Environment variables

To be able to work with TEX practically, apart from the program itself, you need some additional files. Where these files should be searched for, can be indicated by environment variables[*] (or in the configuration file).

12345 TEXINPUTS Where should TEX look for the macro-, the style-files and the text to be formatted? Here should not forget to include the current directory (to be indicated as `|.|') in the list. (Files ending in `|tex|', `|sty|')
(Default: ``.,tex:macros'')[*]TEXFORMATS As mentioned before, to be able to format a text, you need a format file, in which e.g. the
LaTEXmacro package is contained. (Files ending in `|fmt|')
(Default: ``tex:formats'') TEXFONTS TEX additionally needs information about the fonts used, which can be found in the `TEX Font Metric' files. (Files ending in `|tfm|')
(Default: ``.,tex:fonts'') TEXPOOL initex first reads all strings used in TEX (e.g. error messages) from a ``Poolfile''. (File `|tex.pool|')
(Default: ``.,tex:'') EDITOR In case there is an error in the input for initex or virtex (and you are in the interactive mode) you can start an editor with `e' You can put the name of the editor you want to be called in this variable. For %s the filename, and for %d the line number of the error is substituted.
(Default: ``ed %s -i'') TEXREXX This variable determines, whether the editor should be started as a system- command or as an ARexx script. When the variable is not set, the editor is started as a system command. Does the variable contain an arbitrary string the editor is not started directly, but an ARexx script is called. Does TEXREXX now contain the string ``edit'', then, instead of waiting for the user to start the editor with the e command, it is started right after the first error occurs. REXXEDITOR This variable indicates which ARexx script should be started, in case the `e' command is given and TEXREXX is set. Normally, this script is in |rexx:| and has the extension |.rexx|.
(Default: ``texedit %s %d'') TEXCONFIG Searchpath for the configuration file |tex.cnf|. Is also possible through the `-c' option when called. (File `|tex.cnf|') This variable is also used by the drivers ShowDVI and DVIprint. There, however, it can not be a list of paths, but only a single path.
(Default: ``tex:config'')