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 The third option of the Configuration Menu allows you to
 change some general default settings. They are:

     A: Sound (on/off). If this is off Telix will not make ANY

     B: Alarm sound (on/off). If this is off Telix will not
        make ANY alarm sounds, but will still beep when it re-
        ceives the bell code from the remote host, unless the
        sound option is also off.

     C: Keep aborted downloads (on/off). If this is on, Telix
        will keep files which were aborted during a download.
        Otherwise Telix will delete these files.

     D: Show free space for downloads (on/off). This setting
        controls whether or not Telix will display the free
        space on the disk when you start a download. The option
        to turn it off is provided because the free space dis-
        play takes a few seconds for large hard disks.

     E: Use of Quick Dial Bar (on/off). When you press Alt-D to
        access the dialing directory, Telix normally first dis-
        plays the Quick Dial Bar at the bottom of the screen,
        which allows you dial entries without having to view
        the dialing directory. If you would rather go directly
        to the dialing directory when you press Alt-D, set this
        option to Off.

     F: Confirm Hang-up (on/off). Setting this option to on
        will make Telix ask for confirmation before hanging up,
        when Alt-H is pressed.

     G: Usage Log on by default (on/off). If this option is set
        to on, Telix will open the standard Usage Log
        "TELIX.USE" at program start up. Otherwise the usage
        log must be manual turned on if needed.

     H: Scroll-Back buffer size. This setting controls the size
        of the Telix Scroll-BAck buffer (in kilobytes). For
        changes to this setting to take effect you must save
        the changes to disk and restart Telix.

     I: Capture file buffer size. This is the size of the disk
        buffer that Telix should use for the Capture file when
        it is opened. Values from 0 to 4 Kilobytes are allowed.
        A larger buffer size means the disk is accessed less

     J: Date format. This is the format that Telix should use
        when displaying dates. Allowed formats are MMDDYY, DDM-
        MYY, and YYMMDD.

     K: Date separator character. This is the character that
        Telix will print between parts of the date when dis-
        playing a date. The default character is the hyphen (-

     L: Time format. This is the format that telix should use
        when displaying times. Allowed formats are 12-hour and

     M: Time separator character. This is the character that
        Telix will print between parts of the time when dis-
        playing a time. The default character is the colon (:).

     N: Enhanced keyboard support. This option allows you to
        turn off Telix's support for the enhanced (101) key-
        board. This should normally be left on, unless there
        seems to be a keyboard problem.

     O: Shell: 16550 buffer on. This option allows you to spec-
        ify whether the buffer on the 16550a comm chip should
        be left on or off during a DOS shell. If it is in-
        stalled in your PC, Telix normally recognizes and en-
        ables the buffer on this chip at all times, for greater
        efficiency, but there are still a few comm application
        that users might want to run from the shell which can
        not handle the chip with the buffer turned on.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson