The Internet

Knowing that accessing the Internet is increasingly one of the driving forces behind new home computer purchases, Compaq Computer Corporation has designed its newest line of Compaq Presario home PCs to meet the needs of today's Internet-bound home PC user. The value-packed Presario products include powerful MMX enhanced processors and offer an exceptional multimedia experience, large hard drives, blazing-fast modems, an integrated Compaq customized version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer and 50 FREE hours of Internet and e-mail on all new Presario models.

Tested in Compaq's Human Factors Lab with the help of "real-life" consumers, the Presario Internet Setup Wizard eliminates the intimidation of the Internet setup process. The first time the Internet button is pressed, the "wizard" guides users through the setup of their Internet service. Once the ISP is chosen and the system is configured, pressing the Instant Internet Button provides automatic and fast Internet connection with just a "click of a button."

To minimize one of consumers' biggest pet peeves and help avoid the world wide wait, all new Compaq Presarios come loaded with 56Kbps modems for fast Internet access and quick downloading.

Consumers who have never explored the Internet might be a bit reluctant to give up their credit card number in order to sign on with a service provider. Compaq is eliminating this hurdle by offering its customers 50 free hours of Internet entertainment.