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Function            MAKEBOX()
Action              Draws a shadow box on the screen, saves the screen
Returns             <expC> string containing underlying screen & colors
Category            Popup
Syntax              MAKEBOX(<expN1>,<expN2>,<expN3>,<expN4>,[expC],[expN5])

Description         Draws a box on the screen at coordinates <expN1..expN4>
                    (top,left,bottom,right). Returns a string containing
                    the underlying screen and previous color. Box will
                    explode or not based on the global variable C_XPLODE.
                    To bypass the global C_XPLODE setting, save C_XPLODE
                    to another variable, set C_XPLODE to the desired
                    setting, call MAKEBOX() and ensuing code. Then restore
                    C_XPLODE to its prior global status.

Options             Default color is C_POPCOL and default shadow position
                    is the global variable C_SHADPOS. These may be passed
                    as options . Shadow position [expN5] has allowable
                    values of (1,3,7,9,0) to match the corner positions on
                    the numeric keypad. 0 is no shadow. [expC] is a valid
                    color string or variable.

Examples            box = MAKEBOX(5,5,10,10)
                    * draws a box at 5,5,10,10. Color is C_POPCOL. Shadow
                    * position is based on C_SHADPOS.

                    box = MAKEBOX(5,5,10,10,C_POPCOL)
                    * draws a box at 5,5,10,10. Color is C_POPCOL. Shadow
                    * position is based on C_SHADPOS.

                    box = MAKEBOX(5,5,10,10,C_POPCOL,9)
                    * draws a box at 5,5,10,10. Color is C_POPCOL. Shadow
                    * position is 9 (upper right hand corner).

Notes               UNBOX() removes the box and restores the
                    underlying screen and prior colors.


Found in (prg)......S_MAKEB.PRG

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