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  .  Summary

  dos(str <command>, int <mode>);

  .  Description

  The dos function calls the DOS command interpreter (usually COM-
  MAND.COM, and gives it the passed command string. If the <command>
  string is empty (""), Telix will drop into a DOS shell, as if the
  Alt-J command had been executed. Make sure that if you specify a
  command or program that expects user input you are on hand to give
  it. The <mode> argument specifies several options, as follows:

       0    Original screen is restored when command is completed.
       1    When command is completed, the user is prompted to press a
            key and screen is restored as soon as it is pressed.
       2    Original screen is not restored when command is completed

  This function is very similar to the run function. It should be used
  when an internal DOS command is needed or a DOS shell is needed,
  otherwise run is preferable as it uses less memory and executes

  .  Return Value

  The dos function returns a -1 if the command processor can not be
  found or there is not enough memory to load it, otherwise a 0 is re-

  .  Example

  dos("copy a:*.* c:", 1);

See Also: run dosfunction fdelete frename
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson