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  GETENV                                Introduced: v3.12

  .  Summary

  getenv(str <varname>, str <target>);

  .  Description

  The getenv function may be used to access the DOS Environment and
  get the value assigned to an Environment Variable. <varname> is the
  name of the environment variable to be searched for, and <target>
  is the string variable where whatever is assigned to the environment
  variable should be placed.

  .  Return Value

  A non-zero (TRUE) value is returned if the function is successful,
  otherwise a zero (FALSE) values is returned (if the environment
  variable didn't exist);

  .  Example

  // Get and print whatever is assigned to the TELIX env. variable

  str value[64];
  if (getenv("TELIX", value))    // if env. variable exists
   prints(value);                // print value

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson