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      BGIMouseShapePtr         = ^BGIMouseShape;

      BGIMouseShape            = Record
                                   Picture   :Pointer;
                                   Mask      :Pointer;
                                   XHot      :Integer;
                                   YHot      :Integer;

    A pointer to  the  picture  data  and  mask  must  be  passed  to the
    BGI mouse driver using this type.

      STDMouseShapePtr         = ^STDMouseShape;

      STDMouseShape            = Record
                                   Picture   :Array[1..32] of Byte;
                                   Mask      :Array[1..32] of Byte;
                                   XHot      :Integer;
                                   YHot      :Integer;

    Setting the mouse pointer  of  the  standard  mouse  driver should be
    set using the above data format.

      HideOrShow      = (Hidden,Visible)

    Status for windows, whether hidden or visible.

      OutLineSave     = Record
                          Size2 :Word;
                          Data  :Array[1..4] Of Pointer;

    Used by the drag window method for saving the window outline.

      ButtonListPtr = ^ButtonList

      ButtonList = Record
                     Thickness  :Word;
                     Background :Word;
                     Special    :Boolean;
                     Key        :Char;
                     Picture    :Pointer;
                     Name       :String[11];
                     Number     :Word;
                     Next       :ButtonListPtr;

    The screen  coordinates,  thickness,  background  colour,  equivalent
    keybaord keys, picture, name and  number  of  the current button, and
    a pointer to the next button in the list.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson