The commands

At this moment, the program has next commands to its disposal: <#216#>setresolution dpi <#216#> <#217#>first<#217#> go to the fist page <#218#>last<#218#> go to the last page <#219#>prev [nr]<#219#> go back <#220#>nr<#220#> pages, or if <#221#>nr<#221#> is missing, to the previous page <#222#>next [nr]<#222#> go forward <#223#>nr<#223#> pages, or if <#224#>nr<#224#> is missing, to the next page <#225#>goto nr<#225#> go to page number <#226#>nr<#226#> <#227#>tofront<#227#> screen to the front <#228#>toback<#228#> screen to the background <#229#>wbtofront<#229#> workbench screen to the front <#230#>screen<#230#> display the hexadecimal address of the sreen <#231#>fullpage<#231#> change to display in the full page mode <#232#>printpage<#232#> print the current page, or if a printing process is running already, abort it. <#233#>setdir dir<#233#> change current directory to <#234#>dir<#234#> <#235#>loadnew file<#235#> load a new DVI file <#236#>loadagain<#236#> reload the current DVI file <#237#>getdir<#237#> get the current directory name <#238#>getfile<#238#> get the filename of the current DVI file <#239#>getpage<#239#> get the current page number <#240#>togglelace<#240#> change the display mode (lace #math20#↔ hires) <#241#>togglescrollbar<#241#> scrollbar on/off <#242#>setcolor nr r g b<#242#> set the screen color <#243#>nr<#243#> to <#244#>r g b<#244#> <#245#>setresolution dpi<#245#> set the current resolution to <#246#>dpi<#246#> <#247#>beep<#247#> abort a DisplayBeep <#248#>message string<#248#> display a message. This will be written on the screen menubar and overwritten after seven seconds. <#249#>refresh<#249#> screen refresh (switches off the fullpage mode) <#250#>spawn procedure<#250#> interpret <#251#><#251#> <#252#>version<#252#> returns the version string <#253#>saveconfig<#253#> save the current configuration <#254#>exit<#254#> end ShowDVI<#255#><#255#>

The output of commands like <#256#>getfile<#256#> or <#257#>getpage<#257#> are at <#258#>options results<#258#> set, transferred to the <#259#>result<#259#> variable

Should important commands in the present implementation of the ARexx port not be present, you should contact me. In case they seem meaningful, I will gladly implement them.

If you possess the commercial AmigaTEXversion: The few ARexx commands present in its previewer are implemented in mine too. These are: <#260#>getcwd<#260#> (equals <#261#>getdir<#261#>), <#262#>filename<#262#> (= <#263#>getfile<#263#>) and <#264#>pagenum<#264#> (= <#265#>getpage<#265#>). <#266#>screen<#266#> and <#267#>exit<#267#> are present anyway.