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 FT_ADAPTER()     Report the type of video adapter installed
 FT_CLS()         Clear screen
 FT_DISPCNT()     Return the number of outstanding calls to DispBegin()
 FT_GETMODE()     Get the video mode
 FT_GETVCUR()     Return info about the cursor on a specified video page
 FT_GETVPG()      Get the currently selected video page
 FT_POPVID()      Restore previously saved video states.
 FT_PUSHVID()     Save current video states on internal stack.
 FT_RESTATT()     Restore the attribute bytes of a specified screen region.
 FT_REVATTR()     Reverse colors of specified screen coordinates
 FT_REVCHR()      Reverse the color of a single character on the screen
 FT_RGNSTACK()    Push or pop a saved screen region on or off the stack
 FT_RSTRGN()      Restore region of the screen saved with FT_SAVRGN()
 FT_SAVEATT()     Save the attribute bytes of a specified screen region.
 FT_SAVRGN()      Save a screen region for later display
 FT_SETATTR()     Change color attributes of screen region
 FT_SETMODE()     Set the video mode
 FT_SETVCUR()     Set the cursor position on a specified video page
 FT_SETVPG()      Set the current video page
 FT_SHADOW()      Draw a non-destructive shadow on the screen
 FT_VIDSTR()      Display string on screen in specified attribute
 FT_WRTCHR()      Display character on screen

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson