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  .  Summary

  tsec(int <timeval>);

  .  Description

  These functions all extract time information from <timeval>, which
  is a date and/or time of day. If <timeval> represents a date, it is
  the number of seconds from Jan 1, 1970 to that date. If <timeval>
  represents a time of day, it is the number of seconds from midnight
  to that time. If it is both, the two above values are simply added
  together.  Among others, the curtime and filetime functions return
  time/date information in this format.

  tsec returns an integer value from 1 to 59 representing the seconds
  portion of the time stored in <timeval>.

  .  Return Value

  An integer value as described above.

  .  Example

  int t;
  t = curtime();
  printsc("This is month number ");
  printsc(" in the year ");

See Also: curtime filetime tday thour tmin tmonth tyear
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson