## version $VER: cliphistory.catalog 1.0 (14.06.94) ## codeset 0 ## language dansk MSG_PROJECT_MENU Projekt ; Project MSG_ABOUT_ITEM ?\0Om... ; ?\0About... MSG_SAVE_ITEM S\0Gemme klip som... ; A\0Save clip as... MSG_HIDE_ITEM G\0Gemme v ; H\0Hide MSG_QUIT_ITEM A\0Afslutte ; Q\0Quit MSG_EDIT_MENU ; Edit MSG_DELETE_ITEM ~Del\0Fjern... ; ~Del\0Delete... MSG_CLEAR_ITEM ~s Del\0Fjerne alle... ; ~s Del\0Delete all... MSG_PREFS_MENU Indstillinger ; Options MSG_ICON_ITEM O\0Oprette ikoner? ; C\0Create icons? MSG_ASCII_ITEM I\0Gemme tekst som IFF? ; I\0Save text as IFF? MSG_REQTOOLS_ITEM R\0Bruge ReqTools? ; R\0Use ReqTools? MSG_BAD_HOTKEY Forkert tast specifikation:\n\"%s\"! ; Bad hotkey specification:\n"%s\"! MSG_NO_HOTKEY Kunne ikke oprette tast objekt! ; Couldn't create hotkey object! MSG_NO_BROKER Kunne ikke oprette formidler! ; Couldn't create broker! MSG_NO_CLIP Kunne ikke bne klippebord enhed %ld! ; Couldn't open clipboard unit %ld! MSG_NO_MEM Ikke nok hukommelse! ; Not enough memory! MSG_NO_PORT Kunne ikke oprette besked port! ; Couldn't create message port! MSG_NO_SIGBIT Kunne ikke f signal bit! ; Couldn't allocate signal bit! MSG_ERROR_IN_ARGUMENTS Kunne ikke fortolke argument:\n%s! ; Couldn't parse arguments:\n%s! MSG_NO_MENUS Kunne ikke oprette menuer! ; Couldn't create menus! MSG_ERROR_WRITE_CLIP Kunne ikke skrive klip til klippebord! ; Couldn't write clip to clipboard! MSG_ERROR_READ_CLIP Kunne ikke l se klip fra klippebord! ; Couldn't read clip from clipboard! MSG_ERROR_RANGE %s er uden for intervalet (%ld til %ld)! ; %s is out of range (%ld to %ld)! MSG_WINDOW_TITLE %s: Tast = <%s> ; %s: Hotkey = <%s> MSG_NO_VISUALINFO Kunne ikke f visuel information! ; Couldn't get visual information! MSG_NO_DEF_PUBSCREEN Kunne ikke finde standard almen sk ; Couldn't find default public screen! MSG_NO_PUBSCREEN Kunne ikke finde almen sk rm %s! ; Couldn't find public screen %s! MSG_NO_WINDOW Kunne ikke bne vindue! ; Couldn't open window! MSG_NO_GADGETS Kunne ikke oprette knapper! ; Coudln't create gadgets! MSG_NO_CLIP_MEM Ikke nok hukommelse til at gemme klip! ; Not enough memory to save clip! MSG_NO_RESIZE Kunne ikke ndre knapper! ; Couldn't resize gadgets! MSG_NO_LIB Kunne ikke bne %s\nversion \ld eller h jere! ; Couldn't open %s\nversion %ld or higher! MSG_DOS_ERROR DOS fejl %ld ; DOS error %ld MSG_NO_FONT Kunne ikke bne %s\nmed st rrelsen %d! ; Couldn't open %s\nwith the size %d! MSG_TITLE ClipHistory Magnus Holmgren ; ClipHistory Magnus Holmgren MSG_DESCRIPTION Giver klippebord liste ; Adds a history to the clipboard MSG_QUIT_GAD Afslut ; Quit MSG_OK_GAD ; Ok MSG_OK_CANCEL_GAD Ok |Afbryd ; Ok |Cancel MSG_ABOUT ClipHistory %s\nEn liste til klippebordet\n 1994 Magnus Holmgren\n\nKompilerings dato: %s\n%s%s%s\nKlippebord enhed: %ld\nListest relse: %ld bytes\nAntal klip: %ld\n\nOversat til dansk af\nKenneth Fribert ; ClipHistory %s\nA history for the clipboard\n 1994 Magnus Holmgren\n\nCompile date: %s\n%s%s%s\nClipboard unit: %ld\nSize of history: %ld bytes\nNumber of clips: %ld MSG_REALLY_DELETE Er du sikker p du vil slette dette klip? ; Really delete this clip? MSG_REALLY_CLEAR Er du sikker p du vil slette alle klip? ; Really delete ALL clips? MSG_ERROR_WRITE Kunne ikke skrive klip til fil\n\"%s\":\n%s! ; Couldn't write clip to file\n"%s\":\n%s! MSG_ERROR_FIND_DIR Kunne ikke finde skuffe\n"%s\":\n%s! ; Couldn't find drawer\n\"%s\":\n%s! MSG_FILEREQ_TITLE lg fil som klip skal gemmes i ; Select file to save clip to MSG_ERROR_GET_ICON Kunne ikke finde nogen ikon til \n\"%s\":\n%s! ; Couldn't find any icon for\n\"%s\":\n%s! MSG_ERROR_WRITE_ICON Kunne ikke skrive ikonen for\n\"%s\":\n%s! ; Couldn't write the icon for\n\"%s\":\n%s! ;MSG_ERROR_OVERPATCHED ;Kan ikke afslutte endnu, nogen har patchet\nden samme funktion som jeg har\n(Intuition/CloseScreen(). Fjern venligst det andet patch f ; Can't quit yet! Someone have patched\nthe same function I have patched\n(Intuition/CloseScreen(). Please\nremove the other patch first. MSG_NO_VIEW_IO Coulnd't get I/O handles for viewer program! ; Coulnd't get I/O handles for viewer program! MSG_NO_VIEW_TASK Couldn't start Shell for viewer program! ; Couldn't start Shell for viewer program! MSG_RUN_QUIT_GAD Keep running|Quit ; Keep running|Quit MSG_NO_REXXPORT Couldn't create Rexx port named \"%s\"! ; Couldn't create Rexx port named \"%s\"! MSG_BAD_CLIP_DATA The clipboard doesn't contain valid IFF data! ; The clipboard doesn't contain valid IFF data! MSG_ERROR_LONG_PATH Path too long! ; Path too long! MSG_HOST_CLOSING Host closing down! ; Host closing down! MSG_DEF_FILEREQ_TITLE Select a file ; Select a file MSG_OPENCLIP_TITLE Select file to open as clip ; Select file to open as clip MSG_ERROR_WRITE_FILE_CLIP Couldn't write\n\"%s\"\nto the clipboard! ; Couldn't write\n\"%s\"\nto the clipboard! MSG_ERROR_OPEN Couldn't open \"%s\":\n%s! ; Couldn't open \"%s\":\n%s! MSG_ERROR_READ Couldn't read \"%s\":\n%s! ; Couldn't read \"%s\":\n%s! MSG_OPEN_CLIP_ITEM 1\0Open clipboard... ; 1\0Open clipboard... MSG_SAVE_CLIP_ITEM 2\0Save clipboard as... ; 2\0Save clipboard as... MSG_SHOW_CLIP_ITEM 3\0Show clipboard... ; 3\0Show clipboard... MSG_CLEAR_CB_ITEM 4\0Clear clipboard ; 4\0Clear clipboard MSG_SHOW_ITEM W\0Show item... ; W\0Show item... MSG_HISTORY_MENU History ; History MSG_CLIP_EMPTY The clipboard is empty ; The clipboard is empty MSG_NO_SET_REXXVAR Unable to set Rexx variable ; Unable to set Rexx variable MSG_PORTNAME Name of ARexx-port: \ ; Name of ARexx-port: