:Base CorelCad.hlp>main 1 CorelCAD features 2 CorelCAD basics 3 Overview of CorelCAD=Overview of CorelCAD 3 Working with units and precision=Working with units and precision 3 Using the toolbox=Using the toolbox 3 Using roll-ups=Using rollups 3 Using command boxes=Using command boxes 3 Getting information about your drawing=Getting information about your drawing 2 Working with the three dimensions 3 Understanding coordinates=Understanding coordinates 3 Using absolute and relative XYZ coordinates=Using absolute and relative XYZ coordinates 3 Using polar or spherical coordinates=Using polar or spherical coordinates 3 Working with dimensions=Working with dimensions 2 Viewing your drawings 3 Changing the view=Changing the view 3 Using the Perspective and Parallel views=Using the Perspective and Parallel views 3 Using windows and window layouts=Using windows and window layouts 3 Shading objects=Shading objects 3 Removing hidden lines=Removing hidden lines 2 Selecting and positioning objects 3 Selecting objects=Selecting objects 3 Moving, copying, and deleting objects=Moving copying and deleting objects 3 Grouping objects=Grouping objects 3 Working with layers=Working with layers 3 Accurately defining points=Accurately defining points 3 Using the Snap tools=Using the Snap tools 3 Working with grids=Working with grids 3 Drawing in Orthogonal mode=Drawing in Orthogonal mode 2 Creating objects 3 Creating lines and arrows=Creating lines and arrows 3 Creating curves=Creating curves 3 Creating arcs=Creating arcs 3 Creating rectangular shapes and solids=Creating rectangular shapes and solids 3 Creating polygonal shapes and solids=Creating polygonal shapes and solids 3 Creating circular shapes and solids=Creating circular shapes and solids 3 Creating elliptical shapes and solids=Creating elliptical shapes and solids 3 Using the 3D Solid tools=Using the 3D Solid tools 3 Using the 2D Object tools =Using the 2D Object tools 3 Creating planes and surface models=Creating planes and surface models 2 Transforming objects 3 Scaling objects=Scaling objects 3 Mirroring objects=Mirroring objects 3 Rotating objects=Rotating objects 3 Creating offsets, duplicates, and arrays of objects=Creating offsets duplicates and arrays of objects 3 Stretching objects=Stretching objects 3 Extruding 2D objects into 3D objects=Extruding 2D objects into 3D objects 3 Trimming and extending lines=Trimming and extending lines 3 Slicing planes and 3D objects=Slicing planes and 3D objects 3 Rounding and cropping corners and edges=Rounding and cropping corners and edges 3 Adding and subtracting 3D objects=Adding and subtracting 3D objects 3 Assembling and disassembling 3D objects=Assembling and disassembling 3D objects 2 Shading and rendering your drawing 3 Shading objects=Shading objects 3 Working with colors and materials=Working with colors and materials 3 Editing materials=Editing materials 3 Changing your rendering options=Changing your rendering options 2 Adding text, dimensions, and symbols 3 Working with text=Working with text 3 Using the CorelCAD Symbol Library=Using the CorelCAD Symbol Library 3 Working with dimensions=Working with dimensions 2 Managing your files 3 Using templates=Using templates 3 Working with files=Working with files 3 Printing your work=Printing your work 3 Importing files=Importing files 3 Exporting files=Exporting files 3 Exchanging information with other applications=Exchanging information with other applications 2 Customizing CorelCAD 3 Customizing keyboard assignments=Customizing keyboard assignments 3 Customizing menus=Customizing menus 3 Customizing toolbars=Customizing toolbars 3 Customizing the status bar=Customizing the status bar 3 Changing your preferences=Changing your preferences 1 How-To 2 CorelCAD basics 3 Using the toolbox 4 To change the active tool on a flyout=To change the active tool on a flyout>proc4 4 To undo actions in a tool procedure=To undo actions in a tool procedure>proc4 4 To abort a tool procedure=To abort a tool procedure>proc4 4 To change the properties of a tool=To change the properties of a tool>proc4 3 Using roll-ups 4 To minimize a roll-up=To minimize a rollup>proc4 4 To get help on roll-ups=To get help on rollups>proc4 4 To have a roll-up close after a single use=To have a rollup close after a single use>proc4 3 Using command boxes 4 To get help on command boxes=To get help on command boxes>proc4 3 Starting a new drawing 4 To create a new drawing based on the default template=To create a new drawing based on the default template>proc4 4 To create a new drawing from a template=To create a new drawing from a template>proc4 4 To create a template=To create a template>proc4 3 Saving and opening your work 4 To open a drawing=To open a drawing>proc4 4 To save a drawing=To save a drawing>proc4 4 To save a drawing under a new name=To save a drawing under a new name>proc4 4 To save only selected objects=To save only selected objects>proc4 4 To save all objects on the current layer=To save all objects on the current layer>proc4 4 To save all objects in the current layer group=To save all objects in the current layer group>proc4 3 Undoing and repeating an action 4 To undo an action=To undo an action>proc4 4 To undo several actions at once=To undo several actions at once>proc4 4 To redo an Undone action=To redo an Undone action>proc4 4 To repeat an action=To repeat an action>proc4 3 Using property sheets 4 To open a tool properties sheet=To open a tool properties sheet>proc4 3 Getting information about your drawing 4 To show or hide the status bar=To show or hide the status bar>proc4 4 To measure the angle between two lines=To measure the angle between two lines>proc4 4 To measure the distance between two points=To measure the distance between two points>proc4 4 To determine the surface area of an object=To determine the surface area of an object>proc4 4 To determine the volume of an object=To determine the volume of an object>proc4 4 To determine an object's center of gravity=To determine an objects center of gravity>proc4 4 To determine the inertial properties of an object=To determine the inertial properties of an object>proc4 3 Viewing system and program information 4 To view information about your computer=To view information about your computer>proc4 4 To view information about your monitor=To view information about your monitor>proc4 4 To view information about available printers=To view information about available printers>proc4 4 To view general information about CorelCAD=To view general information about CorelCAD>proc4 2 Working with dimensions 3 Using absolute and relative XYZ coordinates 4 To define a point using absolute XYZ coordinates=To define a point using absolute XYZ coordinates>proc4 4 To define a point using XYZ coordinates relative to a previous point=To define a point using XYZ coordinates relative to a previous point>proc4 4 To define a point using XYZ coordinates relative to a selected point=To define a point using XYZ coordinates relative to a selected point>proc4 4 To define a point in 3D space using the mouse=To define a point in 3D space using the mouse>proc4 3 Using polar or spherical coordinates 4 To define a point using absolute polar coordinates=To define a point using absolute polar coordinates>proc4 4 To define a point using polar coordinates relative to a previous point=To define a point using polar coordinates relative to a previous point>proc4 4 To define a point using polar coordinates relative to a selected point=To define a point using polar coordinates relative to a selected point>proc4 3 Working with dimensions 4 To insert a dimension measuring the direct distance between two points=To insert a dimension measuring the direct distance between two points>proc4 4 To insert a series of linear dimensions=To insert a series of linear dimensions>proc4 4 To insert a series of cumulative linear dimensions=To insert a series of cumulative linear dimensions>proc4 4 To insert a dimension measuring the X-axis distance between two points=To insert a dimension measuring the Xaxis distance between two points>proc4 4 To insert a dimension measuring the Y-axis distance between two points=To insert a dimension measuring the Yaxis distance between two points>proc4 4 To insert a dimension measuring the Z-axis distance between two points=To insert a dimension measuring the Zaxis distance between two points>proc4 4 To insert a dimension measuring the angle between two lines=To insert a dimension measuring the angle between two lines>proc4 4 To insert a dimension measuring the diameter of a circle=To insert a dimension measuring the diameter of a circle>proc4 4 To insert a dimension measuring the radius of a circle=To insert a dimension measuring the radius of a circle>proc4 4 To change the dimension options=To change the dimension options>proc4 4 To turn dynamic dimensioning on and off=To turn dynamic dimensioning on and off>proc4 2 Viewing your drawings 3 Changing the view 4 To get a perspective view of your drawing=To get a perspective view of your drawing>proc4 4 To get an isometric view of your drawing=To get an isometric view of your drawing>proc4 4 To get a parallel view of your drawing=To get a parallel view of your drawing>proc4 4 To switch to a pre-set viewpoint=To switch to a preset viewpoint>proc4 4 To adjust the viewpoint position=To adjust the viewpoint position>proc4 4 To adjust the viewpoint angle=To adjust the viewpoint angle>proc4 4 To adjust the viewpoint distance=To adjust the viewpoint distance>proc4 4 To adjust the viewpoint position in 3D space=To adjust the viewpoint position in 3D space>proc4 4 To save the current view settings=To save the current view settings>proc4 4 To update a saved view with the current view settings=To update a saved view with the current view settings>proc4 4 To rename a saved view=To rename a saved view>proc4 4 To delete a saved view=To delete a saved view>proc4 3 Using windows and window layouts 4 To tile all open windows vertically=To tile all open windows vertically>proc4 4 To tile all open windows horizontally=To tile all open windows horizontally>proc4 4 To cascade all open drawing windows=To cascade all open drawing windows>proc4 4 To activate an open drawing window=To activate an open drawing window>proc4 4 To save the current window layout=To save the current window layout>proc4 4 To restore a saved window layout=To restore a saved window layout>proc4 3 Shading objects 4 To shade the current view=To shade the current view>proc4 4 To shade the current selection=To shade the current selection>proc4 4 To shade a section that you define=To shade a section that you define>proc4 4 To modify the light source for shading=To modify the light source for shading>proc4 4 To add shadows to a shaded drawing=To add shadows to a shaded drawing>proc4 4 To change object detail=To change object detail>proc4 3 Removing hidden lines 4 To remove hidden lines from the current view=To remove hidden lines from the current view>proc4 4 To remove hidden lines from the current selection=To remove hidden lines from the current selection>proc4 4 To remove hidden lines from a section you define=To remove hidden lines from a section you define>proc4 4 To view a silhouette of your drawing=To view a silhouette of your drawing>proc4 3 Changing the view magnification 4 To magnify the view of the drawing=To magnify the view of the drawing>proc4 4 To reduce the current magnification=To reduce the current magnification>proc4 4 To zoom in on selected objects=To zoom in on selected objects>proc4 4 To zoom in on all objects in the drawing window=To zoom in on all objects in the drawing window>proc4 4 To return to the previous magnification level=To return to the previous magnification level>proc4 2 Selecting and positioning objects 3 Selecting objects 4 To select a single object=To select a single object>proc4 4 To select several objects one at a time=To select several objects one at a time>proc4 4 To select a group of objects=To select a group of objects>proc4 4 To select all objects on a given layer=To select all objects on a given layer>proc4 4 To select all objects in a drawing=To select all objects in a drawing>proc4 4 To deselect an object from several selected objects=To deselect an object from several selected objects>proc4 4 To deselect all objects=To deselect all objects>proc4 3 Moving, copying, and deleting objects 4 To move an object to new coordinates=To move an object to new coordinates>proc4 4 To move an object an exact distance relative to its original position=To move an object an exact distance relative to its original position>proc4 4 To move an object to a new location relative to a point in your drawing=To move an object to a new location relative to a point in your drawing>proc4 4 To move an object using the mouse=To move an object using the mouse>proc4 4 To move an object and leave a copy behind=To move an object and leave a copy behind>proc4 4 To copy and paste an object to a new location=To copy and paste an object to a new location>proc4 4 To cut and paste an object=To cut and paste an object>proc4 4 To delete an object=To delete an object>proc4 3 Grouping objects 4 To group objects=To group objects>proc4 4 To ungroup objects=To ungroup objects>proc4 3 Working with layers 4 To add a new layer=To add a new layer>proc4 4 To delete a layer=To delete a layer>proc4 4 To change the active layer=To change the active layer>proc4 4 To move an object to another layer=To move an object to another layer>proc4 4 To copy an object to another layer=To copy an object to another layer>proc4 4 To identify objects on a layer=To identify objects on a layer>proc4 4 To rename a layer=To rename a layer>proc4 4 To lock a layer=To lock a layer>proc4 4 To unlock a layer=To unlock a layer>proc4 4 To make a layer invisible=To make a layer invisible>proc4 4 To make a layer visible=To make a layer visible>proc4 4 To make a layer non-printable=To make a layer nonprintable>proc4 4 To make a layer printable=To make a layer printable>proc4 3 Accurately defining points 4 To define a point using absolute XYZ coordinates=To define a point using absolute XYZ coordinates>proc4 4 To define a point using XYZ coordinates relative to a previous point=To define a point using XYZ coordinates relative to a previous point>proc4 4 To define a point using XYZ coordinates relative to a selected point=To define a point using XYZ coordinates relative to a selected point>proc4 4 To define a point using absolute polar coordinates=To define a point using absolute polar coordinates>proc4 4 To define a point using polar coordinates relative to a previous point=To define a point using polar coordinates relative to a previous point>proc4 4 To define a point using polar coordinates relative to a selected point=To define a point using polar coordinates relative to a selected point>proc4 3 Using the Snap tools 4 To snap to the end point of a line=To snap to the end point of a line>proc4 4 To snap to the middle point of a line=To snap to the middle point of a line>proc4 4 To snap to the intersection point of two lines=To snap to the intersection point of two lines>proc4 4 To snap to the point where two unconnected lines would intersect if they met=To snap to the point where two unconnected lines would intersect if they met>proc4 4 To snap to the center of a circle=To snap to the center of a circle>proc4 4 To snap to a quadrant of a circle or ellipse=To snap to a quadrant of a circle or ellipse>proc4 4 To snap to a tangent=To snap to a tangent>proc4 4 To snap to a perpendicular=To snap to a perpendicular>proc4 4 To snap to a line=To snap to a line>proc4 4 To snap to a point mark=To snap to a point mark>proc4 4 To snap to a plane=To snap to a plane>proc4 4 To set running snaps=To set running snaps>proc4 3 Working with grids 4 To change the visible grid spacing=To change the visible grid spacing>proc4 4 To change the snap grid spacing=To change the snap grid spacing>proc4 4 To change the orientation of the grid=To change the orientation of the grid>proc4 4 To change the origin of the grid=To change the origin of the grid>proc4 4 To change the color of the grid=To change the color of the grid>proc4 4 To enable or disable the grid snap=To enable or disable the grid snap>proc4 4 To display or hide the grid=To display or hide the grid>proc4 3 Drawing in Orthogonal mode 4 To turn on and off the orthogonal mode=To turn on and off the orthogonal mode>proc4 4 To change the orthogonal axes=To change the orthogonal axes>proc4 2 Creating objects 3 Creating lines and arrows 4 To draw a straight line=To draw a straight line>proc4 4 To draw a series of unconnected lines=To draw a series of unconnected lines>proc4 4 To draw a series of joined lines=To draw a series of joined lines>proc4 4 To draw a straight line with an arrowhead=To draw a straight line with an arrowhead>proc4 4 To draw a series of joined lines ending in an arrowhead=To draw a series of joined lines ending in an arrowhead>proc4 4 To draw a line at the intersection of two existing planes=To draw a line at the intersection of two existing planes>proc4 4 To change the arrowhead size and style=To change the arrowhead size and style>proc4 3 Creating curves 4 To draw a curved line joining a series of points=To draw a curved line joining a series of points>proc4 4 To draw a Bezier curve=To draw a Bezier curve>proc4 4 To draw a series of unconnected Bezier curves=To draw a series of unconnected Bezier curves>proc4 4 To draw a series of joined Bezier curves=To draw a series of joined Bezier curves>proc4 4 To create a freehand curve=To create a freehand curve>proc4 3 Creating arcs 4 To create an arc along three points=To create an arc along three points>proc4 4 To create an arc by defining its center, starting point, and angle=To create an arc by defining its center starting point and angle>proc4 4 To create an arc by defining its end points and radius=To create an arc by defining its end points and radius>proc4 4 To create an arc by defining its center and end points=To create an arc by defining its center and end points>proc4 4 To create an elliptical arc=To create an elliptical arc>proc4 4 To draw a simple wire arc=To draw a simple wire arc>proc4 4 To draw a wedge arc=To draw a wedge arc>proc4 4 To draw a truncated arc=To draw a truncated arc>proc4 3 Creating rectangular shapes and solids 4 To draw a two-dimensional rectangle=To draw a twodimensional rectangle>proc4 4 To draw a rectangular box=To draw a rectangular box>proc4 4 To draw a pyramid with a rectangular base=To draw a pyramid with a rectangular base>proc4 4 To draw a truncated pyramid with a rectangular base=To draw a truncated pyramid with a rectangular base>proc4 3 Creating circular shapes and solids 4 To draw a two-dimensional circle=To draw a twodimensional circle>proc4 4 To draw a sphere=To draw a sphere>proc4 4 To draw a hemisphere=To draw a hemisphere>proc4 4 To draw a cylinder=To draw a cylinder>proc4 4 To draw a cone=To draw a cone>proc4 4 To draw a truncated cone=To draw a truncated cone>proc4 3 Creating polygonal shapes and solids 4 To draw a two-dimensional polygon=To draw a twodimensional polygon>proc4 4 To draw a cylinder with a polygonal base=To draw a cylinder with a polygonal base>proc4 4 To draw a pyramid with a polygonal base=To draw a pyramid with a polygonal base>proc4 4 To draw a truncated pyramid with a polygonal base=To draw a truncated pyramid with a polygonal base>proc4 3 Creating elliptical shapes and solids 4 To draw a two-dimensional ellipse=To draw a twodimensional ellipse>proc4 4 To draw an elliptical cylinder=To draw an elliptical cylinder>proc4 4 To draw a cone with an elliptical base=To draw a cone with an elliptical base>proc4 4 To draw a truncated cone with an elliptical base=To draw a truncated cone with an elliptical base>proc4 3 Using the 3D Solid tools 4 To draw a solid box by defining two corners=To draw a solid box by defining two corners>proc4 4 To draw a solid box by defining three base points=To draw a solid box by defining three base points>proc4 4 To draw a solid sphere by defining its center and radius=To draw a solid sphere by defining its center and radius>proc4 4 To draw a solid cylinder with a polygonal base=To draw a solid cylinder with a polygonal base>proc4 4 To draw a solid hemisphere by defining its center and radius=To draw a solid hemisphere by defining its center and radius>proc4 4 To draw a solid cone by defining its center, radius, and height=To draw a solid cone by defining its center radius and height>proc4 4 To draw a solid frustum by defining its center, radius, and height=To draw a solid frustum by defining its center radius and height>proc4 4 To draw a solid cylinder by defining its center, radius, and height=To draw a solid cylinder by defining its center radius and height>proc4 4 To draw a torus=To draw a torus>proc4 3 Using the 2D Object tools 4 To draw a rectangle by defining two corners=To draw a rectangle by defining two corners>proc4 4 To draw a rectangle by defining three corners=To draw a rectangle by defining three corners>proc4 4 To draw a polygon by defining two edge points=To draw a polygon by defining two edge points>proc4 4 To draw a polygon by defining its center and the distance to its corners=To draw a polygon by defining its center and the distance to its corners>proc4 4 To draw a circle by defining its center and radius=To draw a circle by defining its center and radius>proc4 4 To draw a circle by defining two points on its circumference=To draw a circle by defining two points on its circumference>proc4 4 To draw a circle by defining three points on its circumference=To draw a circle by defining three points on its circumference>proc4 4 To draw an ellipse by defining its center and axes=To draw an ellipse by defining its center and axes>proc4 3 Creating planes and surface models 4 To create a surface model based on a regular shape=To create a surface model based on a regular shape>proc4 4 To create a continuous plane defined by multiple points=To create a continuous plane defined by multiple points>proc4 4 To create a series of touching planes=To create a series of touching planes>proc4 4 To create a plane perpendicular to an existing line=To create a plane perpendicular to an existing line>proc4 4 To create a smooth loft connecting existing lines or curves=To create a smooth loft connecting existing lines or curves>proc4 4 To create a skin connecting existing lines or curves=To create a skin connecting existing lines or curves>proc4 2 Transforming objects 3 Scaling objects 4 To scale an object=To scale an object>proc4 3 Mirroring objects 4 To mirror a 2 dimensional object=To mirror a 2 dimensional object>proc4 4 To mirror a 3 dimensional object through an orthogonal plane=To mirror a 3 dimensional object through an orthogonal plane>proc4 4 To mirror a 3 dimensional object through a plane defined by three points=To mirror a 3 dimensional object through a plane defined by three points>proc4 4 To mirror a 3 dimensional object through a plane defined by a normal line=To mirror a 3 dimensional object through a plane defined by a normal line>proc4 3 Rotating objects 4 To rotate a two-dimensional object=To rotate a twodimensional object>proc4 4 To rotate a three-dimensional object around an orthogonal axis=To rotate a threedimensional object around an orthogonal axis>proc4 4 To rotate a three-dimensional object around a line=To rotate a threedimensional object around a line>proc4 4 To rotate a three-dimensional around an axis normal to a plane=To rotate a threedimensional around an axis normal to a plane>proc4 3 Creating offsets, duplicates, and arrays of objects 4 To offset a two-dimensional wireframe object=To offset a twodimensional wireframe object>proc4 4 To duplicate an object=To duplicate an object>proc4 4 To duplicate an object using a transform command=To duplicate an object using a transform command>proc4 4 To duplicate an object using copy and paste=To duplicate an object using copy and paste>proc4 4 To create a line of duplicate objects=To create a line of duplicate objects>proc4 4 To create a two-dimensional grid of duplicate objects=To create a twodimensional grid of duplicate objects>proc4 4 To create a three-dimensional grid of duplicate objects=To create a threedimensional grid of duplicate objects>proc4 4 To create a circular array of duplicate objects=To create a circular array of duplicate objects>proc4 4 To create a spiral array of duplicate objects=To create a spiral array of duplicate objects>proc4 4 To create a spherical array of duplicate objects=To create a spherical array of duplicate objects>proc4 3 Stretching objects 4 To stretch a two-dimensional object=To stretch a twodimensional object>proc4 4 To stretch a three-dimensional object=To stretch a threedimensional object>proc4 3 Extruding 2D objects into 3D objects 4 To extrude an object along a straight path=To extrude an object along a straight path>proc4 4 To extrude an object along a series of straight paths=To extrude an object along a series of straight paths>proc4 4 To extrude an object along a path normal to its plane=To extrude an object along a path normal to its plane>proc4 4 To extrude an object along a curved path=To extrude an object along a curved path>proc4 4 To extrude an object along a circular path=To extrude an object along a circular path>proc4 4 To extrude an object along a spiral path=To extrude an object along a spiral path>proc4 3 Trimming and extending lines 4 To trim a line where it intersects another line=To trim a line where it intersects another line>proc4 4 To trim a line segment between two intersecting lines=To trim a line segment between two intersecting lines>proc4 4 To trim two lines where they intersect=To trim two lines where they intersect>proc4 4 To extend a line to an existing boundary=To extend a line to an existing boundary>proc4 4 To move one endpoint of a line so that it touches an existing boundary=To move one endpoint of a line so that it touches an existing boundary>proc4 4 To combine two lines that touch at their endpoints into a single object=To combine two lines that touch at their endpoints into a single object>proc4 4 To join two lines into a curve=To join two lines into a curve>proc4 3 Slicing planes and 3D objects 4 To slice a plane along an existing line=To slice a plane along an existing line>proc4 4 To slice a 3D object along a plane=To slice a 3D object along a plane>proc4 4 To trim a 3D object along a plane=To trim a 3D object along a plane>proc4 4 To insert a plane divider into a 3D object=To insert a plane divider into a 3D object>proc4 3 Rounding and cropping corners and edges 4 To round one corner of a two-dimensional object=To round one corner of a twodimensional object>proc4 4 To crop one corner of a two-dimensional object=To crop one corner of a twodimensional object>proc4 4 To round one edge of a three-dimensional object=To round one edge of a threedimensional object>proc4 4 To round one corner of a three-dimensional object=To round one corner of a threedimensional object>proc4 4 To crop one edge of a three-dimensional object=To crop one edge of a threedimensional object>proc4 3 Adding and subtracting 3D objects 4 To combine two or more solid objects together=To combine two or more solid objects together>proc4 4 To subtract one solid from another=To subtract one solid from another>proc4 4 To remove everything except the intersecting volume of two or more solid objects=To remove everything except the intersecting volume of two or more solid objects>proc4 4 To remove the intersecting volume of two or more solid objects=To remove the intersecting volume of two or more solid objects>proc4 3 Assembling and disassembling 3D objects 4 To transform a wireframe into a surface model=To transform a wireframe into a surface model>proc4 4 To transform a surface model into a wireframe =To transform a surface model into a wireframe >proc4 4 To transform a surface model into a solid=To transform a surface model into a solid>proc4 4 To transform a solid into a surface model =To transform a solid into a surface model >proc4 2 Shading and rendering your drawing 3 Shading objects 4 To shade the current view=To shade the current view>proc4 4 To shade the current selection=To shade the current selection>proc4 4 To shade a section that you define=To shade a section that you define>proc4 4 To modify the light source for shading=To modify the light source for shading>proc4 4 To add shadows to a shaded drawing=To add shadows to a shaded drawing>proc4 4 To change object detail=To change object detail>proc4 3 Working with colors and materials 4 To assign a color to an object=To assign a color to an object>proc4 4 To assign a material to an object=To assign a material to an object>proc4 4 To edit an existing material style=To edit an existing material style>proc4 4 To create a new material style=To create a new material style>proc4 4 To delete a material style=To delete a material style>proc4 2 Adding text, dimensions, and symbols 3 Working with text 4 To add flat text=To add flat text>proc4 4 To add 3D text=To add 3D text>proc4 4 To add 3D text with leader lines=To add 3D text with leader lines>proc4 4 To edit text=To edit text>proc4 4 To check the spelling of your text=To check the spelling of your text>proc4 3 Working with dimensions 4 To insert a dimension measuring the direct distance between two points=To insert a dimension measuring the direct distance between two points>proc4 4 To insert a dimension measuring the X-axis distance between two points=To insert a dimension measuring the Xaxis distance between two points>proc4 4 To insert a dimension measuring the Y-axis distance between two points=To insert a dimension measuring the Yaxis distance between two points>proc4 4 To insert a dimension measuring the Z-axis distance between two points=To insert a dimension measuring the Zaxis distance between two points>proc4 4 To insert a dimension measuring the angle between two lines=To insert a dimension measuring the angle between two lines>proc4 4 To insert a dimension measuring the diameter of a circle=To insert a dimension measuring the diameter of a circle>proc4 4 To insert a dimension measuring the radius of a circle=To insert a dimension measuring the radius of a circle>proc4 3 Using the CorelCAD Symbol Library 4 To add a symbol to your drawing=To add a symbol to your drawing>proc4 4 To remove a symbol from your drawing=To remove a symbol from your drawing>proc4 2 Managing your files 3 Starting a new drawing 4 To create a new drawing based on the default template=To create a new drawing based on the default template>proc4 4 To create a new drawing from a template=To create a new drawing from a template>proc4 4 To create a template=To create a template>proc4 3 Working with files 4 To open a drawing=To open a drawing>proc4 4 To save a drawing=To save a drawing>proc4 4 To save a drawing under a new name=To save a drawing under a new name>proc4 4 To save only selected objects=To save only selected objects>proc4 4 To save all objects on the current layer=To save all objects on the current layer>proc4 4 To save all objects in the current layer group=To save all objects in the current layer group>proc4 4 To assign keywords to a file=To assign keywords to a file>proc4 4 To add notes to a file=To add notes to a file>proc4 3 Printing your work 4 To print the current view of your drawing=To print the current view of your drawing>proc4 4 To set the printing device properties=To set the printing device properties>proc4 4 To print to a file=To print to a file>proc4 4 To open Corel Print Space=To open Corel Print Space>proc4 3 Importing and exporting files 4 To export a drawing=To export a drawing>proc4 4 To export only selected objects in your drawing=To export only selected objects in your drawing>proc4 4 To export all objects on the current layer=To export all objects on the current layer>proc4 4 To export all objects in the current layer group=To export all objects in the current layer group>proc4 4 To import graphics in other formats=To import graphics in other formats>proc4 3 Exchanging information with other applications 4 To place a copy of an object on the Clipboard=To place a copy of an object on the Clipboard>proc4 4 To cut an object from a drawing and place it on the Clipboard=To cut an object from a drawing and place it on the Clipboard>proc4 2 Customizing CorelCAD 3 Customizing keyboard assignments 4 To assign a shortcut key to a command=To assign a shortcut key to a command>proc4 4 To remove a shortcut key from a command=To remove a shortcut key from a command>proc4 4 To restore all keyboard assignments to their original settings=To restore all keyboard assignments to their original settings>proc4 4 To save a set of customized keyboard assignments=To save a set of customized keyboard assignments>proc4 4 To load a set of customized keyboard assignments=To load a set of customized keyboard assignments>proc4 4 To determine the key combination assigned to a command=To determine the key combination assigned to a command>proc4 3 Customizing menus 4 To change the order of menus and menu commands=To change the order of menus and menu commands>proc4 4 To add a command to a menu=To add a command to a menu>proc4 4 To remove a menu or menu command=To remove a menu or menu command>proc4 4 To customize a context sensitive menu=To customize a context sensitive menu>proc4 4 To rename a menu=To rename a menu>proc4 4 To change a menu command's shortcut key=To change a menu commands shortcut key>proc4 4 To add a new menu=To add a new menu>proc4 4 To restore the original menu settings=To restore the original menu settings>proc4 3 Customizing toolbars 4 To move a toolbar=To move a toolbar>proc4 4 To resize a toolbar=To resize a toolbar>proc4 4 To display an existing toolbar=To display an existing toolbar>proc4 4 To create a custom toolbar=To create a custom toolbar>proc4 4 To add a button to a toolbar=To add a button to a toolbar>proc4 4 To remove a button from a toolbar=To remove a button from a toolbar>proc4 4 To rename a toolbar=To rename a toolbar>proc4 4 To move a toolbar button=To move a toolbar button>proc4 4 To delete a custom toolbar=To delete a custom toolbar>proc4 4 To restore the original configuration of a built-in toolbar=To restore the original configuration of a builtin toolbar>proc4 4 To change the properties of a tool=To change the properties of a tool>proc4 3 Customizing the status bar 4 To move the status bar=To move the status bar>proc4 4 To change the number of status bar display regions=To change the number of status bar display regions>proc4 4 To change what the status bar displays=To change what the status bar displays>proc4 4 To resize the status bar=To resize the status bar>proc4 4 To resize a region of the status bar=To resize a region of the status bar>proc4 3 Changing your preferences 4 To change the material file for your project=To change the material file for your project>proc4 4 To change the default offset for the duplicate command=To change the default offset for the duplicate command>proc4 4 To change the background color=To change the background color>proc4 4 To change the cursor size=To change the cursor size>proc4 4 To change the cursor step rate=To change the cursor step rate>proc4 4 To change the selection tolerance of the pick tool=To change the selection tolerance of the pick tool>proc4 4 To automatically backup your work when you save=To automatically backup your work when you save>proc4 4 To automatically backup your work after a set time period=To automatically backup your work after a set time period>proc4 4 To change object detail=To change object detail>proc4 4 To change the orthogonal axes=To change the orthogonal axes>proc4 4 To show the welcome screen at start up=To show the welcome screen at start up>proc4 1 Reference 2 Glossary 3 Glossary=a 2 Recordings and Corel SCRIPT 3 Recording CorelCAD commands=Recording_CorelCAD_commands 3 CorelCAD recording and scripting limitations=CorelCAD_recording_limitations 3 Introduction to Scripts and Corel SCRIPT =app_Introduction_Scripts_Corel_script 3 CorelCAD and OLE automation=CorelCAD_and_OLE_automation 3 How to 4 How to record CorelCAD commands=ht_record_cad>proc4 4 How to stop recording CorelCAD commands=ht_stop_cad>proc4 4 How to play a recording=ht_play_cad>proc4 4 How to save a recording=ht_save_cad>proc4 4 How to start the Corel SCRIPT Editor=ht_start_cse_cad>proc4 4 How to run a Corel SCRIPT script (or a saved recording)=ht_run_script_cad>proc4 4 How to access Corel SCRIPT on-line help=ht_access_help_script>proc4