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    @...BOX is used to draw boxes on the screen.  You may specify the size
    and relative position of the box on the screen, and up to 9 different
    characters can be used in drawing the box.


    @ <exp N1>, <exp N2>, <exp N3>, <exp N4> BOX <exp C>


    <exp N1> is the top row.  Values may be in the range of zero to 24.

    <exp N2> is the left most column.  Values may be in the range of zero
    to 79.

    <exp N3> is the bottom row.  Values may be in the range of zero to 24.

    <exp N4> is the right most column.  Values may be in the range of zero
    to 79.

    <exp C> is a string of eight border characters and one fill character.
    @...BOX draws the box using this string starting from the upper left
    hand corner and then proceeds clockwise.


    For the string, you may specify up to 8 different ASCII characters for
    each of the four corners and sides.  If you choose to specify a 9th
    character in the string, that character will be used to fill the box.
    The characters that are specified in the string will be displayed
    starting from the upper left hand corner and then drawn clockwise.  A
    typical use of this command would involve specifying the appropriate
    single- or double-line box drawing characters in the string.

See Also: @...CLEAR @...TO
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson