## version $VER: deutsch.ct 8.1 (08.12.93) ## language deutsch ## codeset 0 ; Chaos: The Chess HAppening Organisation System V5.3 ; Copyright (C) 1993 Jochen Wiedmann ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ; $RCSfile: Deutsch.ct,v $ ; $Revision: 3.2 $ ; $Date: 1994/10/14 09:44:02 $ ; This file contains the catalog-definitions and the english strings ; that are builtin. ; Computer: Amiga 1200 Compiler: Dice 2.07.54 (3.0) ; Author: Jochen Wiedmann ; Am Eisteich 9 ; 72555 Metzingen ; Tel. 07123 / 14881 ; Internet: wiedmann@mailserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de ; The following defines a sequence of strings. Each definition looks as ; follows: ; MSG_STRING_NAME (num/minlen/maxlen) ; text ; where: ; MSG_STRING_NAME is the name of the macro-definition, that will be used ; to get the string. ; num is the number, which MSG_STRING_NAME will stand for ; minlen is the minimum length of "text" (this may be missing) ; maxlen is the maximum length of "text" (this may be missing ; too) ; text is the text, the string will contain ; Each definition is preceded by a remark, which tells what the string ; is used for. ; Title of the window, that allows to select a tournamentfile MSG_CDAT_SELECTION Auswahl der Turnierdatei ;Tournamentfile-selection ; Error-message, if a write-file cannot be opened ; Must contain ONE %s (filename) followed by ONE %ld (error-number)! MSG_NO_WRITE_FILE Kann die Datei %s nicht zum Schreiben er ffnen!\nDOS-Fehler %ld ;Cannot open %s as write-file!\nDOS-Error %ld ; Error-message, if a write-error occurs ; Must contain ONE %ld (error-number) followed by ONE %s (filename)! MSG_WRITE_ERROR DOS-Fehler %ld beim Schreiben der Datei %s! ;DOS-Error %ld while writing %s! ; Error-message, if a read-file cannot be opened ; Must contain ONE %s (filename) followed by ONE %ld (error-number)! MSG_NO_READ_FILE Kann die Datei %s nicht zum Lesen er ffnen!\nDOS-Fehler %ld ;Cannot open %s as read-file!\nDOS-Error %ld ; Error-message, if a file has the wrong ID (CDAT 5.0) ; Must contain ONE %s (filename)! MSG_NO_CHAOS_FILE Die Datei %s ist keine Chaos-V5-Datei! ;%s is no Chaos-V5-file! ; Error-message, if a read-error occurs ; Must contain ONE %ld (error-number) followed by ONE %s (filename)! MSG_READ_ERROR DOS-Fehler %ld beim Lesen der Datei %s! ;DOS-Error %ld while reading %s! ; Title of a requester, that points to something important ; (No error-message!) MSG_ATTENTION Vorsicht! ;Attention! ; Requester-text, that asks, whether we want to save first MSG_CHANGES_MADE Es wurden nderungen durchgef hrt!\nWollen Sie das aktuelle Turnier zun chst abspeichern? ;Changes have been made!\nDo you want to save the tournament first? ; Title of the Yes-Gadget and the No-Gadget of the requester above. ; Must be separated by a '|'! MSG_YES_NO Ja|Nein ;Yes|No ; Error-message, if tournament-input-window cannot be opened MSG_NO_TOURNAMENT_INPUT_WINDOW Kann das Turniereingabefenster nicht er ffnen! ;Cannot open Tournament-input-window! ; Error-message, if pairings aren't possible MSG_NO_PAIRING Keine Auslosung m glich!\n Zu viele Runden? ;No pairings possible!\nToo much rounds? ; Error-message, if printer.device cannot be opened MSG_NO_PRINTER Kann den Drucker nicht ansprechen! ;Cannot connect to printer! ; String preceding the page-number (output) MSG_PAGENR Seite ;Page ; String preceding the name (output) MSG_NAME_OUTPUT ;Name ; String preceding the DWZ (output) MSG_DWZ_OUTPUT ;Rating ; String preceding the chess-club (output) MSG_CHESSCLUB_OUTPUT Schachclub ;Chess-club ; String preceding the first part of the Home address (output) MSG_STREET_OUTPUT ;Home ; String preceding the second part of the Home address (output) MSG_VILLAGE_OUTPUT Wohnort ;Address ; String preceding the birthday (output) MSG_BIRTHDAY_OUTPUT Geb.datum ;Birthday ; String preceding the phone-number (output) MSG_PHONE_OUTPUT Tel.Nr ;Phone ; Title of the list of players MSG_PLAYER_LIST_TITLE Teilnehmerliste ;List of players ; String preceding a result (output) MSG_RESULT_OUTPUT Ergebnis ;Result ; String preceding the player which uses the white pieces (output) MSG_WHITE_OUTPUT ;White ; String preceding the player which uses the black pieces (output) MSG_BLACK_OUTPUT Schwarz ;Black ; Title of the list of games of one round ; Must contain ONE %ld (round-number)! MSG_ROUND_TITLE Spiele von Runde %ld ;Games of round %ld ; String preceding a players place (output) MSG_PLACE_OUTPUT Platz ;Place ; String preceding a players points (output) MSG_POINTS_OUTPUT Punkte ;Points ; String preceding a players Buchholz-points MSG_BUCHHOLZ_OUTPUT Buchholz ;Buchholz ; String preceding a players extended Buchholz-points MSG_EXT_BUCHHOLZ_OUTPUT Verf.Bch. ;Ext.Bchh. ; String preceding a players Sonneborn-Berger-points MSG_SONNEBORN_BERGER_OUTPUT SnnBrgr. ;SnnBrgr. ; Title of the table (Swiss-pairing) ; Must contain ONE %ld (round-number) followed by ONE %s (group-ID, Seniors ; for example) MSG_TABLE_TITLE Tabelle nach der %ld. Runde %s ;Table of round %ld %s ; Title of the table (All-on-all) ; Must contain ONE %s (group-ID, Seniors for example) MSG_TABLE_TITLE2 Tabelle %s ;Table %s ; Title of the list of ratings MSG_RANKINGS_TITLE Rangliste ;Ratings ; String preceding a players number (output) MSG_NUMBER ; Title of the internal list of rankings ; Must contain ONE %ld (round-number) MSG_RANKINGS_TITLE2 Rangliste von Runde %ld ;List of rankings (round %ld) ; Title of the table of progress ; Must contain ONE %ld (round-number) MSG_PROGRESS_TABLE_TITLE Fortschrittstabelle bis Runde %ld ;Table of progress until round %ld ; String preceding a game in the table of progress (output) MSG_GAME_OUTPUT Gegner (Nr., Ergebnis, Farbe) ;Opponent (Nr., Result, Color) ; String preceding a free round in the table of progress (output) MSG_FREE_GAME_OUTPUT frei ; free ; String preceding a game, if the player has withdrawn (output) MSG_GONE_OUTPUT ausg. ; dropped ; String preceding a full point bye in the table of progress (output) MSG_FREE_POINT_OUTPUT Freilos ;1 p. bye ; String preceding a free game in the list of games of one round (output) MSG_FREE_GAME_OUTPUT2 Spielfrei ;free ; String showing that a game was not played in the table of progress ; (output) MSG_NO_FIGHT_OUTPUT ;(np) ; Title of the window that allows to enter results ; Must contain ONE %ld (round-number) MSG_ROUND_INPUT_TITLE Eingabe der Spiele von Runde %ld ;Input of games (round %ld) ; Text of the requester asking, whether new players should really be added MSG_NEW_PLAYER_REQUEST Es wurden bereits Spiele ausgelost!\nWollen Sie trotzdem neue Teilnehmer aufnehmen? ;Games have already been paired!\nDo you really want to add new players? ; Text of the requester asking, whether players should really be modified MSG_MODIFY_PLAYER_REQUEST Es wurden bereits Spiele ausgelost!\nWollen Sie trotzdem Teilnehmerdaten ndern? ;Games have already been paired!\nDo you really want to modify players? ; Text of the requester asking, if players really should be marked as ; withdrawn MSG_DELETE_PLAYER_REQUEST Es wurden bereits Spiele ausgelost!\nWollen Sie wirlich Teilnehmer l schen,d.h. als\naus dem Turnier ausgeschieden markieren? ;Games have already been paired!\nDo you really want to delete players?\n\ ;(Mark them as withdrawn.) ; Text of the requester asking, if a special player should be deleted ; Must contain ONE %s (name) MSG_DELETE_THIS_PLAYER_REQUEST Wollen Sie den Teilnehmer %s\nwirklich l schen? ;Do you really want to delete\nthe player %s? ; Text of the requester asking, if a special player has withdrawn ; Must contain ONE %s (name) MSG_THIS_PLAYER_GONE_REQUEST Wollen Sie den Teilnehmer %s\nwirklich als ausgeschieden markieren? ;Do you really want to mark\n%s as withdrawn? ; Title of the requester telling that a player has withdrawn already MSG_DONT_CARE_REQUEST_TITLE Nicht n ;Don't care! ; Text of the requester telling that a player has withdrawn already ; Must contain ONE %s (name) MSG_DONT_CARE_REQUEST Der Teilnehmer %s\nist bereits gel scht! ;Player %s\nhas already been marked as withdrawn! ; Text of the Ok-Gadget MSG_OK ; Shortcut for the Ok-Gadgets (Must be lowercase!) MSG_OK_SC ; Title of the error-Gadget MSG_ERROR_REQUEST Fehler! ;Error! ; Text of the error-message telling that RAM cannot be allocated MSG_MEMORY_ERROR Zu wenig RAM! ;Out of memory! ; First text of the tournamentmode-gadget (Swiss pairing) MSG_SWISS_PAIRING Schweizer System ;Swiss pairing ; Second text of the tournamentmode-gadget (Round Robin using FIDE-system) MSG_RUNDENTURNIER Rundenturnier (FIDE-System) ;Round Robin (FIDE-system) ; Third text of the tournamentmode-gadget (Round Robin using shift-system) MSG_RUTSCHSYSTEM Rundenturnier (Rutschsystem) ;Round Robin (shift-system) ; Title of the window, that allows to enter tournament-data MSG_TOURNAMENT_INPUT_TITLE Turnierdateneingabe ;Input of tournament-data ; Title of the window, that allows to enter new players WND_PLAYER_ADD_TITLE Teilnehmereingabe ;Input of new players ; First text of the gadget, that allows to select results (White wins) MSG_WHITE_WINS_INPUT \033uW\033nei gewinnt ;\033uW\033nhite wins ; Second text of the gadget, that allows to select results (Draw) MSG_DRAW_INPUT \033uR\033nemis ;\033uD\033nraw ; Third text of the gadget, that allows to select results (Black wins) MSG_BLACK_WINS_INPUT \033uS\033nchwarz gewinnt ;\033uB\033nlack wins ; Fourth text of the gadget, that allows to select results (Result is ; missing) MSG_RESULT_MISSING_INPUT Ergebnis \033uf\033nehlt ;Result \033u\033nmissing ; First text of the gadget, that shows whether a game was player (Played) MSG_AUSGETRAGEN_INPUT A\033uu\033nsgetragen ;\033uP\033nlayed ; Second text of the gadget, that shows whether a game was player ; (Not played) MSG_KAMPFLOS_INPUT \033uK\033nampflos ;\033uN\033not played ; Name of the menu 'project' MSG_TOURNAMENT_MENU Turnier ;Project ; Name of the item 'project-new' MSG_TOURNAMENT_NEW_ITEM Neues Turnier ; Name of the item 'project-load' MSG_TOURNAMENT_LOAD_ITEM Turnier laden ;Load ; Name of the item 'project-save' MSG_TOURNAMENT_SAVE_ITEM Turnier speichern ;Save ; Name of the item 'project-save as' MSG_TOURNAMENT_SAVEAS_ITEM Turnier speichern als ;Save as ; Name of the item 'project-about' MSG_TOURNAMENT_ABOUT_ITEM Informationen ;About ; Name of the item 'project-quit' MSG_TOURNAMENT_QUIT_ITEM Programmende ;Quit ; Name of the menu 'players' MSG_PLAYER_MENU Teilnehmer ;Players ; Name of the item 'players-add' MSG_PLAYER_ADD_ITEM Neuer Teilnehmer ; Name of item 'players-import' MSG_PLAYER_IMPORT_ITEM Teilnehmer importieren ;Import ; Name of the item 'players-modify' MSG_PLAYER_MODIFY_ITEM Teilnehmer ndern ;Modify ; Name of the item 'players-delete' MSG_PLAYER_DELETE_ITEM Teilnehmer l schen ;Delete ; Name of the menu 'rounds' MSG_ROUND_MENU Runde ;Round ; Name of the item 'rounds-make pairings' MSG_ROUND_PAIRINGS_ITEM Runde auslosen ;Make pairings ; Name of the subitem 'rounds-pairings-swiss pairing' MSG_ROUND_PAIRINGS_SWISS_SUB Schweizer System ;Swiss pairing ; Name of the subitem 'rounds-pairings-round robin' MSG_ROUND_PAIRINGS_RROBIN_SUB Rundenturnier (FIDE-System) ;Round Robin (FIDE-system) ; Name of the subitem 'rounds-pairings-round robin (shift)' MSG_ROUND_PAIRINGS_SLIDE_SUB Rundenturnier (Rutschsystem) ;Round Robin (shift-system) ; Name of the item 'rounds-input results' MSG_ROUND_RESULTS_ITEM Ergebnisse eingeben ;Enter results ; name of the menu 'output' MSG_OUTPUT_MENU Ausgabe ;Output ; name of the item 'output-player-list' MSG_OUTPUT_PLAYERS_ITEM Teilnehmerliste ;Player-list ; name of the subitem 'output-player-list-short' MSG_OUTPUT_PLAYERS_SHORT_SUB ;short ; name of the subitem 'output-player-list-long' MSG_OUTPUT_PLAYERS_LONG_SUB hrlich ;long ; name of the item 'output-rankings' MSG_OUTPUT_RANKINGS_ITEM Rangliste ;Rankings ; name of the item 'output-round' MSG_OUTPUT_ROUND_ITEM Runde ;Round ; name of the item 'output-table' MSG_OUTPUT_TABLE_ITEM Tabelle ;Table ; name of the subitem 'output-table-all' MSG_OUTPUT_TABLE_ALL_SUB Gesamt ; name of the subitem 'output-table-senios' MSG_OUTPUT_TABLE_SENIORS_SUB Senioren ;Seniors ; name of the subitem 'output-table-juniors' MSG_OUTPUT_TABLE_JUNIORS_SUB Junioren ;Juniors ; name of the subitem 'output-table-women' MSG_OUTPUT_TABLE_WOMEN_SUB Damen ;Women ; name of the subitem 'output-table-juniors (A)' MSG_OUTPUT_TABLE_JUNIORSA_SUB A-Jugend ;Juniors (A) ; name of the subitem 'output-table-juniors (B)' MSG_OUTPUT_TABLE_JUNIORSB_SUB B-Jugend ;Juniors (B) ; name of the subitem 'output-table-juniors (C)' MSG_OUTPUT_TABLE_JUNIORSC_SUB C-Jugend ;Juniors (C) ; name of the subitem 'output-table-juniors (D)' MSG_OUTPUT_TABLE_JUNIORSD_SUB D-Jugend ;Juniors (D) ; name of the subitem 'output-table-juniors (E)' MSG_OUTPUT_TABLE_JUNIORSE_SUB E-Jugend ;Juniors (E) ; name of the item 'output-table of progress' MSG_OUTPUT_PROGRESSTABLE_ITEM Fortschrittstabelle ;Table of progress ; name of the item 'output-DWZ-ratings' MSG_OUTPUT_DWZ_ITEM DWZ-Wertung ;DWZ-report ; name of the item 'output-cross-table' MSG_OUTPUT_CROSSTABLE_ITEM Kreuztabelle ;Cross-table ; name of the item 'output-cross-table-ascii' MSG_OUTPUT_CROSSTABLE_ASC_SUB Ascii ;Ascii ; name of the item 'output-cross-table-tex' MSG_OUTPUT_CROSSTABLE_TEX_SUB ; name of the item 'output-player cards' MSG_OUTPUT_PLAYERCARDS_ITEM Spielerkarten ;Player-cards ; name of the item 'output-player cards-ascii' MSG_OUTPUT_PLAYERCARDS_ASC_SUB Ascii ;Ascii ; name of the item 'output-player cards-tex' MSG_OUTPUT_PLAYERCARDS_TEX_SUB ; name of the menu preferences MSG_PREFS_MENU Voreinstellungen ;Preferences ; name of the item 'preferences-scoring' MSG_PREFS_TMODE_ITEM Tabellenwertung ;scoring ; name of the subitem 'preferences-scoring-simple' MSG_PREFS_TMODE_SIMPLE_SUB Einfach ;Simple ; name of the subitem 'preferences-scoring-Buchholz' MSG_PREFS_TMODE_BUCHHOLZ_SUB Buchholz ;Buchholz ; name of the subitem 'preferences-scoring-Buchholz (extended)' MSG_PREFS_TMODE_EXTBCHHLZ_SUB Verfeinerter Buchholz ;Buchholz (extended) ; name of the subitem 'preferences-scoring-Sonneborn-Berger' MSG_PREFS_TMODE_SONNEBORN_SUB Sonneborn-Berger ;Sonneborn-Berger ; name of the item 'preferences-output-device' MSG_PREFS_OUT_ITEM Ausgabe auf ;Output-Device ; name of the subitem 'preferences-output-screen' MSG_PREFS_OUT_SCREEN_SUB Bildschirm ;Screen ; name of the subitem 'preferences-output-printer (Draft)' MSG_PREFS_OUT_PRTDRAFT_SUB Drucker (ohne LQ) ;Printer (Draft) ; name of the subitem 'preferences-output-printer (LQ)' MSG_PREFS_OUT_PRTLQ_SUB Drucker (mit LQ) ;Printer (LQ) ; name of the subitem 'preferences-output-file' MSG_PREFS_OUT_FILE_SUB Datei ;File ; title of the subitem 'preferences-setgames' MSG_PREFS_SETGAMES Spiele setzen ;Set Games ; name of the item 'preferences-make icons' MSG_PREFS_MAKEICONS_ITEM Icons erzeugen ;Make icons ; title of the subitems 'preferences-savewindowsettings' MSG_PREFS_SAVEWINDOWSETTINGS Fenstereinstellungen speichern ;Save window settings ; title of the menu 'special' MSG_SPECIAL_MENU Spezielles ;Special ; text preceding the gadget, that shows the number of players MSG_NUM_PLAYERS_OUTPUT Teilnehmer: ;Players: ; text preceding the gadget, that shows the number of rounds MSG_NUM_ROUNDS_OUTPUT Runden: ;Rounds: ; text preceding the gadget, that shows the tournament's name MSG_TOURNAMENT_NAME_OUTPUT Turniername: ;Tournamentname: ; text preceding the gadget, that shows the tournament's file MSG_TOURNAMENT_FILE_OUTPUT Turnierdatei: ;Tournamentfile: ; text preceding the gadget, that shows the tournament's mode MSG_TOURNAMENT_MODE_OUTPUT Turniermodus: ;Tournamentmode: ; text of the Cancel-gadget MSG_CANCEL_INPUT Abbruch ;Cancel ; Shortcut for the cancel-gadgets (Must be lowercase!) MSG_CANCEL_SC ; text of the Ok-gadget MSG_OK_INPUT ; text preceding the gadget, that allows to enter the tournament's name MSG_TOURNAMENT_NAME_INPUT Turniername ;Tournamentname ; text preceding the gadget, that allows to enter the player's name MSG_NAME_INPUT ;Name ; text preceding the first gadget, that allows to enter the player's address MSG_STREET_INPUT ;Home ; text preceding the second gadget, that allows to enter the player's ; address MSG_VILLAGE_INPUT Wohnort ;Address ; text preceding the gadget, that allows to enter the player's chess-club MSG_CHESS_CLUB_INPUT Schachclub ;Chess-club ; text preceding the gadget, that allows to enter the player's phone-number MSG_PHONE_INPUT Telefon ;Phone ; text preceding the gadget, that allows to enter the player's birthday MSG_BIRTHDAY_INPUT Geburtsdatum ;Birthday ; text preceding the gadget, that allows to enter the player's rating MSG_DWZ_INPUT ;Rating ; text preceding the gadget, that allows to enter the player's ELO-number MSG_ELO_INPUT ; text preceding the gadget, that allows to mark the player as a senior MSG_SENIORS_INPUT Senior ;Senior ; text preceding the gadget, that allows to mark the player as a junior MSG_JUNIORS_INPUT Junior ;Junior ; text preceding the gadget, that allows to mark the player as a woman MSG_WOMEN_INPUT ;Woman ; text preceding the gadget, that allows to mark the player as a junior (A) MSG_JUNIORSA_INPUT A-Jugend ;Junior (A) ; text preceding the gadget, that allows to mark the player as a junior (B) MSG_JUNIORSB_INPUT B-Jugend ;Junior (B) ; text preceding the gadget, that allows to mark the player as a junior (C) MSG_JUNIORSC_INPUT C-Jugend ;Junior (C) ; text preceding the gadget, that allows to mark the player as a junior (D) MSG_JUNIORSD_INPUT D-Jugend ;Junior (D) ; text preceding the gadget, that allows to mark the player as a junior (E) MSG_JUNIORSE_INPUT E-Jugend ;Junior (E) ; text telling that the player's name is missing MSG_MISSING_PLAYER_NAME Der Name des Teilnehmers fehlt! ;Players name is missing! ; text telling that the player's birthday is wrong ; Must contain ONE %s (name) MSG_BIRTHDAY_ERROR Geburtsdatum des Teilnehmers %s ist ung ltig! ;Error in birthday of player %s! ; disclaimer MSG_ABOUT_PERMISSION Dieses Programm steht unter den Bestimmungen der "GNU General Public \ License". Bitte achten Sie darauf, da Sie eine Kopie dieser Lizenz (in der \ Datei COPYING) gemeinsam mit diesem Programm erhalten. Diese Lizenz stellt \ insbesondere klar, da dieses Progamm sowie die Dokumentation unter \ gewissen Bedingungen unver ndert oder ver ndert weitergegeben werden darf. \ Ferner stellt die Lizenz klar, da der Autor des Programms KEINERLEI \ GARANTIE gew hrt!\n\n ;This program is governed by the terms and conditions of the GNU General \ ;Public License. A copy should have come with this distribution. (See the \ ;file COPYING.) In that license it is made clear that you are welcome to \ ;redistribute either verbatim or modified copies of the program and the \ ;documentation under certain conditions. Further you are told that this \ ;program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY!\n\n\n ; credits part 1 (Aztec-C doesn't allow macros longer than ~1024 bytes) MSG_ABOUT_THANKS1 Danken m chte ich:\n\ Stefan Stuntz f r MUI. Wer jetzt noch nicht mit der Benutzeroberfl che \ zufrieden ist, dem ist nicht zu helfen.\n\ Reinhard Spisser und Sebastiano Vigna f r die Amiga-Version von texinfo, \ mit der die Dokumentation geschrieben ist.\n\ Der Free Software Foundation f r die Urversion von texinfo und f r viele \ andere hervorragende Programme.\n\n ;My thanks go to\n\ ; Stefan Stuntz for MUI. Finally the user interface should be satisfying \ ;for everyone.\n\ ; Reinhard Spisser and Sebastiano Vigna for the Amiga-version of texinfo. \ ;The documentation is written using this.\n\ ; The Free Software Foundation for creating texinfo and many other \ ;excellent programs.\n\n ; credits part 2 (Aztec-C doesn't allow macros longer than ~1024 bytes) MSG_ABOUT_THANKS2 Den Betatestern: Kai Bolay, Frank Geider, Franz Hemmer, J rgen Lang \ (Quarvon), Christian Soltenborn und Volker Zink (Der_Zinker)\n\ Meinem Freund Mathias M rsch f r seine Hilfe bei der englischen \ bersetzung der Dokumentation. Wenigstens ein Gutes hat es, da der Kerl \ seit fast 6 Jahren in den USA steckt!\n\ Den Leuten von #AmigaGer f r die Beantwortung vieler dummer Fragen und \ r viele Augenblicke erfreulich ungez gelten Schwachsinns :-), z.B. \ PowerStat (Kai Hoffmann), ZZA (Bernhard M llemann), Stargazer (Petra \ Zeidler), stefanb (Stefan Becker), Tron (Mathias Scheler), ill (Markus \ Illenseer)\n\ Commodore f r den Amiga und f r Kickstart 2.0. Macht weiter mit der \ Kiste, dann bin ich vielleicht auch die n chsten 8 Jahre \ Amiga-Besitzer. :-)\n\ Douglas Adams und Tom Sharpe f r das Erdenken von Arthur Dent und Henry \ Wilt, meinen Lieblings(anti)helden\n\ und meinen Eltern f r ihre Badewanne: Nirgends kann man besser \ nachdenken. ;-) ; The Betatesters: Kai Bolay, Frank Geider, Franz Hemmer, J rgen Lang \ ;(Quarvon), Christian Soltenborn and Volker Zink (The_Zinker)\n\ ; My friend Mathias Moersch for his help in the manual's english \ ;translation: Spending nearly 6 years in the USA finally does some good!\n\ ; The people of #AmigaGer for answering many stupid questions and lots of \ ;fun, for example PowerStat (Kai Hoffmann), ZZA (Bernhard M llemann), \ ;Stargazer (Petra Zeidler), stefanb (Stefan Becker), Tron (Mathias \ ;Scheler) and ill (Markus Illenseer)\n\ ; Commodore for the Amiga and Kickstart V2.x. Keep on developing and I'll \ ;be an Amiga-user the next 8 years too. :-)\n\ ; Douglas Adams and Tom Sharpe for creating Arthur Dent and Tom Sharpe. \ ;My favourite (anti)-heroes!\n\ ; and to my parents for their bath-tub: There's no better place to think \ ;about something ;-) ; text of the gadget, that asks for a birthday ; Must contain ONE %s (name) MSG_NO_BIRTHDAY Beim Teilnehmer %s fehlt das Geburtsdatum!\n\ Bitte w hlen Sie eine Altersgruppe oder treffen Sie\n\ eine andere Entscheidung! ;Player %s doesn't have a birthdate!\n\ ;Please select an age-group or make another decision: ; text containing the gadgets of the requester above, separated by '|' ; the following gadgets need to be present (in the same order): ; 1. A gadget telling that the player is 20 years old or younger. ; 2. A gadget telling that the player is between 21 and 25 years old. ; 3. A gadget telling that the player is 26 years or older. ; 4. A gadget telling that the user wants to modify the player's data. ; 5. A gadget telling that the player should be skipped (and won't be ; present in the DWZ-report) ; 6. A Cancel-gadget MSG_NO_BIRTHDAY_GADGETS Bis 20|21-25|Ab 26| ndern|Auslassen|Abbruch ;20 or younger|21-25|26 or older|Modify|Skip|Cancel ; title of the DWZ-report MSG_DWZ_TITLE DWZ-Wertung ;DWZ-Ratings ; title of the About-window MSG_ABOUT_TITLE Informationen ;Informations ; string preceding the ELO-number (output) MSG_ELO_OUTPUT ; The following Strings should contain exactly one different letter. ; They are used as flags in the list of players. MSG_SENIOR_SHORT MSG_JUNIOR_SHORT MSG_WOMAN_SHORT MSG_JUNIORA_SHORT MSG_JUNIORB_SHORT MSG_JUNIORC_SHORT MSG_JUNIORD_SHORT MSG_JUNIORE_SHORT ; String demonstrating the date-format, 2 chars day, point, 2 chars month, ; point, 4 chars year surrounded by parenthesis MSG_DATE_FORMAT (tt.mm.jjjj) ;(dd.mm.yyyy) ; The following strings are the menu-shortcuts: KEY_PROJECT_LOAD KEY_PROJECT_SAVE KEY_PROJECT_SAVE_AS KEY_PROJECT_ABOUT KEY_PLAYERS_NEW KEY_PLAYERS_MODIFY ; Title of the window, that allows to select a player for modifying WND_PLAYER_MODSEL_TITLE Auswahl des zu nderndern Teilnehmers ;Select a player to modify ; Title of the window requesting a TeX-file MSG_TEXFILE_SELECTION Auswahl der TeX-Datei ;TeX-file-selection ; Message, that no new players may get entered (Round Robin) MSG_NO_NEW_PLAYERS_ROUND_ROBIN Es wurden bereits Spiele ausgelost.\n\ Deshalb sind keine neuen Teilnehmer erlaubt. ;Games have already been paired.\nNo new players possible! ; Message, that no new players may get entered (Swiss Pairing) MSG_NO_NEW_PLAYERS_SWISS_PAIR Es sind keine neuen Teilnehmer m glich,\n\ nachdem Runde 1 beendet ist. ;It isn't possible to enter new players,\nwhen round 1 is finished! ; Title of the window, that allows to modify players WND_PLAYER_MODIFY_TITLE nderung von Teilnehmern ;Player modification ; Title of the window, that allows to select a player for deleting WND_PLAYER_DELSEL_TITLE Auswahl des zu l schenden Teilnehmers ;Select a player to delete ; Message telling, that no players may be deleted MSG_NO_PLAYER_DELETE In einem Rundenturnier d rfen keine\nTeilnehmer gel scht werden! ;No players may be deleted\n in a round robin tournament! ; Titles of the buttons of a three choice requester ; Must be separated by a '|'! MSG_YES_NO_CANCEL Ja|Nein|Abbruch ;Yes|No|Cancel ; Title of the game set window WND_GAMESET_TITLE Setzen von Spielen ;Setting of games ; Title of the Delete button BUTTON_DELETE_TITLE schen ;Delete ; Shortcut of the Delete button (Must be lowercase!) BUTTON_DELETE_SC ; Character representing a one point bye in the player cards MSG_ONEPOINTBYE_VERYSHORT ; Title of the filerequester asking for an ascii output file WND_ASCIIFILE_TITLE Auswahl der Ausgabedatei ;Output file selection ; Title of the round select window WND_RNDSEL_TITLE Auswahl der Runde ;Round selection ; Text of the round selection window WND_RNDSEL_TEXT Bitte w hlen Sie eine Runde ;Please select a round number ; Error message: Cannot open window (Must have one %s included!) ERRMSG_CANNOT_OPEN_WINDOW Kann Fenster nicht er ffnen: %s ;Canot open window: %s ; MUI error message: No error ??? MUIERR_OK ; MUI error message: Out of memory MUIERR_OutOfMemory Zu wenig RAM ;Out of memory ; MUI error message: Out of graphics memory MUIERR_OutOfGfxMemory Zu wenig CHIP-RAM ;Out of chip memory ; MUI error message: InvalidWindowObject MUIERR_InvalidWindowObject ltiges Fensterobjekt ;Invalid window object ; MUI error message: Missing library MUIERR_MissingLibrary Library fehlt ;Missing library ; MUI error message: No ARexx MUIERR_NoARexx Kann ARexx-Port nicht erzeugen ;Cannot create ARexx port ; MUI error message: SingleTask MUIERR_SingleTask Programm l uft bereits ;Application is already running ; MUI error message: Unknown MUIERR_Unknown Unbekannter Fehler ;Unknown error ; Error message: One point bye invalid MSG_INVALID_ONEPOINTBYE Kein Freilos erlaubt:\n\ Die Zahl der aktiven Teilnehmer ist gerade. ;Number of active players is even:\n\ ;No one point bye allowed. ; Error message: Game already paired; must contain two %s (player names) ; followed by one %ld (round number) MSG_INVALID_GAME Die Spieler %s\n\ und %s\n\ haben bereits in Runde %ld gegeneinander gespielt. ;Players %s\n\ ;and %s\n\ ;have already been paired in round %ld. ; Error message: Invalid colors; must contain two %s (player names) MSG_INVALID_COLORS Sie Spieler %s\n\ und %s\n\ hatten beide %s in den letzten beiden Runden.\n\n\ Sollen sie wirklich gegeneinander spielen? ;Players %s\n\ ;and %s\n\ ;had %s pieces in the last two rounds.\n\n\ ;Do you really want to pair them? ; Error message: Player withdrawn; must contain one %s (player name) MSG_PLAYER_WITHDRAWN %s ist ausgeschieden\n\ und kann nicht gesetzt werden. ;Player %s has withdrawn\n\ ;and cannot be set. ; Error message: Player in use; must contain two %s (player names) MSG_INVALID_PLAYER %s ist bereits gesetzt\n\ als Gegner von %s. ;Player %s is already set as\n\ ;opponent of player %s. ; Error message: Player already had an one point bye; must contain one ; %s (player name) MSG_HAD_ONEPOINTBYE %s hatte\n\ bereits ein Freilos. ;Player %s already\n\ ;had an one point bye. ; Title of the Modify button BUTTON_MODIFY_TITLE ndern ;Modify ; Shortcut of the Select button (Must be lowercase) BUTTON_MODIFY_SC ; Title of the result radio gadget (Result window) RADIO_RESULT_TITLE Ergebnis ;Result ; Title of the mode radio gadget (Result window) RADIO_MODE_TITLE Modus ;Mode ; Title of the finish button (Player select window) BUTTON_FINISH Beenden ;Finish ; Shortcut of the finish button (Player select window, must be lowercase) BUTTON_FINISH_SC ; Mode one of the color cycle gadget (Chaos selects colors) CYCLE_CHAOSCOLORS Chaos w hlt Farben ;Chaos selects colors ; Mode two of the color cycle gadget (User determines colors) CYCLE_USERCOLORS Benutzer w hlt Farben ;User determines colors ; String indicating that a games colors have been determined MSG_COLORS_SET ;(cd) ; Error message: Invalid color for player; must contain two %s (player ; name and color) MSG_INVALID_COLOR Der Teilnehmer %s hatte bereits\n\ in den letzten beiden Runden %s.\n\ Wollen Sie das wirklich? ;Player %s already had\n\ ;the %s pieces in the last two rounds.\n\ ;Do you really want this? ; Key to hit in the results window, if white player wins KEY_RESULT_WHITE ; Key to hit in the result window, if a game ended draw KEY_RESULT_DRAW ; Key to hit in the result window, if the black player wins KEY_RESULT_BLACK ; Key to hit in the result window, if a result is missing KEY_RESULT_MISSING ; Key to hit in the result window, if a game was played KEY_RESULT_PLAYED ; Key to hit in the result window, if a game was decided without fight KEY_RESULT_NPLAYED ; Message: Playername already exists. Must contain one %s. (player name) MSG_PlayerExists Einen Spieler %s gibt es bereits! ;A player %s already exists. ; Buttons of the requester which asks, if a player should be deleted. BUTTONS_DELETE_THIS_PLAYER_REQUEST schen|Auslassen|Abbrechen ;Delete him|Skip him|Cancel ; Buttons of the requester which asks, if a player should be marked ; as withdrawn BUTTONS_THIS_PLAYER_GONE_REQUEST Ist ausgeschieden|Auslassen|Abbruch ;Withdraw him|Skip him|Cancel ; Title of the window to import players MSG_ImportPlayersWinTitle Bitte w hlen Sie die zu ladenden Spieler ;Please select players to import ; Ok button of the above window MSG_ImportPlayersOkButton Laden ;Import ; Shortcut of the above button MSG_ImportPlayersOkButtonSC ; Title of the Reverse button (Player selection window) Button_Reverse Invertieren ;Reverse ; Shortcut of the above button Button_Reverse_SC ; Error message: Printer trouble MSG_PrinterError Druckerprobleme!\nAusgabe wird abgebrochen. ;Cancelling output:\nPrinter trouble. ; Title of winner points gadget MSG_WINNERPOINTS Gewinnpunkte: ;Winner points: ; Title of draw points gadget MSG_DRAWPOINTS Remispunkte: ;Draw points: