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    Pure Power Software

    This  software  is copyright by Michael Gallias.   You may use this
    software free of charge if you are  simply  using it for private use
    or if you are using it to write freeware, postware or public domain

    Please send  me a postcard with your name and address and a small
    comment  so  I  know  that  someone  out  there   actually appreciates
    my software and hard work.

    If  you  are  writing  commercial software, working in a business,
    writing shareware, or using the software to make a profit, you are
    expected to make a reasonable donation to the author.

    Any comments or suggestions are always welcomed by the author.
    Please feel free to EMail me or write to me at any time.

    If  the product is source code,  you are welcome to use it in any of
    your programs.  Furthermore,  you are welcome to modify the  code
    anyway  you  wish  for  your  personal requirements.  You may not
    however  redistribute the modified source code.  If you use any
    part or all of the source code in your programs,  please make
    sure you credit me in your program.   (I.e.  include my name in
    your help file or documentation).

    See the file DETAILS.DOC for my address.  See REG.DOC if you want
    to register the software.  Unlike many other software packages,
    with this software, registration is optional.  Registration
    simply means "Thank you, I like using your software".

    If you send me a postcard or a letter you will become a registered
    user.  If you send me a letter, please include REG.DOC with your
    details (if you have a printer).  You can send me a postcard and
    then EMail REG.DOC to me to save postage costs if you prefer.

    This software is free and thus I take no responsibility for any loss
    or damages caused by it.  You use the software at your own risk.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson