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Function            DELARRAY()
Action              Deletes all elements of an array
Category            Array
Syntax              DELARRAY(<array>)
Description         Deletes all elements of an array. Basically
                    un-initializes the array.
Examples            * Say you wish to re-use an array, passing
                    * it to ACHOICE() each time around, and it
                    * may have different lengths each time. What
                    * you want to do is get rid of any extra
                    * elements before re-filling the array.
                    * e.g.
                    declare reuse[200]
                    DO WHILE .t.
                      * (code to pick and open dbf)
                      * (code to pick and open dbf)
                      fieldpick = achoice(10,10,20,40,m->reuse)
                      * (do something with field selected)
                      * (do something with field selected)
Found in (prg)......S_DELAR.PRG

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