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  .  Summary

  send(int <protocol>, str <name>);

  .  Description

  The send function is used to send (upload) one or more files to an-
  other system over the comm port. <protocol> is the letter used to
  select the appropriate protocol from the actual download menu in
  Telix (e.g., 'X' for Xmodem) as follows:

            'A'       ASCII
            'K'       Kermit
            'M'       Modem7
            'S'       SEAlink
            'T'       Telink
            'X'       Xmodem
            '1'       Xmodem-1k
            'G'       Xmodem-1k-g
            'Y'       Ymodem
            'E'       YmodEm-g
            'Z'       Zmodem

  If an external protocol is defined, <protocol> may also be the key
  used to select. <name> is the file(s) to send. <name> may include
  the DOS wildcard characters * and ?, in which case all matching
  files will be sent (however the protocol used must be capable of
  sending more than one file at a time, e.g., SEAlink, Zmodem, Ymodem
  (batch), etc.). If an upload directory has been defined in the Con-
  figuration Menu, Telix will look there for files specified to be
  sent, unless the <name> string explicitly includes a path to another

  .  Return Value

  A value of -1 is returned if the transfer was aborted, except if the
  carrier (connection) was lost, in which case a value of -2 is re-

See Also: receive
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson