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 To start uploading (sending) a file to a remote host you must
 also usually inform the host of the file you will be sending
 it. To start the upload on the Telix end press the PgUp or Alt-S key.
 This will display a menu asking you which file transfer proto-
 col you want to use to send the file. Select the protocol by
 either the key that is highlighted for each protocol (for example,
 "X" for Xmodem) or using the up and down arrow keys to highligh the
 protocol you want and pressing Enter.

 Note that you can define the default protocol (the one highlighted
 when the menu appears) in the dialing directory.

 After you have selected the protocol, you will be asked for the
 file(s) to send. You may use the wildcard characters ? and *
 (see your DOS manual, for more information about wildcard
 characters). During the file transfer, a full status window is
 displayed, unless you are using ASCII protocol, in which case
 only a status line is displayed. Information shown is the
 expected time the transfer will take, the time remaining,
 the number of bytes to send, the number of bytes left, and an
 approximate Character Per Second rating, which can give an
 idea of the effective speed of the transfer. To abort a
 transfer at any time press the Escape key.

See Also: downloading the display using telix menus
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson