## version 195 ## codeset 0 ## language english L_CANCEL Cancel L_ABOUT Iconian v1.97 CopyRight 1993/94 by \nChad Randall 229 S.Washington St\n Manchester, MI 48158-9680 USA\n Internet: crandall@garnet.msen.com\n\nThis specific version of Iconian is SHAREWARE,\nand may be freely copied when no changes\nare made to either documentation or executables.\nAll other legal rights to this program\nare expressly withheld by the author. L_REMAPBRUSH Remap Pictures? L_VISIBLEGRID Visible Grid L_OBEYLOCKS Obey Locks? L_TEXTTITLE Enter Text String: L_TESTTITLE Click to Test: L_PREFERROR Couldn\at open optional window.\n\nMaybe there is not enough memory,\nyour screen size is too short,\nor your screen font is too tall? L_LOADPALETTE Select Palette to Load L_LOAD L_SAVEPALETTE Select Palette to Save L_SAVE L_PCOPY L_PSWAP L_PSPREAD Spread L_PSWITCH Switch L_PFREE L_PLOCK L_POTHERS OLock L_PCOLOR Color L_PDITHER Hatch L_PBARS L_PDOTS L_MAGWINDOWERROR There wasn\at enough CHIP memory\nto provide room for\nthis size of magnification window.\n\nPlease make the window smaller, or free some memory. L_LOADNORMALIMAGE Select Normal Icon Image to Load L_LOADSELECTEDIMAGE Select Selected Icon Image to Load L_LOADBOTHIMAGES Select Icon Image to Load L_NOTVALIDICON This icon is not valid. L_UNTITLEDNAME Untitled L_SCREENDEPTHCHANGE Screen depth has changed. L_COMPLEMENTCHARACTER L_BACKFILLCHARACTER L_DISKTYPE Disk> L_DRAWERTYPE Drawer> L_TOOLTYPE Tool> L_PROJECTTYPE Project> L_GARBAGETYPE Trashcan> L_DEVICETYPE Device> L_KICKTYPE Kick> L_APPICONTYPE App> L_ABOUTMORE Opps.\nIf you\ave gotten this far,\nyou must be curious.\n\nLet me tell you that\nthis program was written in \aE\a.\n\nAnd, if you want to seem more\nimprovements to this program, then\neither mail me some dough,\nor email me some comments.\n\nI\ad like to know that this\nprogram is worth continuing.\n\n Thank you in advance. L_OKMORE Ok|More... L_LOADDATATYPE Select Datatype to Load L_IMAGELARGER Image is larger than workspace. L_CLIPSCALE Clip|BitScale|Quick Scale|Scale L_SAVEIFF Select File to Save IFF L_LOADICON Select Icon to Open L_SAVEICON Select Icon to Save L_M_PROJECT Project L_M_ICONIZE W\0Iconify L_M_NEW N\0New L_M_OPEN O\0Open... L_M_SAVE S\0Save L_M_SAVEAS A\0Save as... L_M_ABOUT .\0About L_M_QUIT Q\0Quit L_M_EDIT L_M_UNDO Z\0Undo L_M_REDO D\0Redo L_M_PASTE V\0Paste L_M_CUT X\0Cut L_M_COPY C\0Copy L_M_ERASE Erase L_M_IMAGES Images L_M_EXCHANGE E\0Exchange L_M_COPYFROMOTHER Paste from Other L_M_LOADDEFAULT Default Images L_M_LOAD_IMAGE L_M_L_IMAGE J\0Image... L_M_L_NORMAL Y\0Normal Image... L_M_L_SELECTED U\0Selected Image... L_M_L_BOTH I\0Both Images... L_M_SAVEIMAGE K\0Save Image L_M_RESTORE R\0Restore L_M_COLOR Color L_M_LOADPAL Load Palette... L_M_SAVEPAL Save Palette... L_M_RECOLOR Recolor L_M_RECOLORWB M\01.3 to 2.0 L_M_RECOLORMWB G\03 to 8 Planes L_M_TOOLS Paint L_M_TEST L\0Test L_M_TEXT L_M_ENTERT Enter Text String L_M_SELECTF F\0Select Font... L_M_MOVEI Move Image L_M_AUTOTOP T\0Auto Topleft L_M_MOVEU L_M_MOVED L_M_MOVEL L_M_MOVER Right L_M_FLIPI Flip Image L_M_FHORIZ Horizontal L_M_FVERT Vertical L_M_SCALEI Scale Image L_M_HALFX Half X L_M_HALFY Half Y L_M_HALFB Half Both L_M_DOUBX Double X L_M_DOUBY Double Y L_M_DOUBB Double Both L_M_HIGHLITE Highlight L_M_H_COMP 7\0Complement L_M_H_BACK 8\0Backfill L_M_H_IMAG 9\0Image L_M_ICOTYP Icon Type L_M_IT_DSK 1\0Disk L_M_IT_DRW 2\0Drawer L_M_IT_TLL 3\0Tool L_M_IT_PRO 4\0Project L_M_IT_TRS 5\0Trashcan L_M_IT_DEV Device L_M_IT_KIC 6\0Kick L_M_IT_APP AppIcon L_M_BSHHAN Brush Handle L_M_BH_CN Center L_M_BH_TL Top Left L_M_BH_TR Top Right L_M_BH_BL Bottom Left L_M_BH_BR Bottom Right L_M_PREFS L_E_GENERAL A general error has occured. L_E_NOFILE File not found. L_E_APPWINDOW Could not create an AppWindow. L_E_IFFWRONG Selected file did not contain required information. L_E_NOSAVE Could not open file. L_E_BADICON Problems with icon. L_E_NOWRITEICON Unable to write icon file. L_E_CLIP Problems opening clipboard. L_E_DATATYPE Problems with datatype. L_E_NOPICTURE Datatype is not a picture. L_E_GADGET Problems creating gadgets. L_EF_LIBRARY Could not open a required library. L_EF_FATAL An undefined FATAL error has occured. L_EF_PUBSCREEN Fatal: Could not lock a public screen. L_EF_CHIPBUFFER Fatal: Not enough CHIP memory\n for a required buffer. L_EF_VISUAL Fatal: Could not obtain a visual lock. L_EF_MENUS Fatal: Unable to create menus. L_EF_MSGPORT Fatal: Could not open a port. L_EF_WINDOW Fatal: Unable to open window. L_EF_MEMORY Unable to allocate some memory. L_EF_ILLEGAL The .keyfile has been tampered with.\n\nPlease:\n\na) Register to receive a valid .keyfile.\nb)EMail me asking for a replacement.\nc)Restore it from your archive or backup.\n\nNow leaving... L_MAGWINDOW Magnification Window L_REGWINDOW Regular Image L_SELWINDOW Selected Image L_PALWINDOW Palette Window L_SCRTITLE Iconian v1.97 CopyRight 1993/94 by C.Randall L_SAVETHENQUIT Quit|Save then Quit|Cancel L_SAVEFIRST Proceed|Save First|Cancel L_HASCHANGED \nhas changed. L_QUITANYWAY Quit anyway? L_F_MODE Mode: L_F_TEXT L_F_FIELD Text+Field L_F_COMP Complement L_F_OUTLINE Outline L_F_SHADOW Shadow L_F_BEVEL Bevel Emboss L_A_HEADER Variable allocation buffer sizes follow:\n\n L_A_LINEA 5 image buffers at %ld bytes CHIP each.\n L_A_LINEB Magnification buffer at %ld bytes CHIP.\n L_A_LINEC %ld undo buffers at %ld bytes FAST each.\n\n L_A_LINED %ld bytes of CHIP memory total.\n L_A_LINEE %ld bytes of FAST memory total.\n L_UNDO L_REDO L_OTHER Other L_UNDOLONG XUndoX L_REDOLONG XRedoX L_OTHERLONG XOtherX L_M_FLIPB Flip Brush L_M_SCALEB Scale Brush L_M_SAVEMODE Icon Save Mode L_M_STRIP Strip Planes L_M_NORMAL Current Depth L_M_EIGHT Force Eight L_M_BEVELTYPE Bevelbox Type L_M_RECESS Recessed L_M_FILLBEVEL Filled L_M_SINGLE Single L_M_BUTTON Button L_M_RIDGE Ridge L_M_DROPBOX Drop Box L_M_BRUSHMODE Brush Mode L_M_BM_MATTE Matte L_M_BM_COLOR Color L_M_BM_REPLI Replicate L_M_CLIPSIZE Full Size L_M_BRUSH Brush L_M_LOADBRUSH Load Brush... L_M_SAVEBRUSH Save Brush... L_LOADBRUSH Select Brush to Load L_SAVEBRUSH Select File to Save Brush L_M_T_TOOLS Drawing Mode L_M_T_PLOT L_M_T_DRAW L_M_T_LINE L_M_T_BEVEL Bevel Box L_M_T_BOX Rectangle L_M_T_RECT Filled Rectangle L_M_T_OVAL L_M_T_DISK Filled Oval L_M_T_FILL L_M_T_POLY Filled Polygon L_M_T_CUT Cut Brush L_M_T_PASTE Paste Brush L_M_T_SCALE Stretch Brush L_M_T_NOP L_M_T_IMMEDIATE Immediate Drawing? L_M_T_MAGDRAW Magnify Drawing Only? L_M_T_CROSSHAIRS Crosshairs? L_M_T_RELATIVE Relative Coordinates? L_M_T_LOCKGRID Lock to Grid? L_M_T_LOCKGRIDSET Set Lock to Grid L_NOSAVESEL Selected image was altered,\nbut was not saved.\n\n(The highlight method was either\ncomplement or backfill.) L_NOICONIFY Sorry, but the Iconify option\nhas been disabled to prevent crashes.\n\nIf I have enough time in the future,\nI will rewrite the code.\n\nThis will only happen if I get enough support. L_PSTITLE Settings L_PSSET Save Settings L_PSWIN Snapshot Windows L_CANTCLOSE Can not close public screen.\n\nPlease close all visitor windows. L_PLEASEREGISTER Demo mode:\n\nCertain parameters are too large.\nPlease register this program for full capabilities. L_FORCETOFOUR Use 2 Planes L_SHAREWARE Iconian\nCopyRight 1993/94 by Chad Randall\n\nTo register, send either \n\n A) 10$, a SASE envelope, and a blank disk\n B) 10$, and an Internet address\n\nto: 229 S.Washington\n Manchester, MI 48158-9680 USA.