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    Auto-Lookup     Automatically Looking up the Word at the Cursor.

         F1 (pick Auto-Lookup)

         or use the Quick Keys

         F6 or ALT-L

         Toggles the auto-lookup routine ON/OFF. When ON the auto-lookup
         routine will read the word at the cursor in your program when
         you pop-up Expert Help. Once read, the search routine is invoked
         and all SHORT entries in the entire database are searched for a
         match to the search word. If a match is found, the highlite bar
         will be positioned over the SHORT entry. If no match was found,
         Expert Help will sound a beep and display a Not Found message
         in the lower right corner of the screen. Also if the screen is in
         half-screen mode and the Auto-Lookup feature is turned ON the
         Display Window will position itself away from the search word
         (when popped-up).


See Also: Text Search Find Next Save Options
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson