=preference_hide_palette>proc4 5 To display a different palette=palette_display_different>proc4 5 To move the on-screen palette=palette_move>proc4 5 To resize a floating palette=palette_resize>proc4 5 To display color swatches using three-dimensional wells=palette_display_3d_wells>proc4 5 To display color swatches using two-dimensional wells=palette_display_2d_wells>proc4 5 To display large color swatches=palette_display_large_swatches>proc4 5 To display small color swatches=palette_display_small_swatches>proc4 5 To display the No Color well=palette_display_no_color>proc4 5 To hide the No Color well=palette_hide_no_color>proc4 5 To display more or fewer colors=palette_number_of_rows>proc4 5 To rearrange the order of colors on the palette=palette_rearrange_colors>proc4 4 Working with custom palettes 5 To delete a color=palette_delete_color>proc4 5 To change the right mouse button's palette-related function=palette_assign_right_mouse_button_function>proc4 5 To save a custom palette=palette_save_custom_configuration>proc4 5 To save a custom palette using a new file name=palette_save_configuration_as>proc4 5 To open a custom palette=palette_open_configuration>proc4 5 To create a new custom palette=palette_new_configuration>proc4 3 Creating and selecting custom colors 4 Creating colors using Color Models 5 To create a color using a color model=color_create_using_color_model>proc4 4 Creating colors by mixing 5 To create a color using the Color Blend mixer=color_create_using_color_blend>proc4 5 To change the color model used for blending colors=change_color_blend_color_model>proc4 5 To create a color in the Mixing Area=color_create_using_mixing_area>proc4 5 To change the color model used in the Mixing Area=color_change_mixing_area_color_model>proc4 5 To change the size and type of brush used in the Mixing Area=color_change_mix_brush_size>proc4 5 To save the contents of the Mixing Area=color_save_mixing_area>proc4 5 To load a color mix=color_load_mixing_area>proc4 5 To clear the Mixing Area=color_clear_mixing_area>proc4 4 Creating colors using a matching palette 5 To select a color from a color matching palette=color_pick_from_matching_palette>proc4 5 To see the names of palette colors=color_show_palette_color_names>proc4 5 To search for a palette color by name=color_search_by_name>proc4 4 Using the colors you create 5 To add a color to a custom palette=color_add_to_palette>proc4 5 To rename a color=color_rename_color>proc4 3 Customizing the status bar 4 To display the status bar=statusbar_display>proc4 4 To hide the status bar=statusbar_hide>proc4 4 To move the status bar=customize_statusbar_move>proc4 4 To resize the status bar=customize_resize_statusbar>proc4 4 To change the number of status bar display regions=customize_statusbar_display_regions>proc4 4 To change what the status bar displays=customize_statusbar_change_display>proc4 3 Organizing Corel Print Space windows 4 To view all open drawing windows=window_view_all>proc4 4 To cascade all open drawing windows=window_cascade>proc4 4 To arrange minimized drawing windows=window_arrange_minimized>proc4 4 To move the drawing window=window_drawing_move_manually>proc4 4 To resize the Corel Print Space window using the mouse=window_resize_main_using_mouse>proc4 4 To resize the Corel Print Space window using the keyboard=window_resize_main_with_keyboard>proc4 4 To move the Corel Print Space window=window_move_manually>proc4 3 Setting general preferences 4 To lock an attribute=lock_attribute>proc4 4 To unlock an attribute=attribute_unlock>proc4 4 To change the units displayed with a number box=numbox_change_unit>proc4 4 To set the default working folder=set_default_working_folder>proc4 4 To specify how objects appear during manipulation=preferences_manipulation_view>proc4 4 To set Corel Print Space's start-up mode=set_startup_mode>proc4 4 To have Corel Print Space notify you when you set a tool default=notify_upon_setting_default>proc4 4 To display hidden objects=display_hidden_objects>proc4 4 To enable object highlighting=enable_object_highlighting>proc4 4 To disable object highlighting=disable_object_highlighting>proc4 4 To set full image resolution=options_cad_resolutionfull>proc4 4 To set automatic image resolution=options_cad_resolutionauto>proc4 2 Get help on Corel Print Space 3 To get help on using Corel Print Space=help_help_topics>proc4 3 To start the online tutorial=help_tutorial>proc4 3 To get help on a menu command=help_menu_command>proc4 3 To get help on tools and controls=help_tools_and_controls>proc4 3 To get help in a dialog box=help_dialog_box>proc4 3 To enable Tooltips=preference_enable_popup_help>proc4 3 To disable Tooltips=preference_disable_popup_help>proc4 2 View and enter information about a file 3 To view general file information=to_view_general_file_information>proc4 3 To view file summary information=to_view_file_summary_information>proc4 3 To view file statistics=to_view_file_statistics>proc4 3 To view custom file properties=to_view_custom_file_properties>proc4 3 To enter file summary information=to_enter_file_summary_information>proc4 3 To enter custom file properties=to_enter_custom_file_properties>proc4 2 View information about your computer and Corel Print Space 3 To view information about your computer=system_info>proc4 3 To save system information=infoview_save_sysinfo>proc4 3 To view information about Corel Print Space=program_info_view>proc4 2 Exit Corel Print Space 3 To exit Corel Print Space=exit_flow>proc4 1 Glossary 2 Corel Print Space Glossary=a_flow