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    Procedure ShowDirList(Var Dir:DirList;ShowMore:Byte;
                          Var PgUp,PgDn:Boolean)

    This procedure displays all files in Dir.  ShowMore is one or more of
    Files,  Time,  Date,  Size    and  Directories  (defined  constants).
    This informs the procedure what  information  to display, and what to

    X,Y specify the screen co-ordinates.

    Current  is  the  currently   active   file,  Start  being  the  file
    number to start displaying  and  HowMany  is  the  number of files to

    FileColor,  DirColor  and   CurrentColor   specify   the  colours  of
    the files, directories and the currently  active file.  PgUp and / or
    PgDn will be set to True if  there  are  more files above the first /
    last file displayed.

    Clear the area of the  screen  used  to  display  the file names with
    the colour of your choice before calling the procedure.


    ShowDirList(Dir,Files + Directories + Size, 100,100, 7, 6, 10,
                2, 5, 8, PgDn, PgUp)

    This will display files and directories (with file sizes) at 100,100.

    The first file on the list will be  file 6 and the second file on the
    list (file 7) will be in colour 2 as it will be the current file.

    PgUp will  be  True  as  files  before  6  exist  (1  to  5) and PgDn
    will be True if more than 16  files  exist (starting at 6, displaying
    10 files = 16).

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson