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 While using Telix, you will often have to enter a string of
 characters, for example a filename, or a list of numbers to
 dial. Telix gives you full editing powers when you enter a
 string. As you type characters, you may use the Backspace key
 to delete previously entered characters. The Left and Right
 arrow keys allow you to move back and forth in the string to
 edit what you have entered. By default, any characters you en-
 ter overwrite any that are already there. Pressing the Ins key
 will place Telix in insert mode, and any existing characters
 are pushed ahead as you type. Pressing Ins once more places
 you back in overwrite mode. Finally, pressing the Ctrl-Left
 and Ctrl-Right arrow keys allows you to move back and forth in
 the string by increments of a word.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson