!It's time to join hands together!

We live in an era amazingly full of changes - walls collapse, borders
vanish, peace conferences gather, oppressed peoples go free. Everything
happens so fast, you can't imagine today what the world will look like

You, an Amiga fan, who chose a computer with a vision, deserve a word 
processor that matches the spirit of our age: Rashumon.

Rashumon is the first and only multilingual word processor for the Amiga. 
Languages of different directions like Greek, Arabic, English and Hebrew 
can be combined in one document, so that the logical order of the
sentences is maintained

Rashumon is a full featured graphic word processor. It supports multiple 
fonts (up to 99 pixels high), including proportional spacing (up to 256 
pixels wide).

Rashumon specializes in options, the kind you've probably found yourself 
wondering why on earth other word processors don't have. How about being 
able to highlight separate parts of text in your document, and manipulate
them all? Or search for the word "Strawberry" colored in red (ignoring all 
the blue and the pink strawberries...) then replace it with "Lemon" in bold 

Rashumon offers you IFF import and export. When you load an IFF brush, you 
are able to move it around with the mouse, and really watch it move! In real 

If you wish to save the entire document in IFF format, Rashumon will 
automatically generate a separate file for each page.

Unlike so many other graphic word processors, Rashumon excels as a text 
editor. It has ultra high editing and scrolling speed. Furthermore, you 
can customize it to work in monochrome mode, which even doubles the speed 
(the shift to and from monochrome will not interfere with your color 
assignment of the text, so you can still print colorful documents). Rashumon 
enables you to import and export ASCII files (including PC format). It
has in store a variety of functions for handling strings: upper to lower 
case and vice-versa, reversing, blanks, reduction, etc.

Rashumon comes with a detailed, thorough user manual, but you wouldn't need 
it... Just load user-friendly Rashumon, and follow your imagination.

When you combine Rashumons graphic characteristics with its speedy text editor 
abilities, along  with the multilingual features, you get a most powerful 
(yet easy to use) tool for the creative mind.

	(C) HarmonySoft, 
	69 Jabotinsky st. 
	Givatayim 53319 ISRAEL

	Tel/Fax: +972-3-315-967

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