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  .  Summary

  keyset(int <key>, int <table>, str <text>);

  .  Description

  The keyset function is used to assign text to a key. <key> is an in-
  teger value representing the key.  <text> is what to assign to this
  key. Telix always keeps two key definition tables in memory, a
  relatively constant user table, and a terminal table which changes
  with each different terminal and holds the proper key assignments for
  that terminal. If <table> is 0, the key definition in the user table
  is affected. If <table> is 1, the key definition in the terminal
  table is affected.

  .  Return Value


  .  Example

  // Assign a name to the F1 key in the user table
  // Note that if the terminal table also holds a
  // definition for that key it will take precedence
  keyset((0x3a00, 0, "Joe Smith");

See Also: keyget keyload keysave ASCII table keyboard Key Codes
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson