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 This is not really a system variable, but rather it is a macro which
 CS.EXE will replace by an integer constant equal to the current line
 number in the file which is being compiled. This will be done while
 CS is compiling the script file, so TELIX.EXE will never know anything
 about this and the value by which __LINE__ is replaced can only be
 changed by recompiling.


      printsc ( "This is file " );
      printsc ( __FILE__ );
      prints ( " and line number " );
      printn ( __LINE__ );
      printsc ( ", compiled on " );
      printsc ( __DATE__ );
      prints ( " at " );
      printn ( __TIME__ );

See Also: __DATE__ __FILE__ __TIME__
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson