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Function            QUERY()
Action              Interactive query by example condition builder
Returns             <expC> macro expandable logical condition expression
Category            Metafunction
Syntax              expC = QUERY([ExpN],[array1],[array2])
Description         A point and shoot condition builder. Complex
                    conditions are allowed with multiple .and./.or.

                    Called without parameters, all fields in the
                    current dbf are presented for condition building.

Options             [ExpN],[array1],[array2] give field count, field
                    array and field description array. These, if passed
                    will be used in place of the default of all dbf

                    USE CUSTOMER
                    private flds[3],fdes[3]
                    flds[1] = "fname"
                    flds[2] = "lname"
                    flds[3] = "mi"
                    fdes[1] = "First Name"
                    fdes[2] = "Last Name"
                    fdes[3] = "Middle Initial"
                    qcond = "lastname > 'CCCC' "
                    filt = query(3,flds,fdes)
                    set filter to &filt
                    USE CUSTOMER
                    looker = query()
                    locate for &looker

Notes               Makes variable 'QUERY_EXP' public. This contains the
                    current query expression, which is retained between
                    calls of query, and is looked for by other
                    SUPER functions.

Warnings            Macro expanding the QUERY_EXP variable lengthens
                    the command line on which it is expanded. If the
                    command line goes beyond 254 characters, the
                    program will bomb. If this becomes a problem, create
                    a function called EVAL() or some such that you pass
                    QUERY_EXP to and it just does a return(&query_exp).
                    Then use it like so:

                    LOCATE FOR EVAL(m->query-exp)

Warnings            Key -1 is unset on exit (F2)
                    Key -2 is unset on exit (F3)

Found in (prg)......S_QUERY.PRG

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