Making a Base; the Local Modes file

The plain base is made from a file named and, commonly, from some other file, often called or

The local/modes file lists printers (and monitors), giving each output device a font-making mode, containing a description of some refinements that must be made in order to produce good-looking output. For instance, how to make the characters just dark enough, and how to make diagonal lines come out sharply.

If you want to make a base, you need a variant of the program called `inimf'. (See The {\mfsl META}{\mfsl FONT\/}book, p 279.) For example, plain.base can be made in UNIX by typing:

    inimf 'plain; input local; dump'
If using the emTEX version of for a PC, type:
    mf/i plain; input local; dump