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 User Selectable Colour Routine


      FT_ClrSel( <aClrData>, [ <lClrMode> ], [ <cTestChr> ]  -> aClrData


     <aClrData> is an array of subarrays, with each subarray containing
        information about the colour settings.

        The subarray has the following structure:

         [1]  cName    is the name of this colour setting i.e. "Pick List"
                 Maximum length is 20 bytes

         [2]  cClrStr  is the current colour string
                 Default is "W/N,N/W,N/N,N/N,N/W"

                 If Setting type is "M" (Menu) the colours are...
                    1.  Prompt Colour
                    2.  Message Colour
                    3.  HotKey Colour
                    4.  LightBar Colour
                    5.  LightBar HotKey Colour

                 Note: While there are many ways to code the individual
                    colour combinations,  they should be in the same
                    format that gets returned from SETCOLOR(), so
                    the defaults can be found in the colour palette.

                    foreground [+] / background [*]
                    i.e. "GR+/BG*, N/W*, N+/N, , W/N"

         [3]  cType  is the type of colour setting
                 Default is "W" (Window)

                    T = Title     Only 1 colour element
                    D = Desktop   Background colour and character
                    M = Menu      For FT_Menuto() style menus
                    W = Window    Windows with radio buttons
                    G = Get       For use with @ SAY...
                    B = Browse    For tBrowse() and *dbEdit()
                    A = aChoice   Pick-lists etc...

                 W/G/B/A are functionally the same but will provide
                 a more appropriate test display.

         [4]  cFillChar  is the character (for desktop background only)
                 Default is CHR(177) "##############"

     <lClrMode>   .T.  use colour palette
                 .F.  use monochrome palette

                 Default is the ISCOLOR() setting

     <cTestChr>  2 Byte character string for colour test display

                 Default is the CHR(254)+CHR(254)  "......"


     An array identical to the one passed, with new selected colours


       This function allows users to select their own colour combinations
     for all the different types of screen I/O in a typical application.
     This facilitates an easy implementation of Ted Means' replacement
     of the  @..PROMPT/MENU TO found in the NanForum Toolkit.  If you are
     not using FT_MENUTO(), you can specify "A" for setting type and have
     a normal colour string returned.


     LOCAL aClrs   := {}
     LOCAL lColour := ISCOLOR()
     LOCAL cChr    := CHR(254) + CHR(254)

     SETBLINK( .F. )       // Allow bright backgrounds

     *.... a typical application might have the following different settings
     *     normally these would be stored in a .dbf/.dbv
     aClrs := {;
        { "Desktop",        "N/BG",                         "D", "#" }, ;
        { "Title",          "N/W",                          "T"      }, ;
        { "Top Menu",       "N/BG,N/W,W+/BG,W+/N,GR+/N",    "M"      }, ;
        { "Sub Menu",       "W+/N*,GR+/N*,GR+/N*,W+/R,G+/R","M"      }, ;
        { "Standard Gets",  "W/B,  W+/N,,, W/N",            "G"      }, ;
        { "Nested Gets",    "N/BG, W+/N,,, W/N",            "G"      }, ;
        { "Help",           "N/G,  W+/N,,, W/N",            "W"      }, ;
        { "Error Messages", "W+/R*,N/GR*,,,N/R*",           "W"      }, ;
        { "Database Query", "N/BG, N/GR*,,,N+/BG",          "B"      }, ;
        { "Pick List",      "N/GR*,W+/B,,, BG/GR*",         "A"      }  ;

    aClrs := FT_ClrSel( aClrs, lColour, cChr )


 Author: Dave Adams

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