ARexx scripts

There are also a number of ARexx scripts available, which sort of emulate a ``TEX-shell''. These scripts are: 12345 texedit.rexx This script is called by TEX and displays the spot where the error occurred in the TEX-Files in CygnusEd[*] Professional 2. start_tex.rexx This script is the central TEX-shell script. This should be started in a CLI with rx start_tex. As all ARexx scripts with the extension sd this is called from the previewer ShowDVI. It searches for the port of the start_tex.rexx script and prompts it to recompile the file which is currently shown in the previewer. start_tex.ced The equivalent for the script. Only that this one is called from CED. With calling this script from the previewer, the script start_tex.rexx closes its port and ends itself. quit_tex.ced Again, the equivalent for above. Only that this one is called from CED. callmf.rexx This script is only interesting in conjunction with Metafont. When the variable CALLMF contains ``callmf'', and the drivers cannot find a font, then this script is called, so that this font can be generated. Up till now, however, this script is just a test version! With this script you can bring the editor CED to the front from ShowDVI. sdvitofront.ced This script brings the previewer from editor to the front.