This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.55 from the input file calc.texinfo. This file documents Calc, the GNU Emacs calculator. Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" is included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" may be included in a translation approved by the author instead of in the original English. File:, Node: Default Simplifications, Next: Algebraic Simplifications, Prev: Simplifying Formulas, Up: Simplifying Formulas Default Simplifications ----------------------- This section describes the "default simplifications," those which are normally applied to all results. For example, if you enter the variable `x' on the stack twice and push `+', Calc's default simplifications automatically change `x + x' to `2 x'. The `m O' command turns off the default simplifications, so that `x + x' will remain in this form unless you give an explicit "simplify" command like `=' or `a v'. *Note Algebraic Manipulation::. The `m D' command turns the default simplifications back on. The most basic default simplification is the evaluation of functions. For example, `2 + 3' is evaluated to `5', and `sqrt(9)' is evaluated to `3'. Evaluation does not occur if the arguments to a function are somehow of the wrong type (`tan([2,3,4])', range (`tan(90)'), or number (`tan(3,5)'), or if the function name is not recognized (`f(5)'), or if "symbolic" mode (*note Symbolic Mode::.) prevents evaluation (`sqrt(2)'). Calc simplifies (evaluates) the arguments to a function before it simplifies the function itself. Thus `sqrt(5+4)' is simplified to `sqrt(9)' before the `sqrt' function itself is applied. There are very few exceptions to this rule: `quote', `lambda', and `condition' (the `::' operator) do not evaluate their arguments, `if' (the `? :' operator) does not evaluate all of its arguments, and `evalto' does not evaluate its lefthand argument. Most commands apply the default simplifications to all arguments they take from the stack, perform a particular operation, then simplify the result before pushing it back on the stack. In the common special case of regular arithmetic commands like `+' and `Q' [`sqrt'], the arguments are simply popped from the stack and collected into a suitable function call, which is then simplified (the arguments being simplified first as part of the process, as described above). The default simplifications are too numerous to describe completely here, but this section will describe the ones that apply to the major arithmetic operators. This list will be rather technical in nature, and will probably be interesting to you only if you are a serious user of Calc's algebra facilities. As well as the simplifications described here, if you have stored any rewrite rules in the variable `EvalRules' then these rules will also be applied before any built-in default simplifications. *Note Automatic Rewrites::, for details. And now, on with the default simplifications: Arithmetic operators like `+' and `*' always take two arguments in Calc's internal form. Sums and products of three or more terms are arranged by the associative law of algebra into a left-associative form for sums, `((a + b) + c) + d', and a right-associative form for products, `a * (b * (c * d))'. Formulas like `(a + b) + (c + d)' are rearranged to left-associative form, though this rarely matters since Calc's algebra commands are designed to hide the inner structure of sums and products as much as possible. Sums and products in their proper associative form will be written without parentheses in the examples below. Sums and products are *not* rearranged according to the commutative law (`a + b' to `b + a') except in a few special cases described below. Some algebra programs always rearrange terms into a canonical order, which enables them to see that `a b + b a' can be simplified to `2 a b'. Calc assumes you have put the terms into the order you want and generally leaves that order alone, with the consequence that formulas like the above will only be simplified if you explicitly give the `a s' command. *Note Algebraic Simplifications::. Differences `a - b' are treated like sums `a + (-b)' for purposes of simplification; one of the default simplifications is to rewrite `a + (-b)' or `(-b) + a', where `-b' represents a "negative-looking" term, into `a - b' form. "Negative-looking" means negative numbers, negated formulas like `-x', and products or quotients in which either term is negative-looking. Other simplifications involving negation are `-(-x)' to `x'; `-(a b)' or `-(a/b)' where either `a' or `b' is negative-looking, simplified by negating that term, or else where `a' or `b' is any number, by negating that number; `-(a + b)' to `-a - b', and `-(b - a)' to `a - b'. (This, and rewriting `(-b) + a' to `a - b', are the only cases where the order of terms in a sum is changed by the default simplifications.) The distributive law is used to simplify sums in some cases: `a x + b x' to `(a + b) x', where `a' represents a number or an implicit 1 or -1 (as in `x' or `-x') and similarly for `b'. Use the `a c', `a f', or `j M' commands to merge sums with non-numeric coefficients using the distributive law. The distributive law is only used for sums of two terms, or for adjacent terms in a larger sum. Thus `a + b + b + c' is simplified to `a + 2 b + c', but `a + b + c + b' is not simplified. The reason is that comparing all terms of a sum with one another would require time proportional to the square of the number of terms; Calc relegates potentially slow operations like this to commands that have to be invoked explicitly, like `a s'. Finally, `a + 0' and `0 + a' are simplified to `a'. A consequence of the above rules is that `0 - a' is simplified to `-a'. The products `1 a' and `a 1' are simplified to `a'; `(-1) a' and `a (-1)' are simplified to `-a'; `0 a' and `a 0' are simplified to `0', except that in matrix mode where `a' is not provably scalar the result is the generic zero matrix `idn(0)', and that if `a' is infinite the result is `nan'. Also, `(-a) b' and `a (-b)' are simplified to `-(a b)', where this occurs for negated formulas but not for regular negative numbers. Products are commuted only to move numbers to the front: `a b 2' is commuted to `2 a b'. The product `a (b + c)' is distributed over the sum only if `a' and at least one of `b' and `c' are numbers: `2 (x + 3)' goes to `2 x + 6'. The formula `(-a) (b - c)', where `-a' is a negative number, is rewritten to `a (c - b)'. The distributive law of products and powers is used for adjacent terms of the product: `x^a x^b' goes to `x^(a+b)' where `a' is a number, or an implicit 1 (as in `x'), or the implicit one-half of `sqrt(x)', and similarly for `b'. The result is written using `sqrt' or `1/sqrt' if the sum of the powers is `1/2' or `-1/2', respectively. If the sum of the powers is zero, the product is simplified to `1' or to `idn(1)' if matrix mode is enabled. The product of a negative power times anything but another negative power is changed to use division: `x^(-2) y' goes to `y / x^2' unless matrix mode is in effect and neither `x' nor `y' are scalar (in which case it is considered unsafe to rearrange the order of the terms). Finally, `a (b/c)' is rewritten to `(a b)/c', and also `(a/b) c' is changed to `(a c)/b' unless in matrix mode. Simplifications for quotients are analogous to those for products. The quotient `0 / x' is simplified to `0', with the same exceptions that were noted for `0 x'. Likewise, `x / 1' and `x / (-1)' are simplified to `x' and `-x', respectively. The quotient `x / 0' is left unsimplified or changed to an infinite quantity, as directed by the current infinite mode. *Note Infinite Mode::. The expression `a / b^(-c)' is changed to `a b^c', where `-c' is any negative-looking power. Also, `1 / b^c' is changed to `b^(-c)' for any power `c'. Also, `(-a) / b' and `a / (-b)' go to `-(a/b)'; `(a/b) / c' goes to `a / (b c)'; and `a / (b/c)' goes to `(a c) / b' unless matrix mode prevents this rearrangement. Similarly, `a / (b:c)' is simplified to `(c:b) a' for any fraction `b:c'. The distributive law is applied to `(a + b) / c' only if `c' and at least one of `a' and `b' are numbers. Quotients of powers and square roots are distributed just as described for multiplication. Quotients of products cancel only in the leading terms of the numerator and denominator. In other words, `a x b / a y b' is cancelled to `x b / y b' but not to `x / y'. Once again this is because full cancellation can be slow; use `a s' to cancel all terms of the quotient. Quotients of negative-looking values are simplified according to `(-a) / (-b)' to `a / b', `(-a) / (b - c)' to `a / (c - b)', and `(a - b) / (-c)' to `(b - a) / c'. The formula `x^0' is simplified to `1', or to `idn(1)' in matrix mode. The formula `0^x' is simplified to `0' unless `x' is a negative number or complex number, in which case the result is an infinity or an unsimplified formula according to the current infinite mode. Note that `0^0' is an indeterminate form, as evidenced by the fact that the simplifications for `x^0' and `0^x' conflict when `x=0'. Powers of products or quotients `(a b)^c', `(a/b)^c' are distributed to `a^c b^c', `a^c / b^c' only if `c' is an integer, or if either `a' or `b' are nonnegative real numbers. Powers of powers `(a^b)^c' are simplified to `a^(b c)' only when `c' is an integer and `b c' also evaluates to an integer. Without these restrictions these simplifications would not be safe because of problems with principal values. (In other words, `((-3)^1:2)^2' is safe to simplify, but `((-3)^2)^1:2' is not.) *Note Declarations::, for ways to inform Calc that your variables satisfy these requirements. As a special case of this rule, `sqrt(x)^n' is simplified to `x^(n/2)' only for even integers `n'. If `a' is known to be real, `b' is an even integer, and `c' is a half- or quarter-integer, then `(a^b)^c' is simplified to `abs(a^(b c))'. Also, `(-a)^b' is simplified to `a^b' if `b' is an even integer, or to `-(a^b)' if `b' is an odd integer, for any negative-looking expression `-a'. Square roots `sqrt(x)' generally act like one-half powers `x^1:2' for the purposes of the above-listed simplifications. Also, note that `1 / x^1:2' is changed to `x^(-1:2)', but `1 / sqrt(x)' is left alone. Generic identity matrices (*note Matrix Mode::.) are simplified by the following rules: `idn(a) + b' to `a + b' if `b' is provably scalar, or expanded out if `b' is a matrix; `idn(a) + idn(b)' to `idn(a + b)'; `-idn(a)' to `idn(-a)'; `a idn(b)' to `idn(a b)' if `a' is provably scalar, or to `a b' if `a' is provably non-scalar; `idn(a) idn(b)' to `idn(a b)'; analogous simplifications for quotients involving `idn'; and `idn(a)^n' to `idn(a^n)' where `n' is an integer. The `floor' function and other integer truncation functions vanish if the argument is provably integer-valued, so that `floor(round(x))' simplifies to `round(x)'. Also, combinations of `float', `floor' and its friends, and `ffloor' and its friends, are simplified in appropriate ways. *Note Integer Truncation::. The expression `abs(-x)' changes to `abs(x)'. The expression `abs(abs(x))' changes to `abs(x)'; in fact, `abs(x)' changes to `x' or `-x' if `x' is provably nonnegative or nonpositive (*note Declarations::.). While most functions do not recognize the variable `i' as an imaginary number, the `arg' function does handle the two cases `arg(i)' and `arg(-i)' just for convenience. The expression `conj(conj(x))' simplifies to `x'. Various other expressions involving `conj', `re', and `im' are simplified, especially if some of the arguments are provably real or involve the constant `i'. For example, `conj(a + b i)' is changed to `conj(a) - conj(b) i', or to `a - b i' if `a' and `b' are known to be real. Functions like `sin' and `arctan' generally don't have any default simplifications beyond simply evaluating the functions for suitable numeric arguments and infinity. The `a s' command described in the next section does provide some simplifications for these functions, though. One important simplification that does occur is that `ln(e)' is simplified to 1, and `ln(e^x)' is simplified to `x' for any `x'. This occurs even if you have stored a different value in the Calc variable `e'; but this would be a bad idea in any case if you were also using natural logarithms! Among the logical functions, !(a <= b) changes to `a > b' and so on. Equations and inequalities where both sides are either negative-looking or zero are simplified by negating both sides and reversing the inequality. While it might seem reasonable to simplify `!!x' to `x', this would not be valid in general because `!!2' is 1, not 2. Most other Calc functions have few if any default simplifications defined, aside of course from evaluation when the arguments are suitable numbers. File:, Node: Algebraic Simplifications, Next: Unsafe Simplifications, Prev: Default Simplifications, Up: Simplifying Formulas Algebraic Simplifications ------------------------- The `a s' command makes simplifications that may be too slow to do all the time, or that may not be desirable all of the time. If you find these simplifications are worthwhile, you can type `m A' to have Calc apply them automatically. This section describes all simplifications that are performed by the `a s' command. Note that these occur in addition to the default simplifications; even if the default simplifications have been turned off by an `m O' command, `a s' will turn them back on temporarily while it simplifies the formula. There is a variable, `AlgSimpRules', in which you can put rewrites to be applied by `a s'. Its use is analogous to `EvalRules', but without the special restrictions. Basically, the simplifier does `a r AlgSimpRules' with an infinite repeat count on the whole expression being simplified, then it traverses the expression applying the built-in rules described below. If the result is different from the original expression, the process repeats with the default simplifications (including `EvalRules'), then `AlgSimpRules', then the built-in simplifications, and so on. Sums are simplified in two ways. Constant terms are commuted to the end of the sum, so that `a + 2 + b' changes to `a + b + 2'. The only exception is that a constant will not be commuted away from the first position of a difference, i.e., `2 - x' is not commuted to `-x + 2'. Also, terms of sums are combined by the distributive law, as in `x + y + 2 x' to `y + 3 x'. This always occurs for adjacent terms, but `a s' compares all pairs of terms including non-adjacent ones. Products are sorted into a canonical order using the commutative law. For example, `b c a' is commuted to `a b c'. This allows easier comparison of products; for example, the default simplifications will not change `x y + y x' to `2 x y', but `a s' will; it first rewrites the sum to `x y + x y', and then the default simplifications are able to recognize a sum of identical terms. The canonical ordering used to sort terms of products has the property that real-valued numbers, interval forms and infinities come first, and are sorted into increasing order. The `V S' command uses the same ordering when sorting a vector. Sorting of terms of products is inhibited when matrix mode is turned on; in this case, Calc will never exchange the order of two terms unless it knows at least one of the terms is a scalar. Products of powers are distributed by comparing all pairs of terms, using the same method that the default simplifications use for adjacent terms of products. Even though sums are not sorted, the commutative law is still taken into account when terms of a product are being compared. Thus `(x + y) (y + x)' will be simplified to `(x + y)^2'. A subtle point is that `(x - y) (y - x)' will *not* be simplified to `-(x - y)^2'; Calc does not notice that one term can be written as a constant times the other, even if that constant is -1. A fraction times any expression, `(a:b) x', is changed to a quotient involving integers: `a x / b'. This is not done for floating-point numbers like `0.5', however. This is one reason why you may find it convenient to turn Fraction mode on while doing algebra; *note Fraction Mode::.. Quotients are simplified by comparing all terms in the numerator with all terms in the denominator for possible cancellation using the distributive law. For example, `a x^2 b / c x^3 d' will cancel `x^2' from both sides to get `a b / c x d'. (The terms in the denominator will then be rearranged to `c d x' as described above.) If there is any common integer or fractional factor in the numerator and denominator, it is cancelled out; for example, `(4 x + 6) / 8 x' simplifies to `(2 x + 3) / 4 x'. Non-constant common factors are not found even by `a s'. To cancel the factor `a' in `(a x + a) / a^2' you could first use `j M' on the product `a x' to Merge the numerator to `a (1+x)', which can then be simplified successfully. Integer powers of the variable `i' are simplified according to the identity `i^2 = -1'. If you store a new value other than the complex number `(0,1)' in `i', this simplification will no longer occur. This is done by `a s' instead of by default in case someone (unwisely) uses the name `i' for a variable unrelated to complex numbers; it would be unfortunate if Calc quietly and automatically changed this formula for reasons the user might not have been thinking of. Square roots of integer or rational arguments are simplified in several ways. (Note that these will be left unevaluated only in Symbolic mode.) First, square integer or rational factors are pulled out so that `sqrt(8)' is rewritten as `2 sqrt(2)'. Conceptually speaking this implies factoring the argument into primes and moving pairs of primes out of the square root, but for reasons of efficiency Calc only looks for primes up to 29. Square roots in the denominator of a quotient are moved to the numerator: `1 / sqrt(3)' changes to `sqrt(3) / 3'. The same effect occurs for the square root of a fraction: `sqrt(2:3)' changes to `sqrt(6) / 3'. The `%' (modulo) operator is simplified in several ways when the modulus `M' is a positive real number. First, if the argument is of the form `x + n' for some real number `n', then `n' is itself reduced modulo `M'. For example, `(x - 23) % 10' is simplified to `(x + 7) % If the argument is multiplied by a constant, and this constant has a common integer divisor with the modulus, then this factor is cancelled out. For example, `12 x % 15' is changed to `3 (4 x % 5)' by factoring out 3. Also, `(12 x + 1) % 15' is changed to `3 ((4 x + 1:3) % 5)'. While these forms may not seem "simpler," they allow Calc to discover useful information about modulo forms in the presence of declarations. If the modulus is 1, then Calc can use `int' declarations to evaluate the expression. For example, the idiom `x % 2' is often used to check whether a number is odd or even. As described above, `2 n % 2' and `(2 n + 1) % 2' are simplified to `2 (n % 1)' and `2 ((n + 1:2) % 1)', respectively; Calc can simplify these to 0 and 1 (respectively) if `n' has been declared to be an integer. Trigonometric functions are simplified in several ways. First, `sin(arcsin(x))' is simplified to `x', and similarly for `cos' and `tan'. If the argument to `sin' is negative-looking, it is simplified to `-sin(x)', and similarly for `cos' and `tan'. Finally, certain special values of the argument are recognized; *note Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions::.. Trigonometric functions of inverses of different trigonometric functions can also be simplified, as in `sin(arccos(x))' to `sqrt(1 - x^2)'. Hyperbolic functions of their inverses and of negative-looking arguments are also handled, as are exponentials of inverse hyperbolic functions. No simplifications for inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions are known, except for negative arguments of `arcsin', `arctan', `arcsinh', and `arctanh'. Note that `arcsin(sin(x))' can *not* safely change to `x', since this only correct within an integer multiple of `2 pi' radians or 360 degrees. However, `arcsinh(sinh(x))' is simplified to `x' if `x' is known to be real. Several simplifications that apply to logarithms and exponentials are that `exp(ln(x))', `e^ln(x)', and `10^log10(x)' all reduce to `x'. Also, `ln(exp(x))', etc., can reduce to `x' if `x' is provably real. The form `exp(x)^y' is simplified to `exp(x y)'. If `x' is a suitable multiple of `pi i' (as described above for the trigonometric functions), then `exp(x)' or `e^x' will be expanded. Finally, `ln(x)' is simplified to a form involving `pi' and `i' where `x' is provably negative, positive imaginary, or negative imaginary. The error functions `erf' and `erfc' are simplified when their arguments are negative-looking or are calls to the `conj' function. Equations and inequalities are simplified by cancelling factors of products, quotients, or sums on both sides. Inequalities change sign if a negative multiplicative factor is cancelled. Non-constant multiplicative factors as in `a b = a c' are cancelled from equations only if they are provably nonzero (generally because they were declared so; *note Declarations::.). Factors are cancelled from inequalities only if they are nonzero and their sign is known. Simplification also replaces an equation or inequality with 1 or 0 ("true" or "false") if it can through the use of declarations. If `x' is declared to be an integer greater than 5, then `x < 3', `x = 3', and `x = 7.5' are all simplified to 0, but `x > 3' is simplified to 1. By a similar analysis, `abs(x) >= 0' is simplified to 1, as is `x^2 >= 0' if `x' is known to be real. File:, Node: Unsafe Simplifications, Next: Simplification of Units, Prev: Algebraic Simplifications, Up: Simplifying Formulas "Unsafe" Simplifications ------------------------ The `a e' (`calc-simplify-extended') [`esimplify'] command is like `a s' except that it applies some additional simplifications which are not "safe" in all cases. Use this only if you know the values in your formula lie in the restricted ranges for which these simplifications are valid. The symbolic integrator uses `a e'; one effect of this is that the integrator's results must be used with caution. Where an integral table will often attach conditions like "for positive `a' only," Calc (like most other symbolic integration programs) will simply produce an unqualified result. Because `a e''s simplifications are unsafe, it is sometimes better to type `C-u -3 a v', which does extended simplification only on the top level of the formula without affecting the sub-formulas. In fact, `C-u -3 j v' allows you to target extended simplification to any specific part of a formula. The variable `ExtSimpRules' contains rewrites to be applied by the `a e' command. These are applied in addition to `EvalRules' and `AlgSimpRules'. (The `a r AlgSimpRules' step described above is simply followed by an `a r ExtSimpRules' step.) Following is a complete list of "unsafe" simplifications performed by `a e'. Inverse trigonometric or hyperbolic functions, called with their corresponding non-inverse functions as arguments, are simplified by `a e'. For example, `arcsin(sin(x))' changes to `x'. Also, `arcsin(cos(x))' and `arccos(sin(x))' both change to `pi/2 - x'. These simplifications are unsafe because they are valid only for values of `x' in a certain range; outside that range, values are folded down to the 360-degree range that the inverse trigonometric functions always produce. Powers of powers `(x^a)^b' are simplified to `x^(a b)' for all `a' and `b'. These results will be valid only in a restricted range of `x'; for example, in `(x^2)^1:2' the powers cancel to get `x', which is valid for positive values of `x' but not for negative or complex values. Similarly, `sqrt(x^a)' and `sqrt(x)^a' are both simplified (possibly unsafely) to `x^(a/2)'. Forms like `sqrt(1 - sin(x)^2)' are simplified to, e.g., `cos(x)'. Calc has identities of this sort for `sin', `cos', `tan', `sinh', and `cosh'. Arguments of square roots are partially factored to look for squared terms that can be extracted. For example, `sqrt(a^2 b^3 + a^3 b^2)' simplifies to `a b sqrt(a+b)'. The simplifications of `ln(exp(x))', `ln(e^x)', and `log10(10^x)' to `x' are also unsafe because of problems with principal values (although these simplifications are safe if `x' is known to be real). Common factors are cancelled from products on both sides of an equation, even if those factors may be zero: `a x / b x' to `a / b'. Such factors are never cancelled from inequalities: Even `a e' is not bold enough to reduce `a x < b x' to `a < b' (or `a > b', depending on whether you believe `x' is positive or negative). The `a M /' command can be used to divide a factor out of both sides of an inequality. File:, Node: Simplification of Units, Prev: Unsafe Simplifications, Up: Simplifying Formulas Simplification of Units ----------------------- The simplifications described in this section are applied by the `u s' (`calc-simplify-units') command. These are in addition to the regular `a s' (but not `a e') simplifications described earlier. *Note Basic Operations on Units::. The variable `UnitSimpRules' contains rewrites to be applied by the `u s' command. These are applied in addition to `EvalRules' and `AlgSimpRules'. Scalar mode is automatically put into effect when simplifying units. *Note Matrix Mode::. Sums `a + b' involving units are simplified by extracting the units of `a' as if by the `u x' command (call the result `u_a'), then simplifying the expression `b / u_a' using `u b' and `u s'. If the result has units then the sum is inconsistent and is left alone. Otherwise, it is rewritten in terms of the units `u_a'. If units auto-ranging mode is enabled, products or quotients in which the first argument is a number which is out of range for the leading unit are modified accordingly. When cancelling and combining units in products and quotients, Calc accounts for unit names that differ only in the prefix letter. For example, `2 km m' is simplified to `2000 m^2'. However, compatible but different units like `ft' and `in' are not combined in this way. Quotients `a / b' are simplified in three additional ways. First, if `b' is a number or a product beginning with a number, Calc computes the reciprocal of this number and moves it to the numerator. Second, for each pair of unit names from the numerator and denominator of a quotient, if the units are compatible (e.g., they are both units of area) then they are replaced by the ratio between those units. For example, in `3 s in N / kg cm' the units `in / cm' will be replaced by `2.54'. Third, if the units in the quotient exactly cancel out, so that a `u b' command on the quotient would produce a dimensionless number for an answer, then the quotient simplifies to that number. For powers and square roots, the "unsafe" simplifications `(a b)^c' to `a^c b^c', `(a/b)^c' to `a^c / b^c', and `(a^b)^c' to `a^(b c)' are done if the powers are real numbers. (These are safe in the context of units because all numbers involved can reasonably be assumed to be real.) Also, if a unit name is raised to a fractional power, and the base units in that unit name all occur to powers which are a multiple of the denominator of the power, then the unit name is expanded out into its base units, which can then be simplified according to the previous paragraph. For example, `acre^1.5' is simplified by noting that `1.5 = 3:2', that `acre' is defined in terms of `m^2', and that the 2 in the power of `m' is a multiple of 2 in `3:2'. Thus, `acre^1.5' is replaced by approximately `(4046 m^2)^1.5', which is then changed to `4046^1.5 (m^2)^1.5', then to `257440 m^3'. The functions `float', `frac', `clean', `abs', as well as `floor' and the other integer truncation functions, applied to unit names or products or quotients involving units, are simplified. For example, `round(1.6 in)' is changed to `round(1.6) round(in)'; the lefthand term evaluates to 2, and the righthand term simplifies to `in'. The functions `sin', `cos', and `tan' with arguments that have angular units like `rad' or `arcmin' are simplified by converting to base units (radians), then evaluating with the angular mode temporarily set to radians. File:, Node: Polynomials, Next: Calculus, Prev: Simplifying Formulas, Up: Algebra Polynomials =========== A "polynomial" is a sum of terms which are coefficients times various powers of a "base" variable. For example, `2 x^2 + 3 x - 4' is a polynomial in `x'. Some formulas can be considered polynomials in several different variables: `1 + 2 x + 3 y + 4 x y^2' is a polynomial in both `x' and `y'. Polynomial coefficients are often numbers, but they may in general be any formulas not involving the base variable. The `a f' (`calc-factor') [`factor'] command factors a polynomial into a product of terms. For example, the polynomial `x^3 + 2 x^2 + x' is factored into `x*(x+1)^2'. As another example, `a c + b d + b c + a d' is factored into the product `(a + b) (c + d)'. Calc currently has three algorithms for factoring. Formulas which are linear in several variables, such as the second example above, are merged according to the distributive law. Formulas which are polynomials in a single variable, with constant integer or fractional coefficients, are factored into irreducible linear and/or quadratic terms. The first example above factors into three linear terms (`x', `x+1', and `x+1' again). Finally, formulas which do not fit the above criteria are handled by the algebraic rewrite mechanism. Calc's polynomial factorization algorithm works by using the general root-finding command (`a P') to solve for the roots of the polynomial. It then looks for roots which are rational numbers or complex-conjugate pairs, and converts these into linear and quadratic terms, respectively. Because it uses floating-point arithmetic, it may be unable to find terms that involve large integers (whose number of digits approaches the current precision). Also, irreducible factors of degree higher than quadratic are not found, and polynomials in more than one variable are not treated. (A more robust factorization algorithm may be included in a future version of Calc.) The rewrite-based factorization method uses rules stored in the variable `FactorRules'. *Note Rewrite Rules::, for a discussion of the operation of rewrite rules. The default `FactorRules' are able to factor quadratic forms symbolically into two linear terms, `(a x + b) (c x + d)'. You can edit these rules to include other cases if you wish. To use the rules, Calc builds the formula `thecoefs(x, [a, b, c, ...])' where `x' is the polynomial base variable and `a', `b', etc., are polynomial coefficients (which may be numbers or formulas). The constant term is written first, i.e., in the `a' position. When the rules complete, they should have changed the formula into the form `thefactors(x, [f1, f2, f3, ...])' where each `fi' should be a factored term, e.g., `x - ai'. Calc then multiplies these terms together to get the complete factored form of the polynomial. If the rules do not change the `thecoefs' call to a `thefactors' call, `a f' leaves the polynomial alone on the assumption that it is unfactorable. (Note that the function names `thecoefs' and `thefactors' are used only as placeholders; there are no actual Calc functions by those names.) The `H a f' [`factors'] command also factors a polynomial, but it returns a list of factors instead of an expression which is the product of the factors. Each factor is represented by a sub-vector of the factor, and the power with which it appears. For example, `x^5 + x^4 - 33 x^3 + 63 x^2' factors to `(x + 7) x^2 (x - 3)^2' in `a f', or to `[ [x, 2], [x+7, 1], [x-3, 2] ]' in `H a f'. If there is an overall numeric factor, it always comes first in the list. The functions `factor' and `factors' allow a second argument when written in algebraic form; `factor(x,v)' factors `x' with respect to the specific variable `v'. The default is to factor with respect to all the variables that appear in `x'. The `a c' (`calc-collect') [`collect'] command rearranges a formula as a polynomial in a given variable, ordered in decreasing powers of that variable. For example, given `1 + 2 x + 3 y + 4 x y^2' on the stack, `a c x' would produce `(2 + 4 y^2) x + (1 + 3 y)', and `a c y' would produce `(4 x) y^2 + 3 y + (1 + 2 x)'. The polynomial will be expanded out using the distributive law as necessary: Collecting `x' in `(x - 1)^3' produces `x^3 - 3 x^2 + 3 x - 1'. Terms not involving `x' will not be expanded. The "variable" you specify at the prompt can actually be any expression: `a c ln(x+1)' will collect together all terms multiplied by `ln(x+1)' or integer powers thereof. If `x' also appears in the formula in a context other than `ln(x+1)', `a c' will treat those occurrences as unrelated to `ln(x+1)', i.e., as constants. The `a x' (`calc-expand') [`expand'] command expands an expression by applying the distributive law everywhere. It applies to products, quotients, and powers involving sums. By default, it fully distributes all parts of the expression. With a numeric prefix argument, the distributive law is applied only the specified number of times, then the partially expanded expression is left on the stack. The `a x' and `j D' commands are somewhat redundant. Use `a x' if you want to expand all products of sums in your formula. Use `j D' if you want to expand a particular specified term of the formula. There is an exactly analogous correspondence between `a f' and `j M'. (The `j D' and `j M' commands also know many other kinds of expansions, such as `exp(a + b) = exp(a) exp(b)', which `a x' and `a f' do not do.) Calc's automatic simplifications will sometimes reverse a partial expansion. For example, the first step in expanding `(x+1)^3' is to write `(x+1) (x+1)^2'. If `a x' stops there and tries to put this formula onto the stack, though, Calc will automatically simplify it back to `(x+1)^3' form. The solution is to turn simplification off first (*note Simplification Modes::.), or to run `a x' without a numeric prefix argument so that it expands all the way in one step. The `a a' (`calc-apart') [`apart'] command expands a rational function by partial fractions. A rational function is the quotient of two polynomials; `apart' pulls this apart into a sum of rational functions with simple denominators. In algebraic notation, the `apart' function allows a second argument that specifies which variable to use as the "base"; by default, Calc chooses the base variable automatically. The `a n' (`calc-normalize-rat') [`nrat'] command attempts to arrange a formula into a quotient of two polynomials. For example, given `1 + (a + b/c) / d', the result would be `(b + a c + c d) / c d'. The quotient is reduced, so that `a n' will simplify `(x^2 + 2x + 1) / (x^2 - 1)' by dividing out the common factor `x + 1', yielding `(x + 1) / (x - 1)'. The `a \' (`calc-poly-div') [`pdiv'] command divides two polynomials `u' and `v', yielding a new polynomial `q'. If several variables occur in the inputs, the inputs are considered multivariate polynomials. (Calc divides by the variable with the largest power in `u' first, or, in the case of equal powers, chooses the variables in alphabetical order.) For example, dividing `x^2 + 3 x + 2' by `x + 2' yields `x + 1'. The remainder from the division, if any, is reported at the bottom of the screen and is also placed in the Trail along with the quotient. Using `pdiv' in algebraic notation, you can specify the particular variable to be used as the base: `pdiv(a,b,x)'. If `pdiv' is given only two arguments (as is always the case with the `a \' command), then it does a multivariate division as outlined above. The `a %' (`calc-poly-rem') [`prem'] command divides two polynomials and keeps the remainder `r'. The quotient `q' is discarded. For any formulas `a' and `b', the results of `a \' and `a %' satisfy `a = q b + r'. (This is analogous to plain `\' and `%', which compute the integer quotient and remainder from dividing two numbers.) The `a /' (`calc-poly-div-rem') [`pdivrem'] command divides two polynomials and reports both the quotient and the remainder as a vector `[q, r]'. The `H a /' [`pdivide'] command divides two polynomials and constructs the formula `q + r/b' on the stack. (Naturally if the remainder is zero, this will immediately simplify to `q'.) The `a g' (`calc-poly-gcd') [`pgcd'] command computes the greatest common divisor of two polynomials. (The GCD actually is unique only to within a constant multiplier; Calc attempts to choose a GCD which will be unsurprising.) For example, the `a n' command uses `a g' to take the GCD of the numerator and denominator of a quotient, then divides each by the result using `a \'. (The definition of GCD ensures that this division can take place without leaving a remainder.) While the polynomials used in operations like `a /' and `a g' often have integer coefficients, this is not required. Calc can also deal with polynomials over the rationals or floating-point reals. Polynomials with modulo-form coefficients are also useful in many applications; if you enter `(x^2 + 3 x - 1) mod 5', Calc automatically transforms this into a polynomial over the field of integers mod 5: `(1 mod 5) x^2 + (3 mod 5) x + (4 mod 5)'. Congratulations and thanks go to Ove Ewerlid (`ewerlid@mizar.DoCS.UU.SE'), who contributed many of the polynomial routines used in the above commands. *Note Decomposing Polynomials::, for several useful functions for extracting the individual coefficients of a polynomial. File:, Node: Calculus, Next: Solving Equations, Prev: Polynomials, Up: Algebra Calculus ======== The following calculus commands do not automatically simplify their inputs or outputs using `calc-simplify'. You may find it helps to do this by hand by typing `a s' or `a e'. It may also help to use `a x' and/or `a c' to arrange a result in the most readable way. * Menu: * Differentiation:: * Integration:: * Customizing the Integrator:: * Numerical Integration:: * Taylor Series:: File:, Node: Differentiation, Next: Integration, Prev: Calculus, Up: Calculus Differentiation --------------- The `a d' (`calc-derivative') [`deriv'] command computes the derivative of the expression on the top of the stack with respect to some variable, which it will prompt you to enter. Normally, variables in the formula other than the specified differentiation variable are considered constant, i.e., `deriv(y,x)' is reduced to zero. With the Hyperbolic flag, the `tderiv' (total derivative) operation is used instead, in which derivatives of variables are not reduced to zero unless those variables are known to be "constant," i.e., independent of any other variables. (The built-in special variables like `pi' are considered constant, as are variables that have been declared `const'; *note Declarations::..) With a numeric prefix argument N, this command computes the Nth derivative. When working with trigonometric functions, it is best to switch to radians mode first (with `m r'). The derivative of `sin(x)' in degrees is `(pi/180) cos(x)', probably not the expected answer! If you use the `deriv' function directly in an algebraic formula, you can write `deriv(f,x,x0)' which represents the derivative of `f' with respect to `x', evaluated at the point `x=x0'. If the formula being differentiated contains functions which Calc does not know, the derivatives of those functions are produced by adding primes (apostrophe characters). For example, `deriv(f(2x), x)' produces `2 f'(2 x)', where the function `f'' represents the derivative of `f'. For functions you have defined with the `Z F' command, Calc expands the functions according to their defining formulas unless you have also defined `f'' suitably. For example, suppose we define `sinc(x) = sin(x)/x' using `Z F'. If we then differentiate the formula `sinc(2 x)', the formula will be expanded to `sin(2 x) / (2 x)' and differentiated. However, if we also define `sinc'(x) = dsinc(x)', say, then Calc will write the result as `2 dsinc(2 x)'. *Note Algebraic Definitions::. For multi-argument functions `f(x,y,z)', the derivative with respect to the first argument is written `f'(x,y,z)'; derivatives with respect to the other arguments are `f'2(x,y,z)' and `f'3(x,y,z)'. Various higher-order derivatives can be formed in the obvious way, e.g., `f''(x)' (the second derivative of `f') or `f''2'3(x,y,z)' (`f' differentiated with respect to each argument once). File:, Node: Integration, Next: Customizing the Integrator, Prev: Differentiation, Up: Calculus Integration ----------- The `a i' (`calc-integral') [`integ'] command computes the indefinite integral of the expression on the top of the stack with respect to a variable. The integrator is not guaranteed to work for all integrable functions, but it is able to integrate several large classes of formulas. In particular, any polynomial or rational function (a polynomial divided by a polynomial) is acceptable. (Rational functions don't have to be in explicit quotient form, however; `x/(1+x^-2)' is not strictly a quotient of polynomials, but it is equivalent to `x^3/(x^2+1)', which is.) Also, square roots of terms involving `x' and `x^2' may appear in rational functions being integrated. Finally, rational functions involving trigonometric or hyperbolic functions can be integrated. If you use the `integ' function directly in an algebraic formula, you can also write `integ(f,x,v)' which expresses the resulting indefinite integral in terms of variable `v' instead of `x'. With four arguments, `integ(f(x),x,a,b)' represents a definite integral from `a' to `b'. Please note that the current implementation of Calc's integrator sometimes produces results that are significantly more complex than they need to be. For example, the integral Calc finds for `1/(x+sqrt(x^2+1))' is several times more complicated than the answer Mathematica returns for the same input, although the two forms are numerically equivalent. Also, any indefinite integral should be considered to have an arbitrary constant of integration added to it, although Calc does not write an explicit constant of integration in its result. For example, Calc's solution for `1/(1+tan(x))' differs from the solution given in the *CRC Math Tables* by a constant factor of `pi i / 2', due to a different choice of constant of integration. The Calculator remembers all the integrals it has done. If conditions change in a way that would invalidate the old integrals, say, a switch from degrees to radians mode, then they will be thrown out. If you suspect this is not happening when it should, use the `calc-flush-caches' command; *note Caches::.. Calc normally will pursue integration by substitution or integration by parts up to 3 nested times before abandoning an approach as fruitless. If the integrator is taking too long, you can lower this limit by storing a number (like 2) in the variable `IntegLimit'. (The `s I' command is a convenient way to edit `IntegLimit'.) If this variable has no stored value or does not contain a nonnegative integer, a limit of 3 is used. The lower this limit is, the greater the chance that Calc will be unable to integrate a function it could otherwise handle. Raising this limit allows the Calculator to solve more integrals, though the time it takes may grow exponentially. You can monitor the integrator's actions by creating an Emacs buffer called `*Trace*'. If such a buffer exists, the `a i' command will write a log of its actions there. If you want to manipulate integrals in a purely symbolic way, you can set the integration nesting limit to 0 to prevent all but fast table-lookup solutions of integrals. You might then wish to define rewrite rules for integration by parts, various kinds of substitutions, and so on. *Note Rewrite Rules::.