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Using index or memo file formats other than .NTX or .DBT

     HelpSys 2.xx does not have any hardcoded database or index
extensions.  This means that you can use any CLIPPER RDD compliant
product.  HelpSys 2.xx has been tested with FLEXFILE II and COMIX.

     The beginning code segment in the main application looked like
the following:

 Example Beginning Code for FlexFile usage
 REQUEST FLEXFILE              // Use FlexFile as the primary DB Drive  
 RDDSETDEFAULT("FLEXFILE")     // and Default                           

 Example Beginning Code for Comix usage

 REQUEST DBFCMX                                                         
 RDDSETDEFAULT( "DBFCMX" )                                              

 Example Beginning Code for FlexFile and Comix usage

 REQUEST FLEXFILE              // Use FlexFile as the primary DB Drive  
 RDDSETDEFAULT("FLEXFILE")     // and Default                           
 V_SUPERRDD("DBFCMX")          // Add COMIX for indexes                 

     Other RDD drivers should be accessible using the same methods.
Refer to your 3rd party documentation for implementation methods.
Here is a summary of the functions available with the HelpSys package.

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