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Function            KBD_ESCAPE()
Action              Keyboards character 27 (escape) when key pressed
Category            Keyboard
Syntax              SET KEY xxx TO KBD_ESCAPE

Description         Allows setting an alternate key to the ESCAPE
                    key. ESCAPE normally means 'get me outta here',
                    but sometimes is the key you need to indicate
                    the user is done selecting or some such. This
                    function allows setting another key (e.g. F10)
                    to act as the ESCAPE key.

Examples found in   EXTERNAL KBD_ESCAPE
                    SET KEY -9 TO KBD_ESCAPE

Notes               Declare as EXTERNAL i.e.
                    EXTERNAL KBD_ESCAPE

Warnings            Be sure to issue a SET KEY xxx TO command to
                    un-map this function when done

Found in (prg)......S_KBDESC.PRG

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson