Some samples

Here is an example of PostScript figure inside text. The figure is ` =9pt \epsffile{coil.eps}'; another figure is your `golfer.eps'.
\epsfysize = 10cm

\begin{figure}\centering\epsfysize = 10cm

We may also specify a bounding box to isolate a part of a picture (acting as a viewport). For instance:

\epsfysize = 10cm
\fbox{\epsffile[250 530 350 630]{golfer.eps}}

\begin{figure}\centering\epsfysize = 10cm\epsfclipon
\fbox{\epsffile[250 530 350 630]{golfer.eps}}

We may have rotated pictures. For instance:

\put(0,0){\special{psfile=golfer.eps llx=250 lly=530 urx=350 ury=630 %
rwi=1984 hoffset=99.2 voffset=271.02 angle=240 clip}}

...wi=1984 hoffset=99.2 voffset=271.02 angle=240 clip}}

Here is an example of four IFF picture having the same name, i.e. ``AmigaWorld.pic''; note that every picture may have its own dumped file.

... hsize=7cm vsize=4.375cm mode=hexagon}}

The example above was produced with

{\special{ifffile=AmigaWorld.pic hsize=7cm vsize=4.375cm mode=ordered}}
{\special{ifffile=AmigaWorld.pic hsize=7cm vsize=4.375cm mode=ordered %
{\special{ifffile=AmigaWorld.pic hsize=7cm vsize=4.375cm mode=fs}}
{\special{ifffile=AmigaWorld.pic hsize=7cm vsize=4.375cm mode=hexagon}}

Here is the PostScript picture of page 1, breaked into six small pictures.

...\epsfxsize=3.5cm\epsffile[292 31 577 263]{golfer.eps}}

The pictures above are obtained with:

\fbox{\sz\epsffile[7 495 292 726]{golfer.eps}}
&\fbox{\sz\epsffile[292 495 577 726]{golfer.eps}}\\[0.5cm]
\fbox{\sz\epsffile[7 263 292 495]{golfer.eps}}
&\fbox{\sz\epsffile[292 263 577 495]{golfer.eps}}\\[0.5cm]
\fbox{\sz\epsffile[7 31 292 263]{golfer.eps}}
&\fbox{\sz\epsffile[292 31 577 263]{golfer.eps}}

Now complete this puzzle...

...n\epsfxsize=3.5cm\epsffile[7 495 292 726]{golfer.eps}}

We may have also picture with unknown size or wrong Bounding Box (a size of 8×11" will be used instead). For example:

