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  The while statement is used to loop continuously while a certain
  condition is true. It has the form

       while (<expression>)

  <statement> would continue to be repeated over and over while
  <expression> evaluated to non-zero (TRUE). Note that if the ex-
  pression evaluates to 0 (FALSE) from the beginning, the statement
  will never be executed. Again, multiple statements may be used by
  surrounding them in curly braces. A few examples are:

       while (stat != -1)
         stat = myfunc();

       while (num < 100)
          num = num + 1;

       while (1)
          if (func1())
            return 0;


  Again, be careful to not place a semicolon after the parenthesis
  ending the expression.

See Also: break continue do for operators expressions statements
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson