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Function            ONE_READ()
Action              Pop-up window with 1-4 Say/Get combinations
Category            Popup
Syntax              ONE_READ(<expC1>,<expC2>,<expC3>,...)

Description         For 1-4 iterations of <expC1..expC3>, a popup
                    window will display a Say <expC1>, do a Get on
                    the variable named in <expC2> with a Picture
                    of <expC3>. A read will then be issued.
Examples            c_date = date()
                    c_time = space(8)
                    fun  = .t.
                    ONE_READ("Current Date","C_DATE","@D",;
                             "Current Time","C_TIME","99:99:99")
                             "Having Fun ?","FUN","Y")

Notes               What I've since realised is that <expC2> should
                    actually be passed by reference (@). This would
                    cut down on all the macro-expansionitis.

                    IN CALLING PROGRAM
                    (I use this where I just need a quick read and don't
                     want to alter my current screen)

                    I've found it necessary to use odd variable names
                    as just a PRIVATE declare won't do. (this comes
                    about when a variable name such as WIDTH is
                    passed - if this proc has a variable named WIDTH,
                    (which it did), then the wrong WIDTH would be
                    READ. So, the variables have some very strange

Found in (prg)......S_ONER.PRG

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson