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 Set the mouse sensitivity parameters


     FT_MSETSENS( <nHoriz>, <nVert>, <nDouble> ) -> NIL


    <nHoriz>  is the sensitivity of the mouse on the horizontal axis. This
              value is the integer percentage of highest sensitivity and
              thus has a range of 1 to 100. The default value is 50 and at
              this setting about 3.2 inches of mouse movement will move
              the mouse cursor across the screen. If NIL, the current
              value is used.
    <nVert>   is the relative sensitivity of the mouse on the vertical axis.
              The value is an integer percentage of the highest sensitivity
              and thus has a range of 1 to 100. The default value is 50 and
              requires about 2 inches of mouse movement will move from top
              to bottom of the screen.If NIL, the current value is used.
    <nDouble> is the relative sensitivity of the mouse to doubling the ratio
              of cursor movement to mouse movement. The default
              value is 50. If NIL, the current value is used.




    This function allows one to control the mouse movement sensitivity. The
    first two arguments control the amount of movement necessary to move
    the cursor a given amount. The values are the percentage of full
    sensitivity and the default values after installing the mouse driver
    is 50 which represents approximately 3.2 inches of horizontal
    and 2 inches of vertical mouse movement to cover the entire screen.
    A value of 100 requires about 0.9 inches of horizontal mouse movement to
    cover the screen from one side to the other.

    The third argument changes the threshold above which the mouse moves at
    twice the normal speed. The value is a percentage of full sensitivity
    with the default (50) providing doubling at 64 mickeys per second.

    NOTE: These values are NOT restored after resetting the mouse driver/
    hardware. A well behaved application should reset them to the
    original value upon exiting.

    NOTE: The above description is counter to all of the documentation
    I have available. However, it does not work the way it is documented
    with Microsoft drivers versions 6.16, 6.24, 7.04 and 8.20. The above
    movement values are documented to be the number of mickeys per 8
    pixels and the double speed value as the number mickeys per second
    required to double the speed. Each of these values should range from 1
    to 32K but the driver forces a maximum of 100. Also the documentation
    states that resetting the mouse will reset these values. This is not
    the case.


    FT_MSETSENS( 75,75,50 )     // a little less mouse movement necessary.

 Source: MOUSE1.PRG

 Author: Leo Letendre

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